What does FapTap.net use to visualize the handy moving?

Having the ability to use a visualizer like the one present on the faptap website seems helpful for creating accurate scripts. Is there any program or software that does this? Thank you

For Example

I’m not entirely sure I understand the question but you seem to be under the impression that the graphic is sensing the motion in the clip when really it is simply following the instructions provided by the funscript file associated with the video on that page. If you haven’t already done the funscript, that thing will hang limp and useless.

I understand that it is following the script provided but the graphic of the handy is what i am looking for. How can I give a funscript to a program and the visualization of the handy is shown? Thanks for the reply

Ok, I’ll be no help there, then. The FapTap guy should happen by, he can likely help, I assume it’s some sort of JS object or something of the like.

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Note that it is not an accurate representation of the Handy’s behavior irl. There are speed caps, minimum speed, BLE stutters and other factors to be taken into account when dealing with a real Handy.
If you make an extremely fast script, the graphic can go like this, but an actual Handy cannot.
So essentially you are just scripting to a skinned simulator.

If you just care about the graphics, what I could think of at the moment is to grab OFS Simulator3D and slap a custom model onto it.

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