Discussing Possible New Rules for the #Free-Scripts Category

My thoughts on this are pretty much a combination of things that have already been echoed. Any script that requires an external link show have a tag saying so.

For me though as a consumer the ideal way for free scripts posts to be handled would be the script being available to download directly from the post but if the person has a gumdrop, patreon, etc that link being available directly below it with a tag because there are times when I like a script so much or that someone makes a script for an actress I like a lot that I would like to support them monetarily. There’s been a couple of free gumdrop scripts where I added a couple of dollars to because I’m a big fan of the actress so I like having the option to support the creator. With this way, if I download a script I really like directly from the post, I honestly wouldn’t mind going back to download it again from their gumdrop just so I could give them a couple of dollars for their work.

That being said, even though it’s only a couple extra steps, I hate going through more steps to get a free script when it’s mandatory. It’s kind of like the whole VR Bangers/VR Conk situation where you can’t download directly from the website anymore you have to go through the Playa app which also means you need to launch the Steam app just to download one thing as opposed to the old method where all you had to do was 2 or 3 mouse clicks on the page you were already on.

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First off who doesnt have a patreon account. Secondary if we’re gonna ban free patreon scripts then those stupid fantia links better be gone too. Atleast i can read the patreon. Fantia no matter how many times you hit translate it never does.

Bottom line is, its a free script. It doesnt cost anything to get except a few minutes to make an account. We’re all here to find a good script to get us off. If making a free account 1 time is to much then you’re missing out.

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You can have the scripts on your Patreon and upload them here at the same time, no? Not forbidden to advertise your Patreon as I see it and problem solved.

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The question here is whether or not it’s okay to require users to take the trip to Patreon (which might incentivize potential paying patrons in the future) while still having the script classified as free.
It’s kind of like an ad you have to engage with to get the free product, as opposed to a non-intrusive ad.

Those of us who physically can’t.

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You missed the part about having to sign up to see and download the content with an account that could have RL data connected to it, which as said already some don’t have an account or:

At worst it’s preventing people from getting scripts meant to be free and at the opposite it’s forcing people to give up data related to them alongside make them not want to become a patreon’er of the person not giving them a choice in the matter.

Because the matter has come up again I’ll refer to Google and it’s latest Youtube anti-ad-blocking adventures in how Chrome will no longer support V2 and so Ublock Origin will not longer work. Even if you find an alternative that does work though Youtube is also testing out giving you a few free videos before blocking you from watching until you disable the ad-blocker…though some people have just had it outright block them with no freebies. They’re going as far as trying to do server side injection of adds so as your streaming the video you stream the ad in with ad-blocker having (currently) no way to stop it. But that’s in turns breaks or throws off other extensions that go off video timestamps/length played like Sponsorblock that makes it so you can skip intro/outro and more:

The more


But what if you then give up ad-blocking on Youtube?

Well your troubles don’t stop as remember that skip adds button? They’ve started to try and hide/cover it up, plus sometimes it doesn’t even appear like it always use to if you remember Youtube’s UI 2012 and before. Speaking of that time, ads and how they are done on Youtube have only gotten worse compared to back then and earlier since the longest you could get was I think 30 seconds or a minute I think. Now…5 minutes.

So with all that in mind do you think people prefer to have the choice of viewing ways to support creators…or be forced into it if they can even do so?

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I’m not sure if any of this was meant for me or just a general statement that happened to be a reply to me.
I don’t disagree with you at all, my post was interacting with roa’s response to Mike650vtwin.
(I agreed with roa’s point but I found it didn’t acknowledge the crux of the issue, being that people specifically want to require the engagement with their Patreon page. It’s not that they can’t make the script easily accessible for everyone while also advertising their Patreon, it’s that they want to profit off of making the script less accessible.
The question is whether or not people should be allowed to pull a YouTube on us in the free scripts category.)

Since we’ve got a surge of flags on topics that hosts scripts on Patreon, I’d like to clarify a second time that this rule is not implemented and will not be implemented as-is.

The only thing I’d recommend for creators though is try not to disguise your Patreon link as a direct download (this has happened before and caused some discomfort). Be open and clear if you want readers to get the script from your Patreon.


Only the first bit of about how some people can’t make a Patreon account, I also didn’t realize you were responding to roa (as the discourse system hides that when it’s the latest comment your replying to) nor that you weren’t disagreeing.
Sorry. :bowing_man:

After the making Patreon account I ended up going on a ramble as the same reasoning keeps getting put forward of it it only being an small thing. When it isn’t as we’ve already seen it not be when you can even use a Patreon account ; such that I feel like this is similar to Youtube and how people were initially okay with the ad system there but now it’s turned rancid in everyone’s view I believe.

I still haven’t moved or felt my previously said thoughts on the matter have been swayed, just dismissed by the fact that for some reason it’s been decided that the rule hasn’t been put into place? (despite an majority vote in favour for it in all the trust level polls)

This is AN further reason why I think it’s best to straight up not allow it because attempting to make this clarification on a topic that I doubt anyone will be checking and new creators coming in probably won’t be checking either. I believe the reason why people are flagging the topics is because they also don’t think it’s behavior they except when going into the free script section. We still have script makers not following the basic template requirements that appears when they go to make a new post from time to time.
I know there’s a lack of staff to do moderation as is but leaving things in this current state rather than it being clear cut is asking for trouble in the future as we’ve already seen with the Loli/Shota ban and making sure topics don’t get incorrectly flagged for it.

Ultimate solution: Just do what I do and mute/block the people who do it lol. It’s a scummy practice imho and I refuse to give my attention to these people.


I agree with that but sadly it doesn’t stop their topics from showing up in the category…only says that it’s ignored content when you enter the topic. (despite the function saying it will hide the topics) Nor does it solve the problem, just hide it from yourself not anyone else.


Yes, this is something I’ve complained about before. I just backspace when I see the ignored content tag. Although, I can usually recognize their avatars before I even click on the topic.

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