[Dieselmine] Milking Farm / Succubus Farm - EDI (v1.5)

This looks really hot!! Thank you!!

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Should work. Have you tried with the latest EDI version?

hey, does anyone know why edi doesnt work with the wifi option? it works with the handy with intiface, but when on wifi, it says ready, but nothing happens.

i want to try wifi because it says the scripts are detailed

any way to slow down the pixel animations and thus the scripts? They go really fast and my Handy has trouble with them. I don’t wanna hurt myself lol

EDI can’t really adjust the script playback speed, but you could create another script version that’s slower and then add it to the mod.
The players could then switch between their preferred versions in the Edi Launcher.

Wait, isn’t the script made for thehandy? Or IS the question here more about personnal safety?

I mean it’s both. It is supposedly made for the Handy, but mine struggles to keep up. It will sometimes stop alltotogether and then play this weird catchup or stutter with how fast the scripts are or when they quickly change. It’s fine for most of the CG scenes.

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The awesome scripts for the animations are from [99DM] and were tested with the Handy.
I had no problems with them, but they are very detailed/intense and require a good wifi connection.
That’s why I suggested making a simple version as well, since it would be easy to implement both into the EDI mod.

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So just to be clear. 99dm’s script are for the animations right? As for all the cg and stuff where can we get them? Is everything included here?

CG-Scripts are from Secondary2.
The game is fully scripted and everything is already included in the mod.

Ok many thanks. I was downloading all scripts from everywhere plus the mod ^^||

How do you use the pause function?

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The pause function is automatically called when you press skip during the CG-Scenes.
If you don’t want the script playback to pause during that, you can disable this by setting “SkipEnabled” to false in www\js\plugins\EDIPlayer.js

ah ok, I misunderstood. I thought there was a function to simply pause and resume the script playing at any time. That would be a nice feature.

I’ll consider that for the future, but might not be easy to implement for some games.
For now, it’s at least possible to stop and continue the filler scripts at anytime by pressing the TAB key.

In the latest version of EDI, the resume endpoint has a parameter addCurrentTime. If you send the pause command, the device stops. And if you send resume(AddCurrentTime=true), it resumes playback as if it had never been paused, picking up from the last gallery sent to where it should be currently.
In this way, you can always pause and resume, even if the content continues playing on the screen, knowing that you won’t lose synchronization.

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hey a just add autoblow compatibility and the device get some script limit size error.
to fix this add this file together with the definition.csv
BundleDefinition.detail.txt (3.8 KB)

divide the script bundle in 2 smallers ones

I just have a white screen i replaced the files that existed what do i do

What folder are the videos supposed to be in? They won’t play for me.