Flash Game - Kooonsoft Shorts

Aki Izayoi Short
Samus Titfuck Short
Samus Tied up Short
Goeniko vs Kuromaru Short

:information_source: Details

Using the nice flash tool created by notSafeforDev (can be found here). this maps a funscript to each games’ animations. This is all the short animations for Koooonsoft, not including the first Samus sex game, for some reason its the only one thats unloadable, I’m chalking that up something with the swf.

The very-fast animations have a slight stutter, highly recommend using initface to avoid an animation freeze
Do not use manual mode, they don’t work.

Made for theHandy

:memo: Install Instructions

Install Instructions:

  1. Download the Flash Toy Sync tool .zip from notSafeforDev’s repo.
  2. Download the game and json from the mega folder below.
  3. Place matching json and game files in the animations-as2 folder. It should look like this as an example:

    Ensure that the game.swf and game.json files are not in a subfolder/subdirectory
  4. Run Flash-toy-sync-as2.exe and select the game.swf in question
  5. Ensure that your Handy is in Wifi mode and that the connection key is entered into the program OR connect using initiface (recommended).

:file_folder: Script

Folder contains the four games and their associated jsons.

:clock12: Other

Feel free to recommend any other flash games, ideally provide a link for download. I plan on working on some of the larger Koooonsoft games for experimental purposes. From here, I’ll probably just make a generic megathread for shorter animations to avoid forum clutter.

Edit: Adding the Adobe Flash Projector version I use to the MEGA for consistency purposes
Edit2: Fixed the very-fast animations for Goeniko and Aki-izayoi, was unable to apply the same fix to the samus games
Edit3: Updated Samus titfuck animation to use shorter animation track, it should work better with the initface option now. added recommendation to use initface.



Anything from Zone Archive
Or the super deep throat flash game

seems nice, but unfortunately I can’t manage to remove the initial screen explaining the keys…

Which screen/game are you referencing here?

Awesome! Any chance you could do it for the flash game Natsume 2? Its also a ZONE game.
Natsume 2 - Hentai Flash Games I think you can download it from here?

@testyman123 i second this! dunno how doable though? because you control the motion

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@Nootna8 have actually already built a mod for it.


in every game, I see in front the list of commands, and I can’t close it to get to the game. And regurlarly I get a CPU usage alert. Not sure that you can do something about that… unless there’s a way to close it?

Does is happen when you start the game.swfs normally? (aka, not using the flash sync tool)

Added Natsume 2 and its Sylvanas reskin here as per @Coldsnow’s request, should be good to go.


Awesome! Thanks man :star_struck:

What you guys thinking about adding a “Game” tag so it will be easier to filter similar content?

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I agree that something should be added to separate video scripts from other types scripts/content that are made for specific software. Perhaps even a sub category in the scripts or software categories. So if someone creates an episode for Cock Hero Platform, or a script for a flash game, they could post it in that sub category.

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Great work! Any chance you could script these two?

Naruto Hentai Sex: Naruto Hentai Sex - Free Sex Games

Yamanaka’s Heat: Yamanaka's Heat - arcade Porn Games

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:frowning: the mega link is down ,can you share another link?:frowning: