Detailed review about the Syncbot

Lmfao. I have been trying to disassemble the bloody scabbard for about 30 mins. The thing is as if its super glued on. Seems to only be an issue with the clear one.


I think there’s a caliper tool to help with that. You might want to pick one up if your unit didn’t come with one: Caliper | A Tool to Separate Scabbard –

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My unit came with one. I think the issue is during manufacturing this thing was over screwed/tightened. The other one works just fine. I’ll most likely just make an attempt to open it up with rubber gloves and loosen it in warm water. @glassxat

If you have one, you could also try a rubber/strap wrench; they have saved me so many times when things just won’t unscrew or are over tightened. Highly suggesting having a few different sizes!

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@Slibowitz thank you for the excellent review. You are someone that everyone here trusts, so it is great to get a detailed review from you.

Are you/we concerned about the ecosystem around this? When I use the handy I actually use the bluetooth connection → Intiface Central → “ScriptPlayer” which can either then play videos directly or can connect another video player such as DeoVR for doing VR video (local files only) but still having all the controls and tuning you get with ScriptPlayer. I find this creates a fairly rock-solid pipeline and is super customizable. All the software involved is open source, etc.

You named some of their proprietary tools that concerns me. I have probably 1,000 funscripts and I’d love for there to be an open source tool that can do this in-mass. Plus the way you said it stored the post-converted files implies that it is trying to “own” the file within its own software now. These are walled garden type behaviors and will limit the options we have. What will scripting tools be like, etc.?

Do you have any sense about this with Syncbot?

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Thank you so much for the trust and for using my code :slightly_smiling_face: Really appreciate the support!

That’s a great scene. I already have it on my “2 script list” for the Candy Love videos. Sooner or later it will be scripted :slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you as well for the trust :slightly_smiling_face:

Understandable. ScriptPlayer being open source is a huge plus, I agree on this. Having 3rd party tools is always a big plus in my opinion as well. It has it advantages, by allowing for more customization and in case a company does not support a product anymore, we still have 3rd party software to use it. In case for the Handy, 3rd party software is absolutely necessary. I can’t imagine using the web video player from the Handy feeling website over ScriptPlayer. But 3rd party tools also have the disadvantage. The support might end abrupt. Just normal people work on them in their free time. While companies have the ressources and time to work on and support their software.

Currently there is no 3rd party software for the Syncbot. I don’t know if this changes or if it’s even possible. I don’t know the “architecture” they use behind the Syncbot. I am not an expert for software or programming / coding. I think Handy uses an open source API. I don’t know what the Syncbot is using and if it’s accessible at all.

I was a bit concerned when I read about they use their own script file and normal .funscripts are not compatible. I do understand now why they are making this. I can just speculate on it. Maybe because the Syncbot works so different, they decided to use their own file format. Maybe with the funscripts are some “barriers” that don’t allow full potential of the Syncbot. I can just speculate on that.

Personally, I don’t worry that much about it. You still own all of the scripts you convert. Every script is saved on your PC. You can create a backup on an external storage device, upload them to a cloud, share them or whatever you want.

For scripting tools: I don’t think they will use any own scripting tools. For multi axis in the future, if that feature hopefully arrives, we will use OFS, create the scripts, convert all three axis into one Syncbot script and use it. Same here, I can just speculate. But I don’t think they will create an own scripting tool, because that takes way too much time and ressources. And we already have a proper tool for that with OFS.

Overall I think, again not a software expert and I don’t know for sure, everything is happening locally. You install the player, plug in the Synchub, the Syncbot connects to it and you are ready to go. I don’t think anything requires an internet connection. I didn’t test it and I can’t say for sure. Definitely worth testing.

I hope I could address your questions and concerns. If you have any more questions, feel free to ask me.
For the deep in software stuff, I would send you over there and ask your questions directly to the Syncbot team. Maybe it’s already answered there, I didn’t read the whole thread. I think they were some questions about the API.

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Thanks for this great review! I was especially interested in hearing how the Syncbot directly compared to scripts that were made for the Handy, and that you had already used with that device, such as that Aisha Bunny script.

I’m still not clear on what you get when you convert a funscript to a Syncbot script. Does it leave the original (stroking) axis from the funscript alone and just add the AI generated suction and rotation axes, or does it completely remake the stroking axis along with the other two? In other words, was the Syncbot script still your original Aisha Bunny script but now with suction and rotation? Also, did the suction and rotation sync with what was on screen, or is it just adding that in as completely random embellishments?

If converted scripts maintain the integrity of the original script, I’m curious about what this might do with a Cock Hero script since I guess it would then stroke with the CH beat (assuming it was scripted to the CH beat meter) but also rotate and suck with the action. Did you, or could you, try that?

How do the Syncbot scripts know what video they go to? Is the filename embedded into the script’s metadata? If so, this is a problem. I have to rename almost every single script and video to match my system of naming conventions or else my entire collection of sucking and fucking and random tiktok thots falls into absolute chaos.

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This. The script remains the same. The stroking is the exact same, just with rotation, contraction and sucking in it.

From what I think, it’s relatively random. I don’t know the exact algorithm, where rotation and contraction gets added. But it doesn’t seem to be in sync with the action on the screen. As mentioned in the review, a truly multi axis support would fix it and would be the best to have. Then you can actually imitate a blowjob / handjob with the Syncbot.

Correct. Works really good with PMVs and Cock Heros. I tested some of my PMVs I scripted and a Cock Hero video I scripted. It’s like you say: It’s the stroking from the original funscript added with rotation / contraction and sucking.

This is also something I can’t answer for sure, because it goes deeper in their software.

You just convert the existing funscripts to Syncbot scripts. These scripts then gets saved in a folder. You open the Syncplayer, add the videos you converted the scripts and you can play them. There is no need for you to rename a scripts or anything like this. You keep your funscripts, convert them, they get saved, you use the Syncbot scripts with the Syncplayer.

I hope this kinda answers your questions.

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Yes. But its not AI generated, they are sliders. You can even turn them off.

I script a lot of metronome fap challenge stuff on my Patreon, with the syncbot it is really fun because you can control what you are feeling on those long slow strokes, a lot of the contractions and rotations felt depend on what position the stroke is at. So depending on how high you have those set is what you feel. For example, deepthroat stuff I will put the Grip to 75% or higher, with 25-30% on the rotation, so when it strokes down for deepthroat the rotation feels like being in a throat. I’ve played with those settings and have made it feel like fingers are stroking the base of my shaft on the down stroke. Personally I now can actually enjoy action scripts with it, it feels better than just being stroked up and down. Even with grip set to 0 and rotation set to max. tl;dr: it varies based on the mixed value of the sliders. Some aspects of one will not be felt as much when you start playing with them, this is where the fun of playing with sliders comes in.

The program puts them together, you dont have to rename anything.

Overall I like it way more than the Handy for being able to actually sit back, relax, and enjoy a scene.

Not to hijack your thread or anything, I plan on writing a review soon too and was looking for some points to touch on.


That is a very interesting part, that I didn’t think of. So you adjust the sliders based on the video. For example for a handjob video more grip would be better, but less rotation (depending on the video). I just always used everything on maximum. I played a bit with the sliders but didn’t think to make them fit for the video.

Thank you for the input!

No worries :slightly_smiling_face: Everybody can add something to it. Happy to hear other people advices, tips and tricks and experiences with the Syncbot. Add as much as you want to the conversation. I am happy for all input.

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Exactly! Using everything on maximum honestly didn’t do much for me .One of my go to videos is actually a script of yours I’ve watched it 3-4 times with the syncbot (rarely rewatched anything with the handy)
30% rotation/ 75-80% grip. When she reaches the bottom slowly and you feel the rotation/throat, I shed a tear during the first use haha.

Very good, haha. I’m looking forward to being able to add those into the script so I wont have to move the slider so much.


Awesome, happy to see this video works so well for you :slightly_smiling_face: I need to try it with the sliders like this too. Sounds really promising and interesting to use it like this.

Same! Multi axis scripting / support would be so huge with the Syncbot. I hope they make it work.

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Thanks for the replies @Slibowitz and @sol_K

I watch a lot more action scripts than Cock Heros and PMVs, but this sounds like a lot of fun.

So right now when watching an action script you have to click around on the sliders constantly playing DJ? That sounds less fun. That sounds… irritating. Of course if all three axes are scripted by hand from the start then you don’t have to do that, but that takes away the point of making funscript conversions from your existing library.

