VRBangers Video Download Changes (June 2024)

Just a quick PSA that is indirectly related to this site and users, seeing as a fair amount of scripts for VRBangers content exists (and is still ongoing).

As of yesterday, they’ve changed their website to disallow video download through the site. You must now download the Play’a App and download videos through there going forward. They posted an announcement in their forums a little earlier today.


This is crazy, I have a lifetime sub to VRBangers and I’m quite pissed about this. I thought it was just a bug in their website at first…


This is so fucked up. These greedy companies are infuriating. I had been praising VRBangers lately for the quality of their content but locking you to their Play’a app is not acceptable. I don’t think I’ll be renewing when the time comes.


Same on the lifetime. It seems like a material change to the benefits, which should allow us to get refunds. I’m sure they have some weasel words somewhere to prevent this though.

It’s also BS that they advertise 8K video but don’t offer it for streaming on their website. If you want maximum quality you need to use their very mediocre app.

That said, it’s really easy at present to download the video using the Playa app on PC and copy the file somewhere useful. I’m not thrilled that’s now required though.


Which folder are the downloads located by default?

I’ve downloaded a scene but I cannot find it


The default in Windows is
However, you can change this in the app under Settings → General → “Save downloads to”


Got it. Much appreciated.

File name convention goes to shit though. So many extra steps just to get the file. Not to mention that this is gonna cause problems with XBVR and we’ll probably have to match the files manually now.

Retarded dicks, I’m so pissed off.


Wow! So many steps just to download a single video now. Let’s hope they don’t decide to take this download option away as well. Fingers crossed. And I wholeheartedly agree with @Polt … RETARDED DICKS!!!


Any ideas as to how to extract the download link? Another problem of this is that I cannot use a download manager (which usually allows for full bandwidth downloads)


You can also download the files in the Quest app and then copy it somewhere else if you don’t use Play’a on PC. It’s available under Android/data/com.swearl.playa/files/downloads/SharedDownloads/vrbangers.com/
But similarly the file isn’t correctly named.
And there’s no telling if they’re not going to make it harder/impossible in the future.


I suspect the downloads are facilitated by an API on VRBangers end. Depending how that is implemented it may be possible to emulate Playa and download files independent of the app. I don’t know of a tool that does it today however.


Yeah, you bet that’s where they’re going with this, only streaming. Let’s hope the backlash is strong enough to reverse the decision, but I highly doubt it.

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VRConk still allow downloads. Just tried, however, the servers are extremely slow, which is pretty normal for them. Also why I use a separate downloading prog.
If this turns out to be, as suggested, a switch to streaming, both my subs will not be renewed.

If you are a current subscriber or Lifetime member I highly suggest voicing your concerns, opinions, enragement to the breach of contract over at the community forum. The only way to get them to reconsider is to show them how this affects their customers and our willingness to continue being one. Majority of lifetime and monthly subscribers are asking for a refund and contacting their billing processor.


They used to be my favorite VR site. Then they started making 1 video/week. Now, this? Was just about to resubscribe. Guess you can still pull them off partner sites like vrporn (for now). Stop DRMing my wank.


Post about it on Twitter and tag Vrbangers, let the other customers know what’s going down so this spreads. Let the talent know we won’t be watching the content they make for VrBangers/Conk/Dezy etc.

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10% members download via the site. No shit Sherlock. There are constant complaint about sever speed and stability in most of the video comments. I’d say a shedload of downloading is done vie 3rd party programs that keep connections, unlike most browsers.
Sorry, rant over.

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Ok…And now you can only download via Playa. If you’ve read above, it’s even worse.

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Thanks for the link, maybe I’m blind but I couldn’t find any link to their forum on their main site. Hopefully they’ll reconsider but I’m not holding my breath.

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Life lessons here, never buy a lifetime sub to any porn site. they can always pull some shit without your consent. SLR will be the one next to disappoint