BETA offer - TRADE OSR2 kits for scripts

Servo Party!!! @comrade420 and @Nosse join @EvelynEvil666 at Tier 4 and will have units headed to them next week. Absolutely killer scripts from them - please check out their profile and scripts when you have the chance. Don’t be afraid to show them some love with a comment or a like as well.


@comrade420 @Nosse

Built and tested (BENCH tested to be clear, no humans involved :slight_smile: ). They look kinda like evil Roombas.

Will go out Mon or Tues.


AWESOME. You really hooked it up dude.

Just curious. On a 1-10 scale, what would rate these servos and the hiteks, in terms of perceived loudness?

I’d say these are a 7, Hitecs would be a 5. Handy would be like a 3.

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WoW that looks so nice, great work @g90ak :100:

Well…first I HAVE to thank @g90ak
Rest assured guys that he is 100% sincere with this offer. My OSR2 arrived Saturday and it
It really has been hard for me to pull away from it. I had no idea what to expect but this thing goes BEYOND ANYTHING you could imagine.
@g90ak went above and beyond with it. It arrives pretty much ready to go out of the box. Tighten a couple of screws, figure out how to mount (I’ll get to my mount in a bit), download a player that reads and plays the code and you are OFF TO A LAND OF INSANITY! @g90ak helped out in setting some things up for me because I am not terribly technologically proficient…I just lose interest. I can’t shout enough praises for the offer and the product.
I swear you will give up on Launch and Handy…at least for a little while. Neither can touch this beast that @g90ak has made.
It plays the scripts EXACTLY as I envisioned when making them. No lag. No skipping. Just PERFECTION!!
And it uses fleshlights…oy…YOU WILL BE BLASTING ALL OVER THE PLACE, my friends.

I actually don’t have a desk or table to clamp it to, so I pretty much made it a handheld. A couple of pieces of wood, a trip to the hardware store to get some other screws to attach it, a couple of wood cuts, screws to attach the wood, and BOOM!!! It is a handheld. And I am able to move it up and down while the OSR2 does its thing! It is MINDBLOWING.

Thanks again @g90ak

And my wee wee thanks you!!! :rofl: :rofl:


woah cool, I don’t think I’ve ever seen/heard anyone do that.

this is what it looks like. I am going to continue to develop it so it is a bit more comfortable but I COULDN’T WAIT to try it out so it is fine for right now.



haha, that looks crazy! genius.

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for the wild ride this thing takes you on…you gotta have something to grab on to!

Man, this has been fun. Here is the latest update on Tier 4 achievers. Thank you all so much. I hope you enjoy your OSR2+s!

@EvelynEvil666 - received OSR2+
@comrade420 - received OSR2+ but I’m stupid and forgot to send some screws - those will be there soon
@Nosse - OSR2+ mailed - going international, so not sure how long it’ll take
@hifushvu012 - OSR2+ being built, will mail start of next week

I have gotten into a good flow of building and can take on more achievers. SCRIPTERS Please PM me if you are interested in getting your own OSR2+.


Sweet, thank you so much bud. Yea been fun, and I hope the fun is not over yet :wink:

Hey, just an FYI. I don’t know if those that are getting this freakin beast of a device are aware, but you might want to periodically tighten the screws…ESPECIALLY if you have some…er…vigorous sessions. @g90ak has built the shit outta these things but I had a few screws slip out. Easy fix. Just tighten em back up. And I noticed that a few others had begun to unscrew themselves. This has NOTHING to do with the build. It’s all caused by me GOING ALL OUT NUTS with the OSR2+. Break out the allen wrench and tighten those babies up and get back in the ring!!!

Woah - I used removable threadlocker on all of the metal to metal screws - you could bump up to red threadlocker (needs heat to remove), if you still get loosening. If you’re getting loosening on metal to plastic, you can use a dab of superglue to help. I built my unit the same way, without issue, but I may not go as crazy haha. But yes, PLEASE check the OSR2+ regularly, especially if you’re doing long sessions.

It was DEFINITELY the long sessions! I think it was actually a good thing that a few fell out. That way I now know that I should do a periodic checking and tightening. Just like a vehicle. :+1:

If you’re going super long, you may want to think about adding a fan to cool the servos. The lower end servos can get hot and fail if you’re doing long term jackhammer work.

Ha ha! Jackhammer work! :rofl:
Yeah, I might look into that. I mean, they’re not like half a day sessions…like an hour or so off and on. Gotta take the occasional smoke break. :laughing:

LOL your arms are gonna be so buff holding onto that contraption. “Dang, you been going to the gym?” “no, just working out at home…”

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got my osr2+ from @g90ak last week and have, after getting his help with some psu problems, have finally got it spun up and is working just great. if anyone considering is on the fence, let it be known g90 is a real standup dude and his offer is 110% sincere.


can i ask what are the benefits to using 35kg instead of 20kg? I also want to know where you would find the screws you are using.