Ayva Software Overview (random stroker, JavaScript framework, remote control, and the future)

Thank you!!!

I’ve been thinking about putting together an in-depth video series on Ayva Stroker Lite that will include a lot of stuff about the behavior editor. Soo excited to hear about others actually using it. I had always intended for folx to share behaviors or stroke patterns. I may eventually create a website / online community just for that. It really does feel underutilized. So many possibilities.

For now I’ll probably start sharing some of mine on here too. :blush:


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Just released my latest newsletter for everything I’m working on:

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@StyleMavin @StayBlocky

I just released the app that allows streaming Ayva Software into VaM. The guide isn’t complete yet but there’s enough info up that you can probably figure out how to get it working.

Have fun :blush:


I got it working, at least for the L0 axis, but I’m not seeing any other axis movement in VAM.

Here is the error I’m seeing.

!> Exception caught: System.FormatException: Input string was not in the correct format
at System.Int32.Parse (System.String s) [0x00000] in :0
at BusDriver.ValuesSource.AbstractValuesSource.ParseCommands (System.String data) [0x00000] in :0
at BusDriver.ValuesSource.AbstractValuesSource.UpdateValues (System.String data) [0x00000] in :0
at BusDriver.ValuesSource.UdpValuesSource.Update () [0x00000] in :0
at BusDriver.Plugin.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in :0

I used to get this error. It’s a bug in BusDriver that I fixed a while ago. It should go away if you download the latest version.

That’s weird I thought I had the latest version. I have version three. What’s the latest version?
Update. I have learned how to read, and now I know the answer.

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Latest newsletter for Ayva Software updates has been posted:

Is it possible to connect Ayva websock hub to device with khrulls firmware?

Yup! That’s one of the reasons I made it :slight_smile:

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Awesome just got it working!

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how can I make ayva lite to make continuance twist ,(i guess because hardware limitation the twist need to go all the way clockwise and than invert the twist direction)
can you maybe add this feature as a toggle ? sure gonna subscribe!
(if making it please make it the option available for ssr1 also)

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you mean literally non-stop? like the twist goes a full 360 degrees in one direction but keeps going all the way around forever without reversing directions?

because if that’s what you are asking I think you’d be correct that there is a hardware limitation for that. i believe you would need a continuous rotation servo, and I’m not sure if there is a firmware that supports actually doing a non-stop twist :confused:, so that might need to be made.

yeah like if it can go 360 or more and after a while to change direction , not possible with current firmware?

i know it cant continue forever since the servo has limit

You would need the old style of twist on your SR6 which uses a 360 servo. I have one, and the firmware by Khrull supports it, as well as SR-control.


Just launched the official website for Ayva Software :slight_smile:

I cant seem to be able to open a website such as faptap and have the movements emulated on the ayva stroker lite. I dont want to connect my own device i just want to see it only on ayva stroker lite. I connected it through virtual serial ports but can seem to get it working properly, any suggestions? Im not sure if im connecting it properly with your web socket app either.

I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to do. Could you give a little more info?

Yes Of course. So I would like to load up web app, faptap in my case and see ayva stroker lite preform the actions. Basically connecting faptap (or what ever web app that plays tcode/funscripts) directly to ayva stroker lite without having a connection to a physical device. To preview what the script looks like on an OSR or SSR1 device without having to connect one of these devices physically. I made another post of what i was trying to achieve and it seems like your wonderful program has been my closest shot to making this a reality.

Ah. I see.

There is currently no way to do that with Ayva Stroker. Ayva Stroker only outputs movement data—either to an actual device, a web socket, or the graphical emulator. It doesn’t have the ability to receive input data.


The emulator itself is open source though, so it could be possible to build something that does what you want it to. I don’t have the time to work on something like that right now but anyone else can: