DIY Handy Hands Free ideas?

Hi there I have been looking around for a while for ways to make the Handy be hands free and noticed there wasn’t a topic on here for it so this is me making it. If you have an idea on how to do it then post it! Same if you have managed to do it and want to share how you did it so others can re-create it.


I use a microphone stand. The Handy is attached with 2 tie-wraps. Would love to have something more sturdy tho, f.e. some attachment to my desk, but it works for now.

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I want to try this in the next days:

It’s a bracket for a VESA mount designed by @Thanny



I found two threads on the official reddit regarding a hand free-setup.

The manufacturers also want to provide a hand free-solution. But they said it’s something for the future and it’s currently not their priority.


I have the same setup. To make it sturdy I attached a phone clip holder to sit at the bottom of the handy. Works surprisingly good.IMG_0289.HEIC


What you want is a 71mm camera collar mount, wrap a couple pieces of tap around the top of the handy to create texture, then clamp around the tape.

Then connect it to a camera clamp mount.

Here are some examples.

71mm Collar Mount.

Camera Clamp Mount

I have mine mounted backwards so the strap is facing me, with the buttons on the handy facing away from me.


That’s a pretty good idea for a desk mount. How sturdy is it? Does it shake the table a lot? lol

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I have another one for you. It can be very stable depending on the wood you have :slightly_smiling_face:
Description on Milovana


2x pipe bracket for diameter = 69mm
2x screw that fits the pipe bracket to mount it to the plank
2x metal bracket ~50mm with 10mm hole for the screw
1x plank (example: 22 x 72 x 500mm)


Do you have a picture? As that can help a ton with re-creating it all. Also as Satmeo said with the sturdyness I am wondering about how well it holds it due to it being held at one point.

PS I am liking a lot of how this thread is turning out as there’s a lot more ways in dealing with the issue than I thought, nice work everyone! :clap:t2:

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Thought I would add mine to the list here! I’m very un-handy so rather than anything fancy with brackets or mounts, it’s literally just a few pieces of wood glued together. I clamp it to my desk using an F-clamp when in use.


And in case anyone wants to try building it, here’s some instructions - you just need some bits of plywood, a wood block, two screws and some wood glue!



Great suggestion. Mine was stable vertically but not horizontally. So I attached an IK ipad clip, and now it’s really solid :slight_smile:

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Another idea I tried today for handsfree action in bed :slight_smile: I used digital piano stand, removing the legs and attaching the handy using a belt. It works really well!



Nice idea, shame I don’t own a piano :laughing:

Actually I have an Ikea tray table thing, wonder if I can work out some way to mount it to that :thinking:


I’m working on a 3D-printable general-purpose Handy mounting device. Kind of like a universal adapter for the Handy. My thinking is that if I make it available on Shapeways or something, anyone could order one and then use the screw-holes to mount the Handy to whatever they want!


I like how you think. Keep us posted!

Doesn’t the belt stop the strokes going below about 40%?

No, the belt is on 5cm area where there is no gap.

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I kind of already did that, though it’s quite possible what you’re working on will be better. Mine is a clamp that holds the Handy with the help of some friction material between the two. I use some neoprene rubber pieces. One could probably also use some big rubber band pieces. The base is a standard VESA mount.

The STL’s can be downloaded here.

Here are what the parts look like:

And here’s a quick and dirty picture of it attached to the Handy:

I’ve thought about extending the size of the clamps downward and adding a floor for the Handy to rest on, but haven’t gotten around to it yet.


Great idea! what brand is this stand from? I can only seem to find the standard piano stands from a quick google search.

It’s off a Korg SV1.