Beat Bangers Furry Faphero Game Device-Compatible Version (Download and Tutorial for Windows) [Furry]

UPDATE July 13, 2023: Moved topic from the “Howto” category to “Software and Game mod” category

Hey all!

For over a year we’ve had a scripted video of gameplay from the furry faphero game Beat Bangers here at this topic:

beat bangers

More recently, however, there has been discussion about a version of the actual game that can sync with interactive toys as you play the game.

I’m here to say that while it’s a bit confusing to get set up, I can confirm that it totally works with the Handy (in bluetooth mode) and works alright with the Max 2 and the Onyx+ as well. These are the only toys I have to test it with but I assume it will work with anything that can connect to Intiface Central.

NOTE: I have only tested this game running both the server and game on the same Windows computer, I’m not sure if these steps will work with other device configurations.

Step 1: Get the right version of the game, as the main release is NOT compatible with toys (yet)

Thus far only a free, fan-made version of the original game is compatible with Intiface. Getting the most up-to-date version of the game will not work. The required version is only available for download on the BeatBanger Discord or from one of the links below.

This MEGA link from the Discord server is the most up-to-date as of June 1st, 2024: 53.39 MB file on MEGA


Here’s a backup on my Pixeldrain just in case: Beat Banger ~ pixeldrain

You can also visit their Discord server yourself here: Beat Banger

If you choose to go through the Discord, scroll through the channels on the left until you find the one simply named “beat-banger”. Click on it and in the search bar type “FH Plus” and it should lead you to the thread with the download (most updated version as of writing this is 1.35, which was posted April 22, 2023).

Step 2: Get Intiface Central, NOT Intiface Desktop

This game works with both Intiface Central 2.3.0 and version 2.4.0 as of writing this. It is not compatible with Intiface Desktop.

Step 3: Start the Intiface Central Server, connect your toy, and ENSURE that the toy you want to use receives an index number of “0”. If you only have one toy and have not downloaded Intiface Central before, you should not have to worry about the rest of step three, but otherwise please read ahead to avoid some very frustrating problems.

So this part had me banging my head against a wall for a few hours because I could get one toy to work, and then when I would try to test another toy it would not work unless I reinstalled Intiface AND deleted all the application’s folders, but I FINALLY figured out what the issue seems to be. When you add a toy to Intiface Central it gives that toy an index number. If no toys have connected previously it will give the first toy that connects an index of “0”. This game ONLY seems to work with the toy that has index “0”.

So for example if I just installed Intiface Central and connect my Lovense Max 2, it will get the index value of “0” and work fine with the game following the next steps. HOWEVER, even if I turn everything off and close all applications, Intiface Central still saves that first toy that connects as index “0”, so going back in and connecting a Handy will give it index “1” and it will not work with the game even though the game appears to recognize the device.

Thankfully there’s a very easy fix for this, simply stop the Intiface Central server, go to settings, scroll down to the bottom and click “Reset User Device Configuration”. It will suggest that you restart the app after doing so, and once you do the next toy that connects should get the proper index number of “0”.

Step 4: Launch the game and configure the proper device settings

4 a) Once the game is launched go to the “devices” menu

4 b) Assuming the Intiface Central server is running and using port “12345”, and your toy is connected to Intiface, select Connect to a server and you should see the Status at the top of the settings change to “ON” and your device appear under Available Devices. If the toy you want to use does not have a “0:” in front of its name, it will not work. Please read all of step 3 to fix.

4 c) If you are using a Handy or other linear toy, you’ll want to turn Linear Note Sync to “On”. You may want to experiment with some different values, but I’ve found just putting the value all the way to “1” (not “0.1”) for half, quarter, and eighth seems to help the toy sync up with the game the best.

4 d) VERY IMPORTANT Under Bindings make sure that for each listing of half, quarter, and eighth it is bound to “The Handy LinearCMD” (Or “Insert toy name here LinearCMD or ScalarCMD for vibrator toys”). This is how the game knows what toy to move for each succesful note hit.

