Computer vision script creation in the making - DEMO

Doing the first steps to automate script creation

So far so good

In some month or two we can expect partially-functional thing that involves a person interacting with it. Fully automated is a multi-month thing of labelling and training. Looking for more engineers to join our effort.

Join our SLR script creators team How to Apply to Become a Commercial Paid Scripter! and be the first to use the tool for your scripts.


Wow, that looks promising!! Can’t wait to see how much progress you guys make with this

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Hell yeah!

very interesting :slight_smile:

Like I said, doing this instead of making planes kill people better.


I used a similar program from the first year or so of my scripting life. It worked fairly well, but wasn’t perfect because camera angles change and the movements are sometimes lost, but I am hopeful that we can move towards something like this where the AI can decipher what it needs to code better. I am excited to see how this project evolves.

Great job on that :+1:
There’s some fascination around


This is great. Keep up the good work.

Is there a way to download that program I would like to try it

Hopefully we should be able to show something a some few weeks from now. Really glad for all the support we’ve got here.

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Any progres yet ? :innocent:

Yes. Things are waiting to be released. There’re some non-tech work in place to get everything right. We are getting where we expected to get.