Detailed review about the Syncbot

Hello everybody!

This is (another) review of the Syncbot. I will do a lot of comparisons with the Handy, which I used since release. It’s a more in depth / detailed review. There is a Tl:dr at the end and you can see the different topics I talk about on the right side.

I also have some great news for every one with a Syncbot: You can download ALL my scripts as Syncbot scripts. Of course, all my future scripts will also be converted to Syncbot scripts and downloadable.

Thread with all my scripts for the Syncbot


The @Syncbot_support team was so kind and gifted me a Syncbot Pro. Thank you very much for the offer, it’s really appreciated!
The Syncbot team didn’t ask me to write this review, nor they pay me any extra by making this review. Making this review is completely my own choice and my way of saying thank you.
Everything I talk about is my own experience. Everyone’s experience is personal and may be different for you.


The Syncbot arrived safe and secure packaged and in a very discrete manner.


When unpacking it, I got greeted by a very nice looking case. At first I though “Did they send me a gun instead?” It looks a bit like a case for a gun with a golden Deagle or M1911 in it. Meaning, it looks very professional and impressive. When opening it, surprise there was no gun in it, I saw the Syncbot, the Scabbards sleeves, cables, a manual, the Synchub, the Caliper and some lubricant in it. Everything is very nice packed together and already gave me a good impression. Everything looks high quality and very well made.


After unpacking it, I connected the Scabbard sleeve with the actual Syncbot. The Syncbot works with magnets. I simple put the sleeve into the Syncbot and it fits together. Everything is really tight and you don’t need to fear it would get loose easily. I think it’s a really easy, fast and elegant way to connect the sleeve. After I assembled the Syncbot, I connected the Synchub via USB with my PC. A new window opened and I installed the needed software, the Syncplayer. After the installation the player opened and it showed the Syncbot is already connected. Yeah, that was the setup. Very easy and fast. No need to connect to WiFi or anything. Assemble the Syncbot, plug in the Hub, install the software, open it, done.

By the way, the Syncbot doesn’t require to be connected to power all the time. It works based on battery and you simple charge it over USB-C. I was always a bit sceptical when it comes to battery based toys, because I don’t want the device to go off while using it. But the battery is really powerful and lasts long enough. Charging is also very quick thanks to the USB-C. Having no cable is actual very nice. No annoying and heavy cable laying around somewhere. If you plan a really long session, you can still connect and charge it while using it.

Very nice: There are videos and graphics in the Syncplayer showing you everything, how to set up, connect it and control it. Very neat.


Now it’s time to use. After I put some videos in (more on converting normal funscripts to Syncbot scripts and about adding videos in the “Software” part), I was ready to go. First impression: Wow! What is going on? It’s so different. After the first (positive) shock, I got used to it quickly and the feeling was incredible. It’s so different compared to the Handy.

So the Syncbot works with 3 axis, instead of 1. You have the standard stroking (up and down). But additionally it has rotation and contraction. Combined it creatives a sucking / vacuum effect. To visualize it, here is a picture from the website:

Comparing it with the Handy, the Syncbot feels / is / does:

  • Not that rough and hard - I feel like the Handy feels sometimes too rough and hard. Especially during faster sections, I felt like a machine gun was going ham down there.

  • Extremely stimulating. The 3 axis makes a very stimulating experience, that is not comparable at all with the Handy. All 3 axis are very noticeable. You can really feel the contractions on the tip. And the vacuum / sucking is very noticeable as well.

  • The orgasms are pure heaven. With the Handy I sometimes felt overstimulation from the rough movements. And it kinda ruined orgasms. The Syncbot feels way smoother and drives you to an intense orgasm without overstimulation , even on fast sections.

  • The Syncbot shines on slow scripts. I used this one: Aisha Bunny - Always wanted to taste a white dick. It’s a slower, very detailed blowjob scripts. My god, that was fantastic. You can feel the details with the Syncbot so much better. And because the script is so slow, the rotation and contraction is even more noticeable. It really created a suction on you and it feels she actual blows you. Truly immersive experience.

