📣 [Announcement] EroScripts Community Event - End of Year 2024 - Theme Announcement

Well, that’s pretty unfair for people doing VR scripts really. It’s in no way comparable (in regards to the time it takes to script a scene like that). That’s pretty disappointing and makes me go “Why bother with this?” once again. Just jumping in doesn’t work here for me, because just jumping means taking at least 30-40 hours of work for a scene I wouldn’t have on my mind, but that I would script cause of the theme. Will have to think alot about that. Doesn’t sound like it’s worth it in the end in regards to that unfortunately.

I know it’s a community event and effort thing, but the only thing that is interesting is the first place, 2nd and 3rd I would gift to someone else cause I could do that effort with less time myself. The first place is about the price for a good commisioned script in my case so that would be worth the work at the end.

Thanks for the effort though. Will have to think about that a lot.

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I am proud, appreciative, and grateful to our members who provide those prizes.

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Your game your rules of course, but I do have my problems with the repeating four seasons themes also to be honest. Do fitness, sauna, outside, farm, boat, car, bike, pool, postman, police, boss, threesome, casting, photo shoot, fake boobs, fit, tatooed whatever. Would be more fun than fall/winter/spring/summer. Yeah ok lets have another bunch of santa outfits. VR only like Shayuki does would be nice. One script per scripter would be nice. Just choose wisely not all you got. Its not the last event no need to push for more scripts.

Halloween is october 31?

Yes nothing against that at all, just not useful to me because I can do those things myself so I would give those away to peeps that can appreciate that. Is that allowed?


FUCK! I was gonna do a Halloween theme for March
but this idea for October seems like a pretty good idea as well! :face_with_hand_over_mouth:


Eat more cookies will increase estrogen. Double blind research study data not confirmed.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
it might not increase my estrogen but it will surely add boobs, hips and thighs
which is a BIG PLUS!
Thx for the medical advice, sweetie! :wink:

First off, we are happy and excited running this event. We have a killer prize with a new version of the FUNSR1. The FUNSR1 already is an awesome device. Now a version 2.0 with a twist model makes it even better. I am very much looking forward seeing this device in action. Cool to see such cool new devices up merge.

I want to thank the FUNSR1 team @renwoxing for providing such a big prize to our community event. We are very grateful and happy to have a big prize like this. Thank you very much!

As @burtreynolds already posted, this going to be a 2 part event with a Fall and Winter theme. We intentionally left the theme very open and didn’t give any more information about it. We wanted to throw the theme into the room and see what you are doing with it. Get creative, do whatever you want with it. It’s up to you. Before, we had a specific theme in the “Blast from the Past” event. Now we are shifting to a more open theme. We think a good mixture provides a healthy and interesting way setting these events up.

@roa and @Shayuki thank you for the feedback. I’ll go into more detail:

I can only speak for myself here, other judges may rate and think different about this.
No, I don’t rate VR videos higher than 2d videos and no, I don’t rate longer videos higher than shorter videos. I look at the script’s quality. Just because a video is VR and / or longer doesn’t make it a better script. If the 10 minute video is better scripted, than the 30 minute video, I can’t give the 30 minute an extra point, just because it’s longer. Same applies for VR videos. I look at the quality.

This might be controversial, but I don’t see the difference in work effort between a 2d video or VR video. Yes, VR videos are mostly longer. Yes, longer videos take more time and effort. But a 60 minute 2d video takes as much time and effort as a 60 minute VR video in my opinion. Again, might be controversial and others may think different about that.

Your options are:
Look for shorter VR videos.
Cut out (a) certain section/s from a VR video and just script these.
Don’t script VR videos and choose something else.
Don’t participate.

With these events we want to intentionally push creators out of their comfort zone, so they script something they would normally not script. I scripted two videos for the blast from the past event as well, even though I would normally don’t script these “old” videos. I think many other did it as well. We want to bring variety content to the forum.

We organized three events this far with the fourth event coming up.

  1. Valentine
  2. Spring
  3. Oldschool videos
  4. Fall / Winter

Out of four events, we did two season themed. The other two are different and non season themed. So the “you only do season themed” isn’t true.

Yeah, we can do non themed events. Just script whatever you want, release it and fine. But that’s not the point of these events. The point of these events are, to have different themes. I don’t want to sound rude or harsh, but if you don’t like the theme, don’t participate. We will never please everybody with the theme choice. If we would have not went Fall / Winter, some users may would have come and say “Why didn’t you do anything Halloween themed for October?” / “Why didn’t you do anything Christmas themed for December?”. Some people like our themes, some don’t. Thus who do, participate. Thus who don’t, don’t participate. And that’s ok. There is no pressure to participate. We do the events for fun, for scripters to get feedback on their work, to bring the community together, to bring in some cool prizes, to mix up the content here, to encourage users getting into scripting.

Again, I don’t want to sound rude and I do appreciate the feedback, but for me your points come out of nagging and complaining. You expect from us to cater to your needs. But that is not possible. We put a lot of work and effort in these events. They take time to set up, to organize, to judge. It’s a free “service” and offer to the community. If you want to participate in any way, you are more than welcome. If you have constructive feedback, you are more than welcome. What I don’t like though, is complaining.


That makes things certainly easier, but as feedback I think it’s a bad idea to do that. It’s an incomplete script in that way and makes things certainly easier with just choosing the easier parts to script in that way and not really add much to the collection for people looking for full scene scripts.

