Vrbangers ivdb.io scripts incomplete?

I tried downloading a few scripts from ivdb.io for vrbangers and there is barely any funscript meta data. It’s not like it’s a sample for just a portion of the video either. Starts at full stroke and is basically flat the entire video. Has anyone else tried any of these scripts and noticed the same result? Is this same issue present for the majority of ivdb.io content or have people had good luck with it? P.S. I’m aware of the free script index on this site, I downloaded a script from there and it worked fine, so that’s why I believe the issue is the source files on ivdb.io. Any input on ivdb.io scripts would be appreciated.

idvb uses script tokens so you won’t see any metadata and the scripts will look like that. The tokens/scripts are downloaded specifically for the device you had connected when you downloaded them and won’t work on any other device.

If my understanding is correct they work by connecting to the Handy database which sends the movements directly to your Handy instead of using the actual script file. You use the script the exact same way you would use any other one, you just can’t see the script if you wanted to examine it.

FYI, the one’s I’ve tried haven’t been very good, obviously your mileage may vary but I don’t think they’re hand crafted, maybe a combination of human and ai made.

Thanks, Charz. As a follow up, do you have to stream these or play through the handy app or play any other certain way? Because I downloaded, entered my Handy key, and tried to play through Whirligig w/ MultiFunScript and it didn’t work. Did the same thing with an actual funscript I downloaded from this site and it worked fine, though performance was iffy for whatever reason (Handy wouldn’t follow meta data well, not sure why). I then tried Heresphere and that worked much better for performance, but I actually didn’t try the token file on that app, so perhaps it works since Heresphere is advertised as the recommended player for Handy. I much prefer local for VR video instead of streaming given quality.

I’ve never used MultiFunScript so I have no idea about that. I also haven’t tried any of the VR methods for those token scripts. I used ScriptPlayer for 2D videos with token scripts and that worked the same way as any other script.

Thanks. I just found this article for future others interested. Looks like they tested it with DEOVR and Pigasus. I’m going to try with Hemesphere tomorrow. IVDB Local Video Sync – Handy Setup)

I tried in HereSphere this morning and it worked. Used the IVDB.IO funscript download file just like any other (locate in same directory and same name as video) and it simply just works, easy as could be. I did not try DEOVR or Pigasus, but these appear to work as well based on this article IVDB Local Video Sync – Handy Setup. If future wonderers find this post I recommend trying these players instead of integrating a script player with a video player. The one stop shop is also nice, i.e. being able to adjust script settings and video settings from one application. Note that the IVDB.IO download files are tokens, essentially a key to funscript data, and the applications you use need to know how to work with that. Thanks again Charz for the initial response.

Just keep in mind the downloaded IVDB funscript tokens are tied to your Handy connection key. If that changes, you’ll need to re-download the funscript tokens from IVDB again.

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