There is some confusion on this question I’m asking. I already have to rename almost all of my scripts and videos because I am obsessed with naming conventions and data organization. For instance, if I download a video that just has the filename “Deepthroat blowjob” and the Syncbot script was made for the video called “Deepthroat blowjob” but then when I then rename the video “MollyRedWolf - Deepthroat blowjob [Slibowitz],” will the Syncbot script that was created for it no longer be able to find its video?

You have excellent taste! (I already knew this from your scripts) All of those Waifu scripts are gold!

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No, no need to do it. These axis work automatically. You can just adjust them, if you want.

Just tested it, works. Renaming the video doesn’t matter for the Syncbot / Syncplayer. It still finds the correct script.

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Interesting, I didn’t think to utilize the sliders in real time. Thanks for the update.


Not as much as it sounds (we all know modern DJ’s can’t mix :joy:), i’d say maybe when switching positions from something like slow blowjob to fast penetration yeah. You can always just find a point that edges you and watch the video from there and not touch it. I watched scripted Kpop music videos for about an hour without touching sliders. It wasn’t overly stimulating until I wanted it to be, lol.

By reading this, it looks like it will still be able to find the video.

Haha, appreciate it :slightly_smiling_face:, I will for sure have to explore more of them in the upcoming weeks lol

yes! Even if you progressively slide it, the syncbot reacts the entire time. I cant wait to script audio scripts where the rotation matches starting fast… going slow… speeding up etc.


When you convert a script, you basically get something that smoothly goes somewhat rhythmically in motion with the script. As the stroke goes up and down, the rotation turns on consistently as a medium speed, and you can adjust the intensity from there. The suction also generally releases at the top of a stroke, and increases at the bottom of a stroke. I think occasionally the machine can do a double suction, or like two sucks inward in 1 stroke.
With AI-generated scripts, sometimes the rotation is going one way, then another, going on and off, and the sometimes a sudden change to a counterclockwise turn can feel weird when combined with heavy suction.

There are all these different rotation modes that the Syncbot has that you can use in a different mode:

For me, basically only mode 1 and 3 feel good, and only in certain ranges. The Mode6 is pretty uncomfortable, I guess by design. For some reason clockwise feels different then counterclockwise, and alternating clockwise and counterclockwise can feel weird. When you use a converted script, it’s doing more like mode1 and mode3, but with AI scripts, I get more of the uncomfortable rotations.

The suction also feels… more intense with AI scripts, like my dick is literally getting squeezed hard. I kind of like that intensity and the surprise factor on the AI-generated scripts, but the rotation being a bit random and chaotic makes it feel like pressing a an electric toothbrush or a buzzy vibrator directly right on there sometimes. AI-scripts just feel weird.


For sure hit or miss, I’ve tried a few AI generated scripts for FC2PPV stuff, mainly blowjobs and face fucking and it was an odd experience for some, but others really amazed me to the point of actually using the script again. The suction you mentioned I thought it was just me, but that AI seems to put its own spin on things in certain situations which can be nice.

Mode 3 is amazing lol. Mode 6 is… I really don’t know how to describe that one. It really caught me off guard, lol.

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Same, I tired on a bunch of FC2PPV videos. Sometimes the long POV scenes are pretty good.
Hopefully the devs listen to our plea for smoother script generation. I think the motion tracking is “working” judging by the movement if you only enable the stroke, but the the rhythm with the rotation and suction does not really correlate to the scene as smoothly.
Maybe it would seem to undermine the ability of the Syncbot by making such simple scripts, but I think it would be a better alternative until we have Syncbot Script Generator program like Funscript Generator.


@hentaiprodigy69 Thanks for the reply. Those are some interesting insights you’ve provided.

Thanks for testing that out for me.

I read through that post, and it seems very clear that the script points to a specific file regardless of its filename. That’s good… maybe. However, what if the video isn’t provided via mega and you download it from a streaming site? What if you download the same file from a different streaming site than what OP scripted from? What I’m getting at is, not only am I constantly renaming the files in my collection, but I’m also constantly improving the quality as I find better sources. If I originally have a script for a 720p video off of PH, but then I find a different site with a 1080p will it still work? What if the 1080p video is five seconds longer because there’s an advert at the end? What about when someone upscales the video or creates a 3D conversion?

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