Syncbot AI Masturbator integration with Manual Script. Free Syncbot Give Away for Eroscript!

You really should shout this from the rooftops, loud and clear. I read about charging lights on your website and decided to stop reading about the Syncbot. After having to bin a Keon that kept running out of juice halfway through, I am not interested in spending any money on something that can’t be plugged in.

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I am not a tech guy so I could only answer as much as I could. And I might be wrong.

1.For the sake of politeness, we avoid discussing the downsides of any one in public posts. From a technological perspective, a “cloud-hosted only” system often results in longer signal transmission routes. The key point is not that a longer signal transmission route is necessarily slower,the point is that in this industry,hardware always involves two major signal routes: the video signal and motion signal (referred to as ‘motion information’ by you). It’s practically very hard for these two signals to have the exact same ‘time error.’ Since they go through different paths in some cases, they may utilize different servers and various relay devices.When it involves feedbacks. There would be actually four routes at least and it is more difficult to control the time difference. That’s why Syncbot are being with SyncPlayer and SyncBrowser and SyncHub. Synchub could deal with time error while you are using SyncPlayer and SyncBrowser.
When you are using Syncbot with Syncplayer, you don’t have to get online at all, it is all local.
2.We hope we could do linux, but not yet.
3.We need no warranty to repair for our users.
4.Scripting is not proprietary. We are co-working with manual scripters here in Eroscript.
5.We actually don’t know what AI is doing. It is not programming. But the input is about vision and sound, our annotation team are basically a bunch of scripters.
6. Bluetooth mode and Synchub.

Great answers. I think #4 was a bit confusing so I’ll rephrase.
Does the syncbot have an analog to the handy API
Not for scripting but a way to make my own “client” send a script to the syncbot.

Similar to how other websites can make handy integration.

Anyone in the US (California) able to place an order? I can add everything to my cart, but when entering my address it says there are no shipping options available.

We are delighted to announce the winner of the first round of our giveaway: @Szkieletor. His prize was dispatched in late August.

For the second round, we are pleased to inform you that @stockdoodle emerged as the winner. We’ve been in touch with him via email and will be shipping out his prize within the next few days.

Thank you for participating in our giveaway. We appreciate your support! :slight_smile:


Just saying you should handle giveaways better, otherwise it gives off the wrong impression.

You said the giveaway as being exclusive to this community, but the giveaway link: is the same one you have used for giveaways on reddit.

I also don’t recall the giveaway link asking for a eroscript username. Do you just ask them in email and if they said they didn’t have one, would you tell them oops sorry you didn’t win, because the reddit giveaways don’t say you have to be on this site? I don’t see any mention for a second round, so I’m guessing you mainly pulled from the first giveaway entries. Is the giveaway an ongoing thing with the chance to win the package or coupon?

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Yes you are right sir. They are unclear. There were 2 rounds of giveaway. One after another, and they are all finished. Thank you for reminding us. We will do better.

So I keep reading that there is no vr headset support for this yet. I’m curious though, if it can already sync thru pornhub, what stops someone from simply accessing pornhub on a vr headset, such as a quest 2, and linking the syncbot to the headset thru bluetooth. Is that where the issue currently lies? Is there an option currently or in the works to be able to load syncplayer onto a quest 2 or other headset?

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VR would come sonn


damn! I was on vacation! Too bad, I would have loved to start scripting with this device :slight_smile:

Hey, anyone know how to update the syncplayer?

If you installed from the syncplayer device you have a version that cannot be upgraded(which is what I did). You have to download from the email they send you or discord PM. After that make sure you have some kind of zip program or install won’t work(what I also did). Once unzipped install and the player will still not be the most updated. However, in the options menu (little cog icon) you can now search for updates and install from syncplayer itself. Hope this helps.


Were there any kind of update

Saw the black friday deal but then…

“There is no shipping rate available for this order and destination.” Do you have a timeline for when this will ship to Canada?

Any idea when the scabbards will be in stock to buy separately?

It is ready now

Any news on shipping to Canada?

looks really interesting, hopefully i get one :smile:

Is there going to be any kind of update to the durability of the device? I’ve heard some horror stories as of late. Trying to justify this over the SR6 (which costs less with 6 axis and heating) is a bit insane given the ease of repairing that device yourself.


Wow, that does sound shilly.

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