Is it possible to make this work with the FunSR1 2.0?
It’s a device similar to OSR2(+) and OSR6, connecting via serial connection and using TCode protocol. But it only has L0 (stroke) and R0 (twist) axes.
I tried with the version currently in the Mega, and I can select the COM port and it detects the device as “tcode_0.3” with the variant “detailed”. It shows up both in the UI and in the API demo webpage when doing the GetDevices GET request.
However, it does not play the patterns from a connected app on the device, instead it seems like it keeps disconnecting and connecting, the device constantly resetting itself. The device works just fine with MultiFunPlayer, so it’s working correctly.
If there is any debug version I can run to provide you with logs I’ll happily supply those logs.
sorry for the inconvenience. I hope to solve this in the new version of EDI, especially the logging part. I am particularly interested in making the funSr devices work.
Thanks for the update. Device integration of the SR1 seems to work now, it connects without the endless init loop. Also, it imports the galleries from the game and I can play them manually from the EDI GUI.
However, it seems the game is not able to control the device through EDI.
It tried with these 2:
For both, I only replaced edi.exe with the latest one from the Mega in the OP of this thread.
The scripts show up in the EDI GUI and work manually, but the game does not play any of them. I tried both my normal user account and an admin account, also tried Run As Administrator.
The Windows firewall did not ask me to enable outgoing connections from either the game or EDI, so I’m not sure if permissions need to be set manually - or by which other means the game is supposed to communicate with EDI.
Edit: I just tried reverting to the old .exe and indeed that shows the current status at the bottom of the EDI GUI (Device Play, Pattern, Loop). The new .exe never shows anything in that status line.
Edit 2: Same is true for accessing the localhost:5000 link in the browser, only works with the old exe.
Hello, thank you! These detailed analyses are very helpful for solving problems. I recently added an HTTPS interface on port 5001, and I think this might be causing issues with Windows. What error do you get when you try to access the link in the browser?
It should be functioning. Could you try it out and let me know?
I made some changes that I think should fix the previous issues, but I only have an SR6 to test with.
I downloaded edidemo from the mega web disk you provided and overwrote the file. funsr1 was recognized, at least it did not repeat the initialization action all the time, but it could not match the movement with the game. This is the test video.
That seems like the same connection issues others are having further up. Edi isn’t receiving the commands from the game, your Edi status was still showing blank.
I checked in the tutorial you provide my firewall ports and set up listening on port 5000, but still can’t access http://localhost:5000/swagger/index.html, also can’t interaction and games.
Do you use Windows 11 by any chance? This is what I use and what doesn’t allow Edi to open port 5000, even if I completely disable the firewall (with the internet router switched off, of course).
Alright, that invalidates my theory that MS changed something in Win 11 that breaks it.
The most recent change in EDI was adding a HTTPS connection at port 5001, the version before this addition worked fine for me (but had the FunSR1 in an endless init loop). So I think an option to stop EDI from trying to open that extra HTTPS connection could be a possible solution.
To update Edi
Due to significant changes, all files must be downloaded again from mega folder and replace it on the existing integration, except for the EdiConfig.json(do not replace it) .