FapTap - Watch funscripts directly in your browser

It should work now, the Handy API (not related to FapTap) had some problems.

Some info: It seems that version 2 of their API was experiencing problems. Bukkake.moe is still using verison 1.

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Unfortuntely not. I tested it on 3 different browsers and my phone. Still the same error :confused:

FapTap is amazing, thank you so much. This is the only site that seems to work on my Android with the Lovense Gush for synced haptic videos


I didn’t post an update for a while, but progress is still being made daily and a public beta will probably be released in the near future.

The basics are finished, but a lot of polishing is still needed. The new FapTap features:

  • follow creators
  • like/dislike videos
  • comment on videos
  • categories, a better browsing experience
  • recommended creators
  • it’s more centered around creators
  • statistics for creators (views in the last X days, followers, etc.)
  • improved UX

Things like

  • notifications
  • messaging creators
  • a better personalized feed

  • are planned or currently being worked on.

If somebody wants to help test the current BETA, you can PM me (or Discord: chris1337#3708).


Hey man, I’ve checked the site a few times over the development. Thanks for all the work you do on it. I’d like to just make sure you’re aware that you can’t full screen videos on the site on ios. At least I haven’t been able to since I’ve known about your site.

Yes, I’m aware. It’s been in the backlog for ages. After I get through with the new big update I will have time again to fix that, sorry.

Some users found out that you can full-screen in Aloha Browser (‎Aloha Browser: private VPN on the App Store). But that’s just a temporary solution for now.

Cool, keep up the great work!

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is there any specific reason the site is only getting like 5 new videos a month?

I think you are on a good way with faptap. If you keep up the respect for the creators, this could be an enrichment for the community.

One suggestion. Open a new thread for faptap “2.0”, this one here is a good archive with discussion, but the overview has lost.


Thank you.

Yes, good idea. As soon as the public beta is out, I will create a new post for it.

@cumcorrect90 It’s because on the current website, the content was curated and script creators didn’t like that. I stopped adding content on there, while creating a new website (should be public in the near future), where more content will be available. Additionally, users can then interact with creators and give them feedback.


That’s not what they didn’t like…


Very interesting. I look forward to checking it out.

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@Faptap any updates on when the public beta is releasing? Would love to see some new content on the site.


Hey @Faptap , do you have plans to implement multi-axis support for OSR in the near future?

Certainly an interesting idea. I will add it to the backlog, but can’t promise anything.

Needs a furry tag and some Furry content :tired_face:

Nicely done!

  1. Have you considered going open source? Unsure what the implications are for you as the owner etc. but pull requests might help with your backlog.
  2. Could you consider a playback/script delay/lag feature? Would help with anything out of sync.
  1. Currently I don’t have any plans to open-source it. Let’s see what the future brings, I could always do that.
  2. Sounds like a cool feature, noted. The delay feature would be a setting on a per-video basis, right?

As if its per video or global is more of a preference thing in my understanding. Bukkake.moe has it per video with a downside that you need to adjust it every video (since the device has delay no matter the script). Handyfeeling on the other hand has it global so you set it just once with the dowside being that if the script itself has some delay / is off sync then you need to do readjust the global one either way.
If i’m wrong about any of this please someone correct me, but this is how I think it works currently on both of these sites.

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fap tap also works with the quest 2, you just have to install it on the quest 2 via sidquest google chrome (APK) . I tested it with Kiroo Keon.