I won’t get into the other stuff cause it feels like you already feel offended and I don’t wanna make a bad impression and that was certainly not my intention. I will check out the past event threads and look into how you guys judge the scripts, cause there is certainly stuff that is unclear to me (like, the amount of effort someone put into a 40-50 minute scene should always be put above someone doing a simple beat 10 min PMV with some easily added flair imo.

I also want to improve and add to the community even more as I already do and my questions were interesting to three other people I chatted with that also do VR paid scripts and would do participate so that would be a plus. Less floods of paid stuff in that regard and some more incentive, but being able to cut scenes could work.

Thank you or rather Dankeschön

Not complaining, was not my intention. As I said above, your game - your rules. Just giving feedback to make me and maybe more others participate. My first thought was autumn/fall, nah not fun that’s just script something, everything and nothing fits. I think the more you specialise the theme the more scripters will play with you, as you already saw with the blast from the past. Its just fun to remember a movie that fits perfectly and you always wanted to script. Its also fun to see what people choose for the specialised theme. I was completely flashed about the oldies people chose for the blast. Its part of it that is missing with a broad theme. Of course thank you for the time organizing and judging its hell of a work. As well thanks to all the scripters who spend a lot of time scripting. So yeah please take this constructive feedback please.

Just wondering but would puns be allowed? For example if I scripted a video featuring an actress with fall or winter in their name (like Autumn Fall or Winter Jade), would you guys let it slide in or only content themes?

Asking because finding winter themed vids I’m interested in seems is a lot easier than fall themed vids (outside of Halloween stuff)

Yes pardon my honesty but I find the themes way to mainstream as well.
But I admit that it should be hard to find something that speaks to the entire community

I would also like to ask if the lowest score drop applies to part one of the competition. In all the examples it seemed like the low score drop only occurs in the second part but if I uploaded 3-4 scripts on part one, would the lowest one also get dropped? Based on the wording and examples given I don’t think so but I would like to be sure.

In the previous event I addressed a similar question of “what’s allowed?” My answer is the same now as it was then which is, “think of this like an open-call art show.” We’re not going to disqualify anything because we don’t think it fits the theme. This is for you to decide and show your community how clever and creative you are.

Imagine that at the end of the event, all of the video selections are going to be posted in a gallery. Everyone has to do at least two scripted videos so everyone will get their own little showcase in the gallery. Then all of your fellow community members go to this show, go through each of the sections, and hopefully when they get to your showcase they don’t say, “Huh, each of the previous sections are different in their own way, but these starbow videos don’t make any sense. They seem very out of place. Nice vids, but why are they here?”

I know. We’re asking you to do a little more work and be a little more deliberate in your choices than just scripting sexy videos (which we still obviously appreciate! :grin:). If you’re struggling with ideas, I shared some places that you might search for inspiration in the third or fourth post of this thread. The text of the announcement and the banner was all agreed upon by the entire team so you can at least see where our heads are at.

The important thing when you’re looking for a video to work on is to always ask yourself, “Is this fun?” Is it fun for you? Is it fun for the theme? Is it fun for the community? Is it fun for the judges? Furthermore, if you find that just participating in the event is not fun, then that’s fine. Don’t participate in this one. I hope you do participate, but we’ll have other events that maybe you’ll enjoy more.

There’s something else I’d like to add because I think it’s relevant to the overall question you’re asking. We’ve had some events in the past where we’ve listed our own ideas of how to interpret the theme, and we ended up with some videos that just had a keyword or two from the idea list in the title. We want to avoid that because we don’t typically care about the titles of the videos and we don’t want just random videos.

So, my apologies, this is a super long winded way to say that I’m not going to give you a “yes” or “no” answer on whether you should use stars that have “Winter” and “Fall” in their name. I think I should conclude this by directing you back to the question of, “Is that fun?”

Halloween? I might be mistaken, but I believe someone else might have mentioned Halloween. That’s really interesting because I think Halloween might be a holiday in October.

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I’m so glad you told me that this wasn’t clear to you.

At the conclusion of the entire event, which means after December 31, all of your scores go into one bucket. That means the scores for both Part 1 and Part 2 all get put together. Then we will check if you submitted at least one script in October (Part 1) and at least on script in December (Part 2). If you did, then we will check how many scripts you submitted in total for the entire event (Part 1 and 2). For every three scripts, we will cross out your lowest scoring script. If you have three scripts we will cross one off, if you have six scripts we will cross two off, etc. Finally, we average the remaining scores together.

If you only submitted scripts in December (Part 2), we check to see how many scripts you submitted. If you only submitted one, then we absolutely appreciate your participation, you will get a score and feedback, but you are not eligible for prizes. If however you submitted two or more scripts, nothing gets dropped and we will simply average all of those scripts together.

Does this seem clear now?

Please nothing too scary Evelyn. I once watched one of those Meana Wolf videos. She had black eyes, and fangs, and said she was going to suck me straight to Hell. Of course I nutted, but now I can only jack off with the lights on.


I appreciate the response. also just wondering why is mentioning Halloween interesting? isnt Fall Sept-Nov?

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Yes, Fall is September through November. Halloween is October 31. It’s one of several popular Fall holidays in North America and other parts of the world.

But Hell is where the fun REALLY begins

At least you still popped off lol

Nothing TOO scary? Well, shit. I WAS gonna script a vid I found of them restricting access to porn sites, but NOT now! :face_with_hand_over_mouth: or i could script the ENTIRE “loli/shota ban” thread

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