4 e) Play around with the Binding Strength options for each note type. Thus far I like these settings best but you may find your own preference:

         Half: 1
         Quarter: 0.5
         Eighth: 0.2

Step 5: Start the game and see how it goes! Post here if you’re having trouble or send me a DM. I’m friendly and enjoy helping people with their sex tech. :blush:

Notes and Tips

  • If you don’t want to actually “play” the rhythm game but still want the level you choose sync up with your toy, on the homescreen of the game press the forward slash “/” to bring up a little command prompt on the bottom of the screen. Next, type “handsfree” (without quotes) and press enter. You should get a response that says “Autoplay: ON”. Press the forward slash “/” again to exit the command prompt.

  • Handsfree mode automatically takes away the beatbar. If you really want the game to play itself AND still see the beatbar, after entering the “handsfree” command type in “hero” (without quotes) and you should get a confirmation saying “Faphero Mode: ON”.

  • There are many fan-made mods compatible with this version of the game available on the BunFan Discord, but only mods made for the “Legacy” version of the game will work with this one. Go to the “Download Mods” Channel of the discord and near the top where it says “Version” click “Legacy”. Just about any mod I’ve found here works with this version of the game.


Oh my Gosh
I’m sooo happy

There’s a new category for ‘Game Mod’, so we can put it there


This works, thanks for sharing. The version in Mega does seem to ignore its own device limits setting though. Ended up adjusting other settings to partially compensate.

  • Half: note 1, strength 1
  • Quarter: note 0.8, strength 0.6
  • Eighth: note 0.9, strength 0.3

Thank you so very much for sharing this and in all the troubleshooting that went into it!

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I followed all steps handy won’t work it shows it’s connected and that the status is on, as well as a zero in front of the device, any ideas?

nvm got it to work ty

I got a lovense max 2, but it does not seems like Linear CMD work.
Intiface is configured correctly, Only one device on number 0, and I could test its vibration and constrict, both worked from intiface.

In game, I manage to configure everything, but the toy doesn’t vibrate nor constrict

Okay so for the Max 2 you’ll want to bind each note to scalarCMD instead of linearCMD, since the Max 2 is not a linear toy. I can confirm that I got it to work with my Max 2 as in it would vibrate with each successful note hit, but I don’t think this game can activate the constrictions and overall it wasn’t nearly as good with this mod as my linear toys were. Try that and let us know if it worked or not.

All that being said, literally just yesterday BunFan gave the official version of the game Lovense support!

Check it out on their Discord under the Game Updates channel: Beat Banger

I haven’t tried it yet, but if you have the official version or are willing to pay $13 for it or whatever, I bet you’ll have a LOT more options and probably a way better time with that if you’re working a Max 2.

Yeah, the official update worked, thank you :wink:
I’m quite sad you can’t go handsfree on the latest version, but lovense work.

When can we get 2.9

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I got it to work, except that there seems to be some heavy delay in the game itself and no matter what I do I always fail the song. The game works fine on a normal version for me. Any ideas as to what may be causing this and what might fix it if anything?

Is there any chance we could get an update to control multiple toys with the mod? I was trying to control a Handy and a vibrator at once with it but couldnt find any software to link the two devices outputs together

Been having fun with this little rhythm game and its mods. Is there a way to save the configuration so I don’t have to manually enter it everytime I open the game? Thanks

Also for people looking for mods, this booru I found linked in the beat bangers discord is a good source. Just remember that only the mods tagged legacy or game version 1.3 will work. I found some incorrect tags tho so keep that in mind. bbooru – Listing posts

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Any way someone could use EDI to connect the official game to intiface, or to mod the official release?


any mods that let the steam game connect to the handy

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also is thare a way for no fail mode on this version i want to play the game but if i miss a note isnt not getting stroked punishment enuff lmao i dont want the game to end

Read the first two bullet points of the “Notes and Tips” at the bottom of the original post, they describe how to do exactly that! You can make it so the game plays itself, with or without the beatbar showing. I don’t blame you for missing it though, I just kind of threw all of the info I knew into the original post and didn’t organize it too well.

no i want no fail doing no beat bar and then hero makes the game play for you i want to play the game still i just dont want to die if i miss a note or 2

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Ohh I understand now. That’s a good question… I also feel like that would be an improvement.