You always need an image URL. If there’s nowhere to point to you can provide or generate your own cover image then use xbvr to host it.
Generating a cover image
To generate a cover image from 4 seconds into the video FILE.mp4 use the command ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel error -ss 00:00:04 -i "FILE.mp4" -frames:v 1 "FILE.png" -y
You’ll need ffmpeg installed and in the path of course.
Hosting a cover image
Copy the image file to the myfiles/ folder in the xbvr directory. The exact location depends on your installation method - container or no - and operating system.
Using a hosted cover image
The image URL for FILE.png will be something like below with the IP address changed to point to your computer running xbvr.
I have this issue where I can’t get a lot of the NaughtyAmericaVr files to match, for example, I have the Wedding orgy 01 - 05 series, and none of them match when I go to files.
So I have read the ability to limited scraping, but can’t make head or tails how to implement the fix… is there perhaps a dummy’s guide or basic how to instructions?
This guide is the closest thing to beginner instructions I’ve seen.
Everything in xbvr is about scenes. So you should scrape NaughtyAmericaVR first. That may take multiple attempts over a couple of days, as they rate limit requests to their site.
Do a search and confirm the scene you want is in xbvr. Then go to the video file for that scene and match it. NAVR videos using the original file name should match automatically. If you are having trouble or have renamed the files you can manually match by typing in information related to the scene.
I decided to regroup all my hard drives and folders structure first and will then rebuild XBVR from scratch. Will take your advice and just focus on Naughty America scraping first. I am getting pretty good with the manual creating and linking scene as well, so that will be my fallback.
Thanks for all the help so far!
Looking for some assistance on my second try with XBVR installing on my imac Pro.
Would any one be able to answer the following for me?
Should I just run this from a folder in my downloads or should I move it to my apps.
Where is the actual database stored, so I can back it up, once I start putting some work in my new file restructure.
I am not familiar with Mac but on Windows it is not a problem to run directly from your downloads. You may only want to move it so you dont accidentally delete it?
As far as the database location, I do not know how this works on MacOS - you may want to join the XBVR discord as they’re pretty helpful: xbvr
Using XBVR on a mac. I downloaded the binary ( and extracted it in the directory /Users/name/.xbvr_source. The directory then only contains the binary xbvr and the readme - all the cache is stored somewhere else (I don’t remember where - can someone confirm?). Meanwhile, you can add one or more directories containing your vids,scripts and subs through xbvr itself.
Then, whenever I want to start xbvr, I open a terminal and run ./.xbvr_source/xbvr. Then open localhost:9999 on a browser.
Thanks @sparkyman, I ended up finding that after digging around on the xbvr discord.
If you’re on mac as well, have you had issues with XBVR scanning a folder location, and not recognizing any files? On one external drive, it scans and finds the files fine, other external drive same manf. larger capacity, recognizes 0 files after scan.