Uptick in paid posters?

I will glady supoort paid.
They need to enjoy while it last. We all know it only takes one smart mfker fronm google, fb etc to perfect the AI self scripting.
Then handcraft scriptors will no longer be needed.

In terms of quality issue I suggest everyone to leave feedback for scripts, especially the ones they’ve paid for.

If the strokes are too short, say it. If it doesn’t work with your device, say it. If some sections feels wrong, say it. Just make sure to be polite and constructive.


Seriously, I don’t get why paid scripters provide the least amount of info for their scripts, and the shittiest video quality, no paid links, etc. I get that they’re trying to stay under the radar, but for Patreon and most video types these days I don’t think it’s necessary, idk. I think mega is only deleting the loli stuff for now, too, so there shouldn’t be an issue…


There are several reasons.

  • Why bother? A lot of buyers probably only care about the related video, which they probably already know.
  • Its a normal practice in sales, any information you give can be a reason for people to avoid. Long texts are most of the time not desired.
  • Giving such info gives effort, and if you are going for paid scripts, it therefor does actualy cost money as that time can be spent on other scripts.

In the end, i think AI scripting is just going to take over for any action based video. Only for pmvs the personal touch brings a unique value that, but even here at some point AI can do a quite good judgement (analyzing music isnt old, and for pmvs its usualy visuals, music and a general intensity build up. something AI can definitely handle).

AI when you can localy run it has a massive advantage as you can provide some important information that makes it adjust the script towards you.

There is going to be a point where paid scripting isnt worth it. You are better of designing an AI that can script for you and tweak it based on some settings. And then provide that as a paid service (which SLR is doing afaik).

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theres like 2 3d videos there. are you autistic?


They meant 3D in the sense of irl porn (whereas 2D is for animated).

Allow me to stop you here before this thread goes off-topic.


In a surprising turn of events. I seem to be autistic.


In my opinion, coming from a non scripter, I’m fine with people monetizing their scripts even if they don’t provide a free link to the video, but I think a great way to encentivize people to buy more scripts is to force people to make free scripts…

Okay let me explain, so what if, paid scripts have to be at minimum 1 minute long (not counting a 15 second video with an extended 1+ minute loop version, that’s cheating imo)

Or, make it so everyones first script has to be free, and for every 5 or so paid scripts have to be followed up by at least 1 free script before you can post another paid scripts (exact amount can be adjusted just an example) this will make more free scripts appear, and more people will buy the paid scripts as the free ones can show whether the scripter is worthy of their money before buying, think of it like a sample script

The reason for every 5 or so paid to 1 free is if you only made 1 free script ever, your scripting style would definitely have changed 10+ scripts later, so we always have a good idea of what we are getting into before giving our money. Idrc if you advertise your paid scripts on the free ones, as long as you have some free ones available,

This will also improve the paid scripts quality as they can see how well their free scripts did since they will obviously have more interaction then their paid ones, and can use that interaction data in improving their paid scripts

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Tldr; I recommend a 1 free script for every few (5 or so) paid scripts, which will benefit both sides, as the customer has a better idea of how you script before spending their money, and the scripter has a wider dataset on how to improve their paid scripts.

And optionally not allow scripts under 1 minute in the paid category. 15 second videos with 1 minute loop extended versions dontcount (this one might be controversial just my opinion, and I’m up for discussion)

some folks like shbek and 99dm already do this, though I think it’s vice versa with the paid to free ratio.

Personally I just hate the forums being filled with literal mystery content that you have to buy in order to find out what the videos even are. Per falafel’s guidance, I’m going to keep reporting those as I see it. It’s like a waste of time to click through people’s paid scripts and not even at least see a screenshot of the content somewhere, and then there’s no preview in the paid site as well. Just comes off as a borderline scam for people who aren’t familiar with websites like fantia.


I have no issues with paying for scripts at all.
I also don’t think you need to provide any number of free scripts if you don’t want to. I appreciate the hustle.

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damn, I thought it was bad when was alternating between free/paid scripts. Nowadays I do a paid script every 3-5 free scripts. I do always make the full length hentai episodes free as well.


Just nah. Terrible. Discusting. I see enough ads.


Wait why would they want to stay under the radar? Wouldnt that make them less sales?

I feel like having a preview gif or a thumbnail sheet should be mansitory.

Idk, but this other guy in the thread tried to explain to me that not telling people what you’re selling is a sales tactic :person_shrugging:

I would honestly expect that hiding details and such means less money for them and so they try to change things up or well…just decide there’s not enough money for them to continue. You can also set certain users to be completely hidden from view if you wish to however that can result in missing out on topics they make and posts they make later on unless you remove them from the list. (Found here: https://discuss.eroscripts.com/u/[REPLACE WITH YOUR USERNAME]/preferences/users )

Yeah, but in your example they give fania links and that just isnt enough. Also that sales tactic is a tactic for people who don’t know how to make good products, are trying to hide stuff or is not confident in their work for the price they are setting.

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For paid scripts, I think preview gifs or videos, heatmaps, and test reports are all necessary. If I publish a sloppy paid work, I think I will feel ashamed.


What about adding a rating system for paid scripts? Sure comments work, but 90% of users just lurk and are more likely to rate something.