What about BabeVR’s Tit for tat with Zoe Taylor?
Would love to see some more Gianna Dior scripted. This scene is definitely one of my favorites of hers.
Thanks for all the suggestions!
There are a few I’m considering right now. Before I decide I need to check them first so that they don’t contain too much of obscured views, super fast sections that most devices barely can handle and that they aren’t 1h+ long. I also saw one interesting video that I haven’t had time to watch yet so I’m gonna do that too.
I’ll let you know when I’ve decided what to script!
Thanks again for taking time making your suggestions.
Another proposal that meets almost all the criteria. With one exception: High Heels are taken off while in action.
I didn’t check SLR for this. My fault, sorry. But good to know!
What about Casey Calvert ?
I’ve decided to start scritping Termination Letter with Hime Marie. It was a tough decision since there were quite many good suggestions. Thanks all who contributed!
I’ve got lots going on IRL at the moment so this one will take longer than usual to complete. Please be patient!
Great pick! Can’t wait.
Emma Hix is the hottest
Great choice…I will be waiting (im) patiently for it.
It’s in progress A lot left to script though.
Totally agree with you. I wish someone would do the Studying A Broad or Can I Watch This With You.
VRBangers - Hime Marie - Termination Letter is done!
I will create a release post later today or tomorrow so that you have something to enjoy this weekend.
Thank you for your hard work!
I appreciate to ALL scripter
found this message while searching for scripts, as I just noticed a release drop happening (more than 60 releases over the past five days and still going). just a heads up, sorry if you don’t condone piracy.
Shiny leggings and heels : b…
Only 18 min long and POVcentralVR is very underrepresented with scripts.
Alyssa Reece woulda been great
Tristan Summers, yeas, Bump