Best multi-axis device

Ok so a quick question here. If i had to buy a multi-axis device, fast and nice, witch one with witch configuration should i buy ? Any advice ?
Thanks a lot for the help friends :bigFatThumbsUp:

Not that easy, as cost, noise, amount of axis, ease of use are important to consider.
For the most part with multi axis, it is between OSR2 and SR6.
There are already a lot of threads about it, you can read up on.

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You basically provided little to no information on what you’re looking for. As the previous commenter said, there’s a lot of threads but here’s your basic info.

Least Expensive to Most expensive:

Funsr with a Twist: up/down and twist
OSR2+: Up/down, Roll, Pitch, Twist optional
SR6: Up/down, forward/back, left/right, Pitch, Roll, Twist optional

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Ok so the most complete device is the SR6 but it’s expensive. And what about max speed ? I dunno if anyone ever done a vesrus of the SR6 and OSR2+ (overall “stats”).
But ok i through there was more multi-axis device, i will go read the tests of SR6 and OSR2+ to see what will be best for me, thanks !

It’s hard to give ‘overall stats’ for these devices, because it depends on what servos are used.

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OSR2+ with good servos is the best middle-ground I think. Also, twist is a game changer.

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Dumb question but what is a servos ? This is the motor of the device ? The idea is to pimp the machine to be more powerful ? is it worth it (i have see a lot of topic on this in the DIY session) ?

First of all, its worth to mention this thread:

Servos are what drive all the parts, its not a single motor, but many smaller ones. And these can be powerful.

Usualy with the OSR2 vs SR6 the main question is just: how much do you want to spend. The more you are willing to spend, the more likely the SR6 becomes worth it, especialy if you are looking to go with high quality VR devices. The extra axisses it provides on their own dont do a lot, but its still just that bit extra which helps especialy in VR.

What i would say is:

Quality vs price wise the OSR2+ wins by a huge margin, even without twist. The few extra axisses compared to for example a handy do a lot.

Quality on its own the SR6 wins. While it has more axisses, these are often not mandatory for a good VR sensation. The standard OSR2 does fine enough here. But if you have them, it still means a better experience. Its often just not worth the price.

And if we compare it to the handy, the handy loses at almost every aspect. The only part they have better is its easier to setup, making it a very good device for beginners. Build quality wise its still very good, and while speed wise it lacks a bit to the OSR, its still a fast machine. In most cases the lacking speed wont be noticed.

Even if we consider just single axis scripts, the OSR can perform these fine. But even then, some filler movement on the extra axises does a lot. Speed wise, the OSR beats the handy by a huge margin. And safety wise the OSR gets an even bigger advantage. But in the end, most scripts just dont need that speed. And if they do, its nice that you have it, but its often equaly fast numbing.

Sleeve wise, the OSR has handy adapters, which while it does technicaly mean they can be compared, to my experience i just prefer fleshlights more. So i am very likely biased here. But when it comes down to it, they are equal when its just plain up/down movement (the OSR technicaly has a small curve, you dont notice it).


Uh ok thanks for your answer. I have currently a keon but i want to speed-up thinks. With the guide you provided and the additional info you give me, i think i will definitely go do more research (and probably for sure) buy the SR6. This thing look like something i should get.
Thanks a lot man :+1:

The SR6 and OSR2 are designed for the Fleshlight housing. There is a printable adapter to use the Keon housing.
I did the upgrade from Keon to SR6 as well and I love it. But it is a lot bulkier, louder and much more expensive.

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