Watching Videos with Scripts locally on Android

Either I’m too dumb to find it or no one has asked this before.

Do you guys know a way to watch 2D Video from e.g. Pornhub, etc. with a Script locally?

P.S. I’m using a Keon :slight_smile:

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Hey, here u can use this

You have to download the video and the funscript file.
Works fine with my keon :handshake:t2:.

Phub downloader :

Im using it from my phone tho.

Viel Spaß.

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Thank you for letting me know! Danke!

I’ve tried it on my Phone but WebBluetooth couldn’t find my Keon for some reason (connected via Bluetooth or without).
Tried on Android 14 with Vanadium (Chrome-based Browser) and normal Chrome which didn’t work.

Firefox and HapticsConnect weren’t an option as they both don’t support WebBluetooth at all.

Do you have any idea why this is the case?
And what’s your setup exactly?

Im going to pm u🤙🏻

Little update, @Tetsuu and I have been troubleshooting this a bit now.

Issue is most likely not caused by the Browsers. Opening chrome://bluetooth-interalsDevices shows the Keon with no problem.

But we noticed that I’m using a Keon R2 (Revision 2) which is newer than theirs and probably has newer firmware which might not be supported by Funscript Player.

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