VR Video Resolution and Bitrate Thresholds

TLDR: For owners of Quest 3 (or better) what are your minimum resolution, bitrate, fps,… combinations. Looking for your rules of thumb.

I’m asking this in relation to playing local files as streaming doesn’t really compare. My library is getting too large and I’m looking to purge my library without impunity cause I’ll have hard time deleting content otherwise.

I have some 8k files that look worse than 6k files, 6k files occasionally looking worse than 4k files, etc…and when I look at their corresponding bitrates and/or when they were made, it only sometimes makes sense.

I know studio, lens (especially this), and encoding methods all play a role, just looking for rules of thumb. The original lens used is probably why remasters still don’t often look great too me; can only upscale some much cause the source quality was so poor to begin with.