What stroker device are you using the most? (2023)

It looks like the last time a poll like this was done was a few years ago. I just want to gauge what everyone’s using these days as I think about what toys to support in software I write.

Comments are welcome if your device is not listed or you have any other thoughts to share.

  • The Handy
  • Keon
  • OSR2 / OSR2+
  • SR6
  • SSR1
  • Other
0 voters

I think this poll lacks the launch as an option, as that is also 1 of the major brands (even if they have a regular and quickshot version).

And im not surprised the handy is the highest here. It was the first well known one that had good capabilities (and exceeded the launch), for a relatively cheap price.

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I’m waiting for my OSR2+ Q.Q
On Friday the delivery period ends and it is somewhere in Belgium… No info on it since the 16th of November :sob: :sob: :sob:

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I’d update the poll to add it but looks like I can’t do that. :upside_down_face:

No option for Rosy Palms and her five sisters?

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Would be better be a multiple-choice as well! I spent an equal amount of time with the OSR2 and the Handy.


Guess that’s what “Other” is for. :laughing:


I’ve tried Keon and The handy and OSR2 and SR6.SR6 gave me the most impressive experience, although it was a bit difficult to print and assemble.The handy is great, but the multi-axis experience is completely different.

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