Where can I find MMDs (other than Iwara)

Okay so that’s probably a weird question because you’d think Iwara is the answer

but for example there’s this guy doing HMV of sorts with various MMD animations yet none of those animations are on Iwara themselves. I searched using “Mutsuki” “浅黄ムツキ” or just “ムツキ” to no avail.

The video in question:

I was looking for the first clip by itself but couldn’t find it on Iwara.

I then took it to Fantia, barely could find anything other than a few 2d animations.

I even went on ATF booru and got some neat 2D ones I saved for later but none of the MMD ones

I even looked it up on twitter as I follow a ton of MMD animators that advertize their content there, can’t find anything.

I checked Pixiv because maybe, but no

am I missing an obvious source of these? Where do japanese MMD artist post other than Iwara?

Edit: For the record I also checked sankaku and kemono (once again, found some nice stuff but not what I was looking for). Fanbox can’t make heads or tails on how to find anything there.

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Sometimes you can find MMD videos on https://rule34video.com or steam wallpaper engine. Although I suspect those are pirated reuploads instead of from the original MMD artist

Yeah I sometimes find some on rule34video and rule34 proper

I did NOT know about the wallpaper engine on steam. What a strange place to find them lol.

I’m starting to think if it doesn,t show up on the usual +kemono and sankaku, they just don,t label their shit proper and don’t advertize their works honestly.

Still, I wish I found the main source. People say it’s Iwara but I have my doubts.

I even checked MMDFans because a lot of stuff gets wiped and whatnot. One again, found some cool stuff but not the ones I’m looking for.

I asked the guy on Iwara for the source, we’ll see if he delivers.

Strong chances it’s some specific guy’s fanbox and you have to know beforehand or something.