What is the "2D" tag for?

What is the 2d tag for? Seems pretty ambiguous.

  • Used to refer non-vr videos that is viewed on flat screen.
  • Used to refer 2D animation that does not involve 3D computer graphics.
  • 2D Animations
  • Non-VR Videos
  • Dom’t care / Don’t know
0 voters

Please also share how you feel the tag may be used to assist browsing. (eg. Do you search for the tag? Do you mute the tag? Do you have it pinned to your sidebar?)

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From my side:

All non VR Videos


Bump as I feel like doing something about the tag. Added poll, feel free to vote.

Aside from defining it please share how do you feel this tag could benefit your browsing experience (eg. Do you search for the tag? Do you mute the tag? Do you have it pinned to your sidebar?)

I’ve only ever seen it on videos sites be used for 2d animations, never for non-vr videos as well then I would set the VR tag to muted or in however way I would want to not see VR videos on said site. Currently I have no plans to mute it, nor pin it as I let my more specific preferences of if the scripts are multi-axis and don’t have a few things I dislike take control. However if I did dislike VR videos then I would mute the vr tag, muting the 2d tag would only occur if I wanted to see 3D looking animations like: Alice’s Intermission

I am puzzled as to why 3d got cgi since CGI is done outside of animated porn to sometimes incredible quality that it’s not distinguishable unless you have an amazing eye for it, I feel.

To me the 2d tag is obsolete as it has no meaning.

If it was ment for 2d video as in not being vr, the tag should have been: non-vr. But the vr tag existing implies that when it misses its not vr. So again, obsolete
If its for 2d animation, we have several tags that already handle animation: animated, animation, where for 3d cgi is used.

A seperate 2d tag just adds clutter that doesnt help searching as it causes videos to spread out on the tags they use.

We already have such clutter with the cockhero and cock-hero tags and its counter productive.

Because tags cannot contain quality, as that is something that is decided on a per person basis. What is realistic and what isnt is affected by the same way. Sure, AI videos can have extremely high details while overwatch can have low details. But what if an AI converts those overwatch characters to look even more realistic, nearing the uncanny valley (potentialy looking similar like or near equal to how sex dolls can already look)?

An AI tag could mitigate it for now, but there is a point where it becomes a blurred line as games can also become more realistic over time. So i think CGI does fine here.

I think you misunderstood my intention of that CGI isn’t just used in animated stuff exclusively so having it be what 3D defines in my eyes puzzles me. Not of the quality of it. (no idea why you went into AI videos)

There were debates on cgi before and I think its use is still quite fuzzy.

Technically, all animated content you see on this site are more or less Computer Generated. I feel like people tend to use the tag on realistic-looking graphics as there’s a history of the technology’s pursuit for realism, as seen in the film industry.

But then due to the definition it is also not wrong to use it on toon-shaded 3D animation or even Live2D. There’s in fact quite an overlap between mmd and cgi on this site - most if not all mmd videos aren’t realistic at all.

No matter which approach you take, the cgi tag isn’t curated well imo. Hundreds of 3D animation topics does not have the cgi tag.

Just merged cockhero to cock-hero. EZ fix.

Same goes with tittyjob, boob-job, paizuri, which all redirects to titfuck.


Well it seems like from the poll we have (currently) a majority vote on that 2d is for animations that are 2D and not for videos that are non-VR though there is quite a few voting for that option.

Yeep…I personally just tag my stuff into the overall category and worry about the semantics if I have the tag limit space or feel that it needs another tag to specify the animation type if the content is definitely all covered. (Also due to my views on it too…speaking of which I have an topic I need to update soon)

For the sake of brain space and convenience I just refer to hentai/cgi as 2D as it can only be created on a paper/computer (2nd dimension) and anything real I categorize as 3D such as filmed porn/VR which exist in our plane (3rd dimension).

Well, i think that if we rework the animation categories, we could merge split them into 3 categories:

cgi is as mentioned before not a good tag on its own as its too general in its meaning. The I in it stands for interface, which implies it just uses some computer generated graphics. Technicaly its already cgi when in a normal porn movie special effects get displayed on top of it (and this is not something that needs a category, as it would otherwise make most pmv’s need it). By using these 3 categories we can mitigate the problem.

However, 2d does contain hentai/manga in it. Which artisticly can still be quite diffirent to other animations.

But that is a problem we cant realy resolve unless certain tags can have inheritence built into them. So searching for 2d animation does also search for hentai tags. preventing the need for anyone to use both tags, and searching for cgi does contain all animation tags. And this then also means that some tags cannot be manualy applied.
I dont think discourse has a plugin for this sort of handling.

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