What are you using to play funscript and VR

Seemed more prudent to reply in this thread rather than starting a new one basically discussing the exact same thing. However, last replies were some time ago now so:

Just grabbed myself a Reverb G2, what’s the general consensus now on VR players? DeoVR, Whirlygig, Skybox, Heresphere worth getting now despite it’s cost? Is VirtualDesktop still also the best app for that purpose?

Will these find scripts if in the same folder as the video file? No need to involve Scriptplayer in this process?

This will be purely for local 2D and 3D files plus also watching the odd feature film on. Any help or opinions on your player of pref be appreciated. Thanks.

I use Heresphere and Handy. Connect Handy to Wifi, put in the connection key in Heresphere. It auto syncs the script, I have them named the same as their respective video title. I access my files in my computer through SMB. That’s the basic and it works well. There is a lot of video adjustments you can make as well as additional features to improve the quality of your experience too.


Im on quest 2 but ive heard people do similar setups with the reverb on pc.
I use heresphere with xbvr paired with the handy. That way xbvr can scrape all the sites to get you the info tags and thumbnails for your library and match your script’s to the corresponding scene’s.

Heresphere is by far the best player ive tried, well worth the money, used with xbvr takes it to another level. Its like having your own personalised porn site.

Try the heresphere FREE demo before you buy heresphere.

It is the exact same program but it just has an intentionally annoying popup every so often to encourage you to buy the full thing

Quest 2 + Pigasus. Nice standalone solution, can play files directly from my Samba server so I don’t need to download to my Quest 2.

If anyone is interested, my complete setup and “workflow” is:

  • Open Media Vault (OMV) server
  • Shared folder specifically for VR videos with funscripts
  • download video to server VR folder
  • download funscript to folder
  • rename funscript to exactly match video file name
  • start Pigasus, connect to Handy
  • navigate to server VR folder, choose video, script is loaded automatically based on name

So three peeps for Heresphere and one for Pigasus so far. Interesting.

For more info, I connect my Handy through Bluetooth and use VLC through intiface/scriptplayer normally. All my files are super structured already so I have no need of an ‘organiser’ and all script files are already named exactly as the video.

@tsianyu Interesting, thanks for that, seems extremely over complicated to me though, though appreciate this may be required due to the Quest 2 I guess? Handy already connected, virtual desktop and insert player of choice here which auto reads scripts is all I need heh…just after really seeing what players people are preferring these days (which of the 4 replies, seems to be Hereosphere).

Is it really worth the money over any others…really? The feature set is that much more extensive to warrant it’s cost over Deo or Whirly Etc?

I used @g90ak s advice and @Husky post, i just bought heresphere because i trusted them. Didnt feel the need to try the demo.

Just linked my ipaddress under deovr on scriptplayer for my launch and under heresphere on mfp for osr. I used the smb method because thsts how i consume porn anyway so its nothing diff to me and im familiar with the process. Turn on windows share and i set mine to everyone (follow the guide made by husky lmfao) because i dont think my parents will learn how to check for network folders + the guests will never find them because I’ll never give them the main wifi info.

My main problem for both scriptplayer and mfp is that it cannot find the script even though theyre the same name and the same location. The fix i found is that i needed to make a script main folder where i copy and dump all my scripts in to one folder and that seems to work. So 1 copy of the script on one folder plus another copy of the script along with the video file. Its because i use 3 drives for my porn. Drive d for vr, e for 2d porn, and f for jav.

@Maviarab Once the server and shared folder are created (one-time thing) then downloading the video and funscript is the same as for any other set up. I think most other methods also require the video and funscript to have the same name.

I suppose if you keep a PC running and a headset tethered and a toy powered up and connected then it would seem complicated to power up a toy, put on the Quest 2, start an app, and click a couple of times to connect to the toy.

The advantage of the Quest is it is completely standalone, so I can use it in bed without having a PC nearby. I’ve tried using toys while seated at a desk but it just doesn’t work for me. I suppose I associate desks too much with work :rofl:

And I use Pigasus rather than HereSphere because for the Quest 2 HereSphere is not an offical app and has to be loaded via SideQuest.

Heresphere and MFP all the way. Best combo I’ve tried. I think I’ve tried almost all of them besides random movement generators.


Same here, very new to this combo but loving it

@hifushvu012 Interesting thanks.

@tsianyu I don’t have a parent issue thankfully heh but my pc/desk is right next to my bed also so being tethered isn’t really an issue. Also interesting on the officialness, don’t believe it’s official for the Reverb either from my Googling.

@g90ak @hifushvu012 What is MFP? (I may be being dim here)

Thanks all for the comments.

I believe MFP is MultiFunPlayer:


Ahhh thanks. Guess that would make sense as an abbreviation heh. So could use this instead of script player too I assume?


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I’m using XTplayer (Wireless SR6) with DeoVR on Quest 2. I use an xbox 360 controller to adjust the stroke range (upper and lower stroke limit) as I go.

Alrighty, thanks to all who replied.

After doing much reading (and finding out that Heresphere recently supports loading sub files) decision made hah!


For me heresphere image quality is just a cut above the rest, i struggle to use any other play now without thinking how much better a scene would look on heresphere. Coupled with xbvr being so easy to setup but bringing a lot extra benefits, having thumbnails, talent lists and tags make finding scenes so quick and easy.


Total noob here, what file do you upload the scripts in? I tried putting them in downloads under the Oculus program file but they dont appear in heresphere.

Heresphere is great, but there’s something going on with the handy servers lately that has made the experience a lot less enjoyable. DeoVR hits it as well, but it seems to arbitrarily do a better job with flaky servers, but they both fail uploads pretty frequently at my end these days. The easiest solution would be allowing unprotected script uploads over bluetooth or local wifi instead of passing through their servers, but it hasn’t happened yet.


I’m just using TheHandy’s local video player. Not the best but works

Running Whirligig on a local Air Link connection playing scripts with JoyFunPlayer(or Multi Fun Player for multi-axis) on an OSR2+.