DeoVR dropping DLNA - alternatives?

Likely years if ever. SLR has no competition so far. We make little money for what we do. No one is ready to invest that much with so little returns.

If i try to log into the SLR app it says I have invalid credentials. They are the same username and password for the site so I know they are correct.

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Downloads are not going anywhere.

HereSphere can stream SLR videos. We are providing them everything they need

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There might be a bug atm. Checking with dev team on that. Really sorry about that

Thank you! Once Heresphere has Handy integration, will we be able to stream DeoVR scripts through Heresphere as well?

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He didnā€™t write us about scripts

So it might be possible then? He is very receptive to feedback.


We can provide him API for scripts if he wants to work on it


I used to work on a UPnP / DLNA app for iOS and I can understand why someone would want to give up supporting it. DLNA is a little easier than UPnP as itā€™s a little more constrained.

The Handy API looks really simple to use but Iā€™d guess the reason itā€™s not in use in more apps is itā€™s a niche and requires hardware for testing.

Shame as Iā€™d love Skybox to support it as I prefer SMB over DLNA.

Itā€™s not the money, in my case itā€™s simply the fact that I use DLNA on a regular basis.


Iā€™m a premium subscriber so am not worried about deovr requiring an active premium account/purchased scripts but I do also like to use free scripts I find here in deovr via xbvr.

Iā€™m going to ask you outright:

Do you plan to do something to actively break xbvrā€™s functionality for slr premium subscribers?

Premium users enjoy unlimited functionality. No matter where scripts are coming from itā€™s all yours.

So far Iā€™m not aware of any XBVR changes.

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Thatā€™s very good to hear

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Btw just got this from Slack

Updates required to continue using Slack

Users in one or more of the workspaces you manage are impacted by upcoming changes to Slackā€™s system requirements.

Beginning September 1, 2022, Slack will be ending support for the following app and browser versions. As a result, users on the app and browser versions below will need to update to continue using Slack.

Slack desktop app: 4.19.3 and below
Slack mobile app: 21.08.20 and below
Browsers: Edge 89, Firefox 87, Chrome 89

Also starting September 1, 2022, the following operating systems (OS) will no longer be supported. Users will still be able to access Slack if theyā€™re using a supported app version, but they will not receive app updates. To keep your companyā€™s data safe and secure, we strongly recommend your users update their systems as soon as possible.

Mac OS: 10.13 and below
Windows OS: Windows 10 version 2004 and below; Windows 10 server 2004 and below
Android OS: 8.1 and below

Not entirely sure of the reason for the above post. From what I understand Slack still has a free option. Is not removing features when you update the app and is saying that the newer versions will still work with the older hardware but they are not actively developing with it in mind so cannot promise support for operating systems from 18 years ago.

Or are we meant to be using Slack for something that i dont know about.


The post above is just a ā€œwhat about this thoughā€. Why remove DLNA totally? Why not atleast keep it for paying customers? It makes no sense.


Seems like a cut off your nose to spite your face situationā€¦ I havenā€™t seen one community member say this was a good callā€¦ SLR makes amazing VR content. But sorry this all makes no sense to me as wellā€¦


I neither defend or criticize the decision, but since I work in software development I know how it is to have old features holding you back from moving forward. Itā€™s like having a ball and chain that you have to drag along all the time, slowing you down, increases the costs due to more complex code and it often prevents you from implementing new features and improvements. Should one feature be allowed to prevent all future progress (rhetorical question)? At the same time I really understand the frustration for many, especially since there seems to be very few good alternatives. Even if Iā€™m not affected by this I use DLNA from time to time to stream to my TV.

I hope the last part of the quote above is either incorrectly written, if not then itā€™s very unprofessional. It sounds like the devs dropped the support out of spite because they are annoyed by the users feedback. I really hope thatā€™s just miscommunication.


Thanks for a word of reason :pray:

It was nothing of user feedback

The angry mob got into our place and made a whole mess. It totally discouraged everyone working on the project to do anything about DLNA. We just donā€™t want these people anywhere around. Introducing DLNA was wrong at the first place.

Oh, I wasnā€™t aware of that. Good to have that clarified.