Alternative File Hosting Options Than MEGA?

This never made sense to me: I can understand hosting infohashes, magnet links, or .torrent files here directly is not viable because there is nobody to forward the DMCA to. But if links to external file hosts that may or may not contain infringing content are allowed because the DMCA can be forwarded to them and/or the link here removed, then links to external trackers that may or may not contain infrining content should also be fine for the same reason: you’re not hosting it yourself here, you’re referencing it somewhere else - in either case you’re not in control of the content or responsible for it, and you have the exact same lack of legal liability for both. Why is it then one way for linking to file hosting providers, and another for linking to trackers? Neither are hosted by you, neither are your responsibility, either can receive the forwarded DMCA. Either you allow linking to external sources, or not, but this double standard is shooting yourself in the foot for no discernible reason.

Great illustrative example. There is no difference from a hosting vs. linking perspective and DMCA forwarding perspective, and so either both or neither should be allowed.

Exactly, so make the rule to link to trackers only, since the request can be forwarded there just as much as it can be to any file hosting provider.

This also doesn’t make any sense: hosting the .funscripts themselves was never a problem to begin with, and can always be done right here on-site. It’s just referencing the media that needs a solution, and so the scripters’ interests are simply not part of the equation here.


That I is where I found it interesting when I found an script topic or two which resulted in myself then posing a question here about if we can mention torrents by what site their own and their ID but not link to them.

While that is even more indirect, even a direct link to the a tracker page of the torrent would be fine, for the same reason that a direct link to the file on a file-sharing platform is fine.

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