I was contacted with this question and I like to inform everyone who may not want to buy scripts due to personal data considers or references to sexual content.
The Seller don’t get your personal data if you don’t want to.
You don’t have to use your real e-mail-address for a purchase. I recommend it, because of the long time access to once downloaded / bought scripts over gumroad if you have an account at gumroad.
If you don’t want to use your e-mail-adresse, there is a simple way. Please don’t do things like random choose gmail adresses or something else. If your “random” choosen e-mail is already in use, a pure user will be spamed to death.
Instead use this service where you can generate a temp e-mail-address:
https://temp-mail.org/en/ -
You don’t have to enter your name, address or something else to purchase at Gumroad.
What personal data is the seller get from the purchase, maybe from the credit card service?
Not much, just the e-mail and country where the buyer is from. Nothing from the payment service you use. This is the screen of my seller / purchaser overview at gumroad:
The receipt / the entry in your credit card overview is neutral and not related to sexual content
Gumroad is a creator space and funscript are just a very little part of it. No one will suspect, that you bought a sexual content related item.
If you purchase in my shop or from others thats how your credit card accounting looks like:
You see? Nothing suspicious.
I hope this helped.