Fallen Angel Marielle - Fixs, Handy Script Upload, Joystick, Invincibility(11-Dec-2022)

So finally had some time to check the current repo with the lovense edge 2 but unfortunately it didnt show the desired effect.
Probably the last commit introduced this problem but this is only a guess …
Maybe it helps if I describe a bit the behavior not expecting anything since it is an open source project :wink:

FallenAngelHandy.exe - 07.12.2021 (downloaded build from mega)

  • After starting it connects the device (via Intiface Desktop) but starts immediately to vibrate 1 sec on 1 sec off
  • in “Simulate Game” the “Attack” button shows no impact but playing a gallery script seems to work somehow
  • In the game the "base vibration " continues but when meeting enemies, a script is played from the gallery
    → so all in all ok, except the continuous base vibration

FallenAngelHandy.exe - 16.04.2021 (own build current repo)

  • base vibration is gone
  • in “Simulate Game” the “Attack” button now works, however after a short burst, a continuous vibration starts
  • unfortunately neither in “Simulate Game” nor in the game the gallery scripts work anymore, at least it stops the continuous vibration
  • when an enemy is met, nothing happens but after that, the “base vibration” starts again
  • the modification in Config.cs - Filler = false doesnt really work, after “attach” simulation the program crashes

I also noticed, that Intiface Desktop hangs sometimes and you dont notice that immediately as device commands are still processed somehow but the sync is broken.
So if anyone wants to join testing, have a eye on that :wink:


Please help me
I tried to use this integration yesterday, I followed the tutorial to open the intiface, ran Fallen Angel Handy.exe, then an error message appeared immediately,
I pressed continue to ignore the error, then I tried to launch the game, and found that handy will only do basic fillers ,doesn’t reflect anything with the game state
P.S. when using the emulator it work
How can I fix this?

error message

System.Net.HttpListenerException (1232): Unable to connect to network location. For network troubleshooting information, please refer to the Windows instructions.
at System.Net.HttpListener.AddPrefixCore(String registeredPrefix)
at System.Net.HttpListener.AddAllPrefixes()
at System.Net.HttpListener.Start()
at FallenAngelHandy.GameListener.StartListener()
at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.b__139_0(Object state)

At first glance it looks like it’s unable to start the http server. I would recommend checking that your firewall or some other software isn’t blocking it.

Thanks for your reply!
I only use windows defender as firewall, I have tried closing Windows Defender or adding Fallen Angel Handy.exe to the whitelist of Windows Defender.
but it doesn’t work, still the same error message appears :cry:

Hey, nice work on this!
Just a quick question,
does someone know if maybe something like this could be done for the Amazon Futa brawl from Toffi?
I think it would be so awesome.
Since Futa brawl has fixed Sex scenes that you can’t escape, I think it would be perfect for that!

Like, have multiple modes:

  • Normal challenge: The device moves every time you get grabbed by the enemy. If you lose the round, you get a “punishment” round where the device does very fast movements.
  • Hardcore challenge: The device moves for EVERY sex scene

(Fill in your own rules for the challenges :wink: )

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Coming back after the most recent update. Everything has been working great! Also enjoying chaos mode, great addition to the game.

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Hey, so you’re saying vibrators work fine now?

Yes, at least for my Lovense Gush using the usb bluetooth dongle. All syncs properly.

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@sunny apparently the vibrators already work fine! let me know if it works for you too

So I’ve tried to use it with an vibrating toy and for some reason neither the Mega version nor the github version worked for me. Only the filler did work after escaping from an enemy attack. During the attack itself there was no vibration. I’ve cloned the repo and changed the Vibrate value to the following and rebuild it:
I had to change the Speed variable to Value.
It’s working now for me but the vibration is offsync to some extend (tried some divisor to get a better sync). The toy was an Lovense Edge 2


Just wanted to let u know there are some enemies with no script playing. The following enemies are affected:

  • pfeil
  • ghost_e
  • ghost
  • ghost_r
  • gravedigger
  • gravedigger_e
  • gravedigger_r
  • tannit_1
  • tannit_2

I had to manually add those request calls in the data.win file. Here is the updated version:


Thx for providing your version, Blanc! !!! :ok_hand:
I’ve tried your adaption, rebuild it and it works now with the edge 2 !

Just for the records …

I observed, that after escaping from an enemy attach, there is some alternating vibration sequence. Does anyone know if this Is a desired behavior? (I actually havnt yet played the game as I was trying the get the “adaption” working first :slight_smile: )
Another thing is (just as an testing input), that the program crashes after the first start. Also the simulation crashes sometimes if I click several times on “attach”. Maybe I have chosen the wrong build configuration.
I build with Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-Bit) Version 17.0.4 using netcoreapp3.1 for win-x64 and getting a 161Mb file.

hello thanks for the code! I’m going to make a new version in a couple of weeks, with some more options for vibrators like speed or position, just like the script player does. also a combo to choose between the original script or the halved (slow) version


Dunno about the simulation since I’ve only used it to test if the vibration works. But what I did experience was that:

  • As for the Divisor Value you can use 100 instead of 75. Since the toys only accept a value between 0 - 1.0 and using Value (0 - 100) / 100 should result in value between 0 - 1.0. Or you could just send instead of the VibrationValue the LinearValue. It’s not the best conversion from linear to vibration value but still better than nth I guess.
  • An exception when you’ve unlocked the enhanced crouch attack and use it at a wooden blockage. .I had to add an if check to prevent it from crashing:
  • I also forgot to add the function call for masturbate_1 in the data.win file (overlooked it).
  • Also if a vibration is played after attacking or getting normal attacked it will keep playing the vibration even if you stop attacking or stop getting attacked. The only way to stop it is by playing a scene from the gallery. My guess here is that the toy just keeps playing the latest value it received until it receives a 0 value. I may be wrong here since I didn’t look further into it. In the end I’ve just disabled the attack and filler option.

@dimnogro You might be interested in this too.

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Can you play this game with a handy and a vibe toy going at the same time? If not I would love to see an option for it


Cool, tried this with my Launch and worked like a charm! Didn’t disconnect once during my play + no jittery.

my toy only vibrates when the health or pleasure bar changes. It doesnt do anything when the scenes are played. how to fix?

does this game support toys?

Merged this with WetPieceOfSoggyToast’s Invincible Mod found here

Mod: Invincible Handy

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so the handy is compatible ? nice