  • A blowjob simulator. Blowjob videos work perfect with the Syncbot. They work so good together, they are my favorite videos to use. The suction, rotating and contraction makes it feel very immersive. But normal videos work very well as well. I tried some Candy Love riding videos and the fast rotation is very stimulating as well. An absolute allrounder with a perfect match for blowjob videos.

  • The Syncbot feels lighter than the Handy, makes it easier and more comfortable to hold. This comes probably, because everything is in the device. For the Handy, the movement is happening outside. So you always had to hold against the movements from the Handy. Also, the Handy pressed on the lower belly, right where the bladder is. Resulted that I needed to take a bathroom break here and there. I see no such problems with the Syncbot. It gently sits on you, doesn’t pressure you in any way and is easy to hold with just one hand.

Will I use the Syncbot over the Handy? Yes. And it’s not even close tbh. The difference is enormous. The Syncbot feels incredible. It’s on a complete different level. Let me give you a comparison: You have some back pain and a friend gives you a massage. It feels good and helps. But few hours later the pain returns. You decide to go to a professional masseur. The difference is huge. The masseur hits it right, you feel really good and you can feel the hands hitting the right spots. It’s not too hard, not too soft. After that you feel like newborn. Few hours later the pain doesn’t return. Same with the Handy compared to the Syncbot. Handy does the job good enough, but the Syncbot gives real satisfaction.


The sleeve is very soft and feels different than the sleeves you are used from the Handy. The material feels really skin like. There is no bad smell at all. When I saw the sleeve I was afraid, because it looks so short. But it extends by a lot. No problems fitting in completely with above European average size. Using it for longer, I didn’t feel the need to re-lube. This is probably very personal. Some like it more “wet”, some not.
I am using normal water based lube. There is also some lube included. “One shot, for one shot” it says. So i poured everything in (30 ml) and I got flooded it, while using it ^^ I would recommend using only half of it maybe.

Touch controls

The Snycbot doesn’t have any buttons. Instead it has touch controls.

Multi taping on the top, videos goes +10 sec forward. Multi taping the lower part, videos goes -10 sec backward. Double clicking the middle plays or pauses the video. Swiping up, moves the video forward. Swiping backward, moves the video backwards.
Covering the touch pad with the palm, temporarily reduced the strength of the Syncbot. I think this is a nice feature. Because of this, you can really last longer and enjoy a longer session. The Syncbot still works, so you stay stimulated, but not so much that you orgasm from it.

Overall the touch pad is working very well. I much prefer it over pressing buttons. Being able to control the video with the Syncbot itself, is very helpful. Only downside is, you can’t change the speed or strength of the stroke / rotation and contraction with the Syncbot itself. You can control with it the Syncplayer though, that requires using the mouse. But it’s not too bad, because you can easily hold the Syncbot with one hand.



Of course you want to use the scripts you already have. For that you need to convert the .funscripts to Syncbot script called .acttrack. You install the tool, open it and it needs you to choose a video file and a fitting funscript. Then you just hit start and the conversion is done. The script gets saved in the Syncplayer folder found in C://Your Username // trace.
The scripts don’t have the same name anymore. You currently can not rename them, otherwise they don’t work. The tool does what it needs to do. Could use some improvements for the UI and the fields need to be larger, so it’s easier to drag and drop the video / funscript in it. The tool is beta and will likely receive updates.


The Syncplayer is the basic software to use the Syncbot together with videos and Syncbot scripts. After you converted the funscripts, you need to add the videos to the Syncplayer. You just click on the folder button on the top, add the videos and it’s done. You don’t need to place the videos in the same folder with the .acctrack file like you are used to with the funscripts. Convert your scripts, add the videos and it’s done. You will see a heatmap appear under the video when you did everything correct.

The player itself is fine. The overall design is very nice to look it. It has a modern look and a clean UI. The videos appear in a list with a thumbnail. When adding a lot of videos, it gets too unorganized. Currently you can’t create folders and sort them different. But this is also likely to change. Opening a video and you have the standard video control options. You also have options to control the stroking and rotation. There is a slider for that right next to the video buttons. Everything works very well and I haven’t experienced any problems with the player.

There is also a manual mode, where you have some set patterns you can choose from, of stroking, rotation and contracting. Very nice and you can experiment a lot with the sliders and patterns. The Syncbot requires you to connect with the PC / laptop and open Syncplayer to use the manual mode. There is no manual mode like you have with the Handy.

in the Syncplayer is a button, where you can reverse the Syncbot stroking. It’s a bit hard to explain. So normally the stroking is just inside and it’s only the inside, that is moving up and down. But with this option the stroking is done by the whole Syncbot itself. I hope I described it correctly. Let me know if that is not an accurate description. I find this option very cool and I like using it during blowjob videos. I think it feels more impactful like this and it feels like the girl is actually stroking / sucking you.

Edit: This button is actually just the option to turn stroking on or off. Nothing with reverse stroking or what so ever. You can either turn the stroking on or off.

Also, there is a “Cum Button”. Pressing this, sadly currently no hotkey - only clickable with the mouse, there is a set pattern that plays. Probably intended when you are about to orgasm and you don’t want the orgasm to get ruined by the script, when the movement may change to too fast, too slow or no movement at all. Nice feature, very nice to have!

Edit: You can customize the “Cum Button”. There is button next to it, also used for manual mode, where you can create yourself a pattern. Pressing the “Cum Button” plays this pattern. You can experiment with the sliders a lot and find something you really like.

The Syncplayer has the ability to create scripts by itself. You add a video, let it analyze (takes ~5 minutes, depending on the length) and you get an AI made scripts. It works decent. A handmade script is way better, but if there is a video you really want to have a script of, and there is no hand made script, it can be an alternative. I need to test this feature a bit more. I tried it with a simple riding video and it worked quite good. Some sections worked better, some not so good. I would assume that complex videos, where the view is not always on the action, won’t work so good. Make sure to pick a relatively simple videos, where the view is not obstructed. Since this is completely software based, it’s likely we will see improvements for that in the future.
It’s a very cool feature to have, but it currently can’t compete with handmade scripts quality wise. I really looking forward to improvements in the future though.


With the Syncbrowser you can make any video on PornHub interactive. Click on any video, it generates a script instantly and let it play. Quality wise I would say it’s the same with the AI scripts made in the Syncplayer. I tried a blowjob video, which worked really well and I was impressed by it. Then i tried some other videos and had some mixed results. Some worked better, some not so good. Here as well: Choosing simple videos, where the view is not obstructed, results in a better quality.

Also a great feature to have and will probably improve in the future. I can see it work really good one day and deliver a good experience, while browsing random Pornhub videos.


One big point me and probably a lot of others care, is the loudness. I think the Handy is, and became over the years, pretty loud. It sounds very mechanical and it’s recommended to use headphones to block the noise. If you are not alone in a house, you fear the device is being heard by others.
The Syncbot is more quit than the Handy in my opinion. Also the sound is different. While the Handy sounds very mechanical, the Syncbot sounds more robotic. More like a robot, like the name suggests. I would say the Syncbot is more “easier” to listen to. I wouldn’t be afraid that other people in the house would hear it. I would still recommend using headphones to block that noise and for a more immersive experience.


The cleaning is very easy. I remove the sleeve out of the Syncbot and unscrew the lower part from the upper part. Now I can clean it properly under the sink. For drying it, I use a paper towel to avoid fuzzes on and in the sleeve. Then I let it air dry for a while, put it back together and pack everything in the case. With the pro version, there is caliper included. Using it, makes the assembling and disassembly a lot easier. Without it, it can be a bit tricky at first.


I see no issues regarding to safety. Nothing can hurt you, everything is safe and secure. With the Handy, there is a possibility you can slip out of the sleeve and hurt you. Since everything is inside the Syncbot, there is no worry anything like this could happen. Because the sleeve is very soft, it shouldn’t hurt the head at all.


Yes, it’s a good device. I would even say it’s amazing and incredible. Worth the $369 for the lite package / 512$ for the pro package? Yes. The entry price is harder, than it is with the Handy. The Handy isn’t even 200. But quality has it’s price - good and new technology has it’s price. I would say the price is justified. You will get something new, high quality and next gen. If you are a Handy user and looking for an upgrade, this is for you.

The three axis working together in perfect harmony, the easy setup, the easy to use, the easy cleaning - all together make a perfect device and pure pleasure to use. Orgasms feel like you are in heaven and you feel truly satisfied after it.

It’s an incredible blowjob simulator and a perfect match with any good blowjob video + script. But it also works very well with any other video as well.

Some things need to be added like VR support and better options in the Syncplayer, but I am very confident the Syncbot team is up to it and will deliver.

You won’t regret buying this amazing piece of art.

Pros and Cons

:heavy_plus_sign: Very high quality premium device, everything is very well built
:heavy_plus_sign: 3 axis that gives a sensational feeling
:heavy_plus_sign: Very immersive feeling, especially for blowjob videos
:heavy_plus_sign: Already really good software
:heavy_plus_sign: Very easy setup
:heavy_plus_sign: Easy cleaning
:heavy_plus_sign: Comfortable too hold, even with one hand
:heavy_plus_sign: Great sleeve, really soft, very nice human skin like material
:heavy_plus_sign: Great and kind support from the Syncbot team, if you have any questions
:heavy_plus_sign: Built in long lasting battery, no annoying cable laying around
:heavy_plus_sign: Fast charging
:heavy_plus_sign: Next gen AI technology to create scripts

:heavy_minus_sign: Steep(er) entry price might discourage people to buy it
:heavy_minus_sign: AI scripts are often not that accurate, hand made scripts are still superior
:heavy_minus_sign: Currently no VR support

Wishes for the future

  • Hotkeys for reducing strength / length of stroking / rotation / contraction
  • Ability to create own patterns / replace the pattern for the “Cum Button”
  • Ability to set folders in the Syncplayer for the videos for a better overview
  • More sorting options for the videos in the Syncplayer
  • More view options for the videos in the Syncplayer (tiles etc.)
  • Playlists for the Syncplayer
  • A “play random video” option in the Syncplayer
  • A chapter mode in the Syncplayer similar like in ScriptPlayer
  • Ability to change script names to the same like the video, or the Fun2Sync software names it after the video by itself
  • VR support
  • Collaboration with SLR to use the Syncbot together with SLR scripts
  • Multi axis scripting / support (I would LOVE to create multi-axis script for the Syncbot)
  • Improvements for the AI that automatically creates the scripts
  • Handsfree support / mount
  • More and different sleeves
  • Instead of having 3 different programs, having just 1 program / app, where everything is included (Fun2Sync, Syncplayer, Syncbrowser)


Amazing next gen device, 3 axis working together in perfect harmony, orgasms you feel like in heaven, easy set up and overall easy usage make it my go to toy from now on and is a huge improvement over the Handy. Incredible for blowjob videos with the suction and rotation. Device is build with high quality, that absolutely justifies the higher price.

Thank you for reading!

Thank you very much for reading my review for the Syncbot. I hope I was able to give you a good and detailed review and maybe helped in the decision to get this amazing device. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me and I will gladly answer them.

Another big thank you to the @Syncbot_support team for gifting me the Syncbot. I am truly impressed by the device and I am looking forward to the future, especially for multi axis scripting and support.

With best regards

Get $20 off of your Syncbot with code “Slibowitz”


One of the few names in this community I’d trust a review from. Makes me excited for when mine arrives! Still havent gotten it yet since I ordered it around 9/27 so I’m just saving myself for when it does get here lol


Thank you for the trust :slightly_smiling_face:
I hope it arrives you soon, so you can enjoy the great device!


Sorry if you mentioned this and I’m just missing it but how are the funscript to SyncBot converted scripts? Do they remain as accurate as the original? Is there any manual adjustment needed? Honestly I’m pretty sold on this based on the research I’ve done, my only holdout is the VR support.


That’s a good question, I didn’t mention it specifically.

Yes, they remain the same. Same quality, same stroke lengths, intensity and same details. I feel like the smaller details are even more noticeable on the Syncbot.


