Using E-Stim MP3s for Handy & Other Scriptable Devices?

Hey y’all. Long time listener/wanker, first time caller.

So anyway, I found a new file from one of my favorite creators, NumberOneFan on Milovana, that is a JOI with an included e-stim file from another creator, DigitalParkingLot.

I don’t currently own an e-stim device, but I was wondering if anyone has found a way to generate a Funscript based on the e-stim MP3 that could be used with a supported player? I see that ScriptPlayer has an option to connect to e-stim devices directly, but that’s really all I could find after looking through the settings in ScriptPlayer, Handy Control, and about 25 minutes of Googling.

Thanks in advance for your input, y’all are some of the smartest perverts I’ve ever come across.