Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

i only like it cuz i prefer petite women, literally no other reason.

these ppl can’t distinguish fiction and reality so it sickens them to no end just because they think of how it would be perceived if it was real. theres plenty of stuff on this site i don’t like but i don’t make a stink about it because i don’t care what other ppl watch. people who do need to mind their own business.

but lets stop talking about it. this isn’t why it was banned. not because of it being objectionable not even because the mods dislike the content. its only because they don’t want to deal with legality bullshit. so we should end that discussion here in terms of the morality. and maybe argue about the legality portion and how it could be still shared but not here. for example sharing script only here. and nothing else no previews or content links directly on this site.


yes i agree with this.


Same here!

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thats not what anyone here is doing. lmfao you’re really dense man

Please don’t feed the trolls

Good call. I feel uncomfortable browsing a site where content like this exists.


Still waiting on an actual argument, but i doubt you have one and i suspect your comments are just going to keep getting muted from now on until you decide to actually make an argument and not just grandstand on your perceived moral highground. If you have an actual argument i’d love to hear it like i said before.


I’m not going to have an intellectually dishonest debate about the morality of characters being depicted as children in sexual situations.

If you feel strongly about wanting to see/interact with that content for your pleasure, you can now do so elsewhere.

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intellectual dishonesty
“the morality of cartoon porn”

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There is no actual argument. Just vibes about drawings somehow rising to the level of unethical if it depicts X or Y. Crazy line of thinking that is sadly unsurprising.

But whether or not its ethical doesn’t really matter to the context of the thread. I’m more concerned about a ton of work (that itself doesn’t fit the criteria) seemingly getting deleted. I guess we need a thread pointing users towards HMV Mania’s forums somewhere prominent instead.


This is your final reminder to stay on topic.



Wow, this really blew up. Don’t have the time or desire to go through all the responses, but I do see a lot of complaining about this.

While I feel that comparisons to Nazis and 1984 are way overboard, I do encourage individuals that feel strongly about this to turn their complaints into actions and build their own site/community for Loli stuff. ES is not a public or government run company and the mods are going to act in ways that they feel are best for the community that they envision. If this doesn’t include you - take action. That’s part of the beauty of the digital age that we’re in. There is NOTHING stopping you from building a Loli-focused script site. There is no reason for ES to be the “amazon” of funscripts. People traverse tons of porn sites to find what they want, there is no reason why there can’t be multiple funscript sites.

I feel like it’s a theme that I’ve hit on many times here - if you feel strongly enough about something, get off your butt and do it. Appreciate ES for what it is - it has flaws, questionable decisions, etc., but it does remain a completely unique, delightful, and interesting place. Saying that it’s become the fourth Reich is not going to get you anywhere.


That’s already been taken into account. There are examples out there where they supposedly used the community standards of 4chan of all places to determine whether something could be considered obscene, prurient, etc given the worst case scenario of the “asshole of the internet.”

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Could we expect more updates about site definition for this type of content in the coming two weeks, and what’ll happen with threads that have a mix of not having it vs. having it, etc?


I had to delete a few posts as they basically escalated to the point of “No U”.
Please do not derail the thread into another endless debate on morality. It’s not helpful.


I agree with free speech. You have every right to complain about and argue whatever point youd like. Just as the people who you disagree with have the right to say so. Thats what free speech is. You think one thing and make your opinions known. If someone says you are wrong thats not a violation if your right to free speech. That is free speech. Nobody is stopping you from speaking your mind.

But a website deciding what content they choose to host on their platform or not is not violating your freedom of speech. They are doing what they believe is best for the site. You dont have to agree with it but you cant claim it as a violation of free speech.