Web Funscript Player - Enjoy Funscript Videos on iOS, Android, Web

Hi thanks for this hope to give it a go

I am using webble on ipad with onyx+ . I see that it always discoonects after a few min. Not able to solve this

Unfortunately the ONLY (and i’ve tested this thoroughly) funscript player that can maintain connection with the Onyx+ without getting the blinking red light where there is no scripted actions is the HapticsConnect app through the DeoVR and SLR.

Ok. Can you make this work with android and deo vir alone. I dont want to buy a quest for this

Yes you can. You have to find a DeoVr Video Player apk online Im using version 10.1 then install the HapticsConnect app from the play store. You will need to purchase one video from the SLR site to get access to the local file playback feature as well. Or you can subscribe for membership your choice.

I’m having some trouble with this scriptplayer on android phone.
I was able to get the video and script into the player but can’t get my keon connected.
When I press the connect in browser it just scans indefinately with no results.
Any help would be apreciated :slight_smile:

i have the same issue

It doesn’t seem to detect my Keon

It seems not support for playing avi videos.

Can’t connect Keon - I do see this website will connect to it, but no script option, just control. Maybe someone can compare and get it working? https://xtoys.app/

Same here, it won’t detect my Keon :frowning:

How do i know when The Handy is successfully connected?

I cant connect my keon

I have an android and a keon and I got it working just fine so idk what all those other guys are talking about.

Which Android device are you using? Which browser?

Note 20. Google Chrome

how did you connect the keon to the web? you just turned the keon an waited for it to appear on the web? or you used aanother app? intiface?

how i cant get mine to work

if you havent figured it out yet on xtoys you gotta go under teases then u can select a saved video tease or a ph video tease or the pre loaded ones they have the first give u a option to upload funscripts or if u only want the script u can also load it as a pattern

keon not working via bluetooth google chrome windows 11 othersites work