Great review!
Since slower/detailed BJ videos are exactly what I enjoy the most using the Handy, I’m fairly confident that this toy would probably be a hit for me.
The price is steep for sure, but no handsfree and lack of VR support are the main issues holding me off from making the investment atm.

Every early adopter review is much appreciated though. Will definitely keep an eye on it.


I absolutely appreciate your thorough review of the SyncBot–especially in light of you being a valued contributor to this community.

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Thanks for the detailed review. Sounds like a fantastic device. I’m just worried with E.D., that I might not feel all the sensations since I’m only about “half-mast” most of the time.

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Thank you!

Understandable. VR become and is a very important aspect now. The immersiveness is uncomparable. Together with a handsfree mount, it would be the best current experience. I’d imagine a handsfree mount is probably not that hard to make for the Syncbot. Maybe we’ll see some self made ones soon, until we get an official one.

Thank you! I’m glad I can reach you guys with it.

I see. Maybe take a closer look at the sleeve itself. Here
Maybe you can see by this if it could work for you.


Thanks. It might be okay.

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I think ill wait till vr is compatible. Orherwise im very intrigued


Great review, hopefully they have some sales around Black Friday/ Christmas


Thank you for the great review! I appreciate the different areas you covered and the comparisons with The Handy. I think there’s a good number of us who are looking at comparisons with devices we already own, and this review definitely helps seal the deal for me.

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Definitely piqued my interest but could you please speak on the stroke action/length. Is this something you can hold in place and be good or do you need to manually stroke to get the same effect as the handy. It sounds as good as I expected for BJs/slow scenes but in action heavy scenes where you want a deep stroke how does it hold up/feel?

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Thank you for the review. You did a great job! Sound is one of the things I will really test, when my Syncbot arrives. So far I tried different toys and overall the Handy was quieter than the others. So reading in your review that you experienced the Syncbot to be at least not louder than the Handy is quite interesting. I will probably release a review on it, too. But 'til then I’ll have to wait for arrival. I will probably test one of your scripts, too.

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The contraction part sounds interesting.
The stroking and rotating can be found in the OSR2+, which is a bit cheaper and has more axis.
Is it worth buying over an OSR2+?

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If I need to just compare the stroke lengths, I would say the Handy offers a longer strength length. But I won’t say by that much. I tested some riding videos and the Syncbot holds up very good. Even in fast sections with longer strokes, the Syncbot doesn’t struggle. Yes, the stroke length feels a bit shorter. But it doesn’t have a negative impact, because the rotation and suction compensates it a lot.

I don’t have the feeling I need to manually stroke the Syncbot in addition. The stimulation is good and strong enough.

If you just want a stroker, I would say use the Handy. If you look for a different and new way of stimulation, get the Syncbot. Like I said in the original post, the Syncbot feels overall better, than the Handy for my personal taste. It doesn’t feel so rough and hard on you. The Syncbot offers a more pleasant feeling.

Even though both devices are mastubators, it’s hard to compare them. The Syncbot feels completely different. It’s a whole different level of stimulation.

Handy also became louder over the years. The mechanism is covered in some grease, which obviously will dry out from the uses over time. While I didn’t feel the Handy was loud in the beginning, I feel like it became louder.
Looking forward to your review. Hope your Syncbot arrives soon and that you have a good time with it :slightly_smiling_face:

I am not owning a OSR2+, so I can’t give any comparison. What always stopped me from getting one, is the fact I have to build it myself. Even if I would buy a pre build unit, I’d be afraid if something breaks, anything isn’t working properly or any kind of problem occurs, I’d have no way to fix it. It’s not really a customer friendly device in my opinion. The Syncbot might be more expensive, but you get an easy to use customer friendly device. And if you run in problem, you get help from the customer service.


Thanks for the explanation, you’ve come to be one of the people I absolutely trust on here. Bought and used your code, enjoy your kick back you deserve it. Hoping to see that candylove scene on it soon…:eyes:

Lmfao. I have been trying to disassemble the bloody scabbard for about 30 mins. The thing is as if its super glued on. Seems to only be an issue with the clear one.


I think there’s a caliper tool to help with that. You might want to pick one up if your unit didn’t come with one: Caliper | A Tool to Separate Scabbard –

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