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can you change the stroke length without having to refresh it every time?

You should be able to adjust the sliders in pretty close to real time.

Itā€™s the only way I make it through basically any video :sweat_smile:

What about a duration selection as a filter. so you can say a minimum of for example 5mins, or a maximum of 45mins (range should be 0-unlimited by default).

This should be able to negate the very short videos, or very long ones (if time is lacking for example, you might want only 10mins max).

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At the very lease there should be either a filter on tags or filter from user. Is this something that can be added to the site in the near future?

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These new features are on the list. At the moment, weā€™re pausing rolling out new features, but plan for that change in the coming months.

are there any active creators with normal content on the platform anymore or just weird furry/futanari shit i saw get blasted yesterday

pardon me more furry just got posted lol v.v

I am limiting it now. But honestly new uploads arenā€™t coming in so fast that itā€™s hard to browse whatā€™s new.

And hereā€™s the thing: if the majority of uploads are hentai/animated, maybe that means that people who are using automated strokers like that kind of content.

If everyone uploads the kind of content they want, weā€™re going to have content that represents the community,

We are still going to roll out filters, etc. But in the meantime categories and search works quite well.

From my experience its more a kind of: shorter video, so more can be created in a short time.

If most of them are 2mins yet a normal video is 10min. thats 5:1 ratio of videos that can be made in the same time. Add to that that animations often involve looping a lot, and you see that these can be created realy fast.

I see. I am subscribed to Skull86 since they are very active and only wish to see their content at the moment. Iā€™ll just bookmark the page and another I see that is normal-ish

Only reason I was really getting into it was the MDemaxis dude posted like 20 videos all animated and pushing other creators i like down. Im guessing to promote their paid content sure but no one should be posting that much that fast to dominate the new page

ill end my rant now haha I still appreciate your website tremendously thank you

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Like I mentioned, I am limiting certain creators. Sometimes a batch gets through before I get chance

I do understand your point of view. Filters are coming.

And you can favorite creators you like. Or become one!!


Just seen one person has dumped 14 videos and 12 of them are under 34 seconds long, one is 8 seconds.

Two things are needed

ā€¢ Filter for minimum length
ā€¢ User/Uploader blocking feature


I agree with the block feature but limiting a creator on how much they can upload is bad. I got a couple on scripts Iā€™d like to upload but cant or ill have the risk of getting creator status revoked again. Iā€™ve seen a few creators upload more than 2 videos (what I was told is okay to upload per week) on the ā€œthis weekā€ tab. Wont point out names but 13 videos,4videos,and 7 videos.

Hello. Are you planning on adding SR6 + Multi-Axis support? Thanks.

If thatā€™s something you can program into a Funscript, Iā€™m not sure why that file would be rejected. Have you tried to upload a file like this?

There are no plans to add the ability to submit multiple versions of a script, or to allow scripts that wonā€™t work for all Funscript compatible toys. Let me know if not and I can add it to the developerā€™s pipeline.

Thatā€™s not entirely the way multi-axis work, the way they work is that you have multiple funscripts - one for each axis. 2 files for OSR2, 3 for OSR2+, 6 for SR6 etc.
So as long as you can only add one funscript to a video you wonā€™t be able to upload a multi-axis script, meaning that if multiplie versions of a script arent allowed like you mentioned then multi-axis wont work due to the need for more than 1 funscript.

^e^example of one of my multi-axis scripts for 3 axis


Thank you! Appreciate you taking the time to explain that.

There are no plans right now to be able to add multiple funscripts for one source. I can put that on the suggestion list, but itā€™s very unlikely something that will be added in the next 6 months.

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Can you make an optional feature that automatically uploads to eroscript on faptap upload or reverse (automatically uploads to faptap on eroscript upload)?

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Thanks for the suggestion, but thatā€™s a not a feature weā€™re going to implement any time soon.