Video length tags [poll]

I say yes for future requirements

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I say no due to what I’ve said above of where people are easily not including other details when they make their topics along with the small tag limit. If it didn’t count towards tags used or the limit was higher then I would say relaxed required but never hard required until the details missing stuff becomes less common.

I say +1 to tag limit and make this a relax requirement. Give it some time and see if and how people use the tags.


@hugecat I think it’s time to merge the 2 top options and add +1 to the tag limit to see how it works.

Here is how I would name the tags:

  • len 0-2
  • len 2-5
  • len 5-10
  • len 10-25
  • len 25-60
  • len 60+

“10-25” is average of “10-20” and “10-30” tags and 60+ is an extra tag from the 2nd voted option in the poll. It also works pretty well with some other options (people can search for example for “0-2”, “2-5” and “5-10” tags together if they want “0-10” tag).


added the tags, spaces replaced with - and + with plus due to technical limitation

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