- a website for playing, modifying and generating funscripts!

I can’t upload scripts to the site now, is the site still undergoing new debugging?

Do you mean the new beta site or the old site?

This is the case with both the new and old ones, I mean the local script player, I’m using Safari and when selecting a script to upload, the .funscript file cannot be selected, the icon for the .funscript file is greyed out and cannot be selected, maybe I’ll try again with a different browser?

I think it may not be a browser issue, as the site worked fine when it wasn’t updated a few days ago, which is why I’m wondering if the site is still being debugged for maintenance.

Hmm I don’t think I did anything that could have impacted the old site, but it’s always possible. I’ll look at this tomorrow!

Love the site! I’m having issues with the beta version though. My handy is reacting to the script before it should, causing desync. I even tried setting the delay to 2000 and it was still moving before it should. Any ideas? The not beta site still works like a charm though.

Also, these problems occur when I use the site on my iPad, they don’t seem to happen on PC or Android

For the new beta build of the site, I’d like to recommend a new type of script preview overlay, different in style to the main site’s “continuous line with pink ball” design. I, personally, much prefer the handyfeeling and openfunscripter implementation of the preview with a 0 to 100 rectangular bar.

I am a fan of testing out video funscripts that way, through letting the video play and seeing how the script looks in motion. However, the “continuous line with pink ball” design obstructs the video itself quite a bit, and also doesn’t work in fullscreen. The rectangular bar design feels more compact while still getting the same info, and having it work in fullscreen as well (perhaps as an optional side tab) would be great.

Thank you for the site and its functionality, so far, no other complaints or suggestions.

This is a nice idea, actually. I’ll look into adding it in the next update or two :slight_smile:

Bug report / Needs fixing:

The video player does go to full screen on at least Safari Version 16.3 (18614. on macOS Ventura 13.2 (22D49)

The behaviour is that when clicking the full screen icon, it should go into full screen. On my iMac (specs above) it does not. On my MacBook Pro (don’t have the specs right now, sorry) I can go into full screen once, and once I close full screen, I cannot go back into full screen, unless I right click the video and click the full screen option.

This does not happen in Firefox and the action works as expected.
I understand Safari is not too supported, so it may need some extra work.

Thanks for your time.

Any news on the chapters?

Since kinda works like youtube in terms of seeking during a script: I can click anywhere on the timeline and it jumps to that moment in time. How hard would it be to add chapters to a script and have it be accessible on (or beta).

A simple way to use this would be instead of having a script that starts out slow and is fast towards the end where you either just wait till the fast bit or have to manually skip to it, there’s be a button so that it could jump precisely to the timemark.

another one is to simply skip pass the pornhub intro or any other non action intro

another one is to quickly/precisely repeat a section

there’s any way to detect and remove vibration? best I found was using limiter but it affects the whole scripts, not only vibrations

You could do it with a custom script modifier - something like detecting if a position is a very fast, very short movement away from the last one and if so, to just set its position equal to the last position. That would turn a vibration into no movement.

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@defucilis I also used to play funscripts on my iPad until it stopped working. I do not know if this issue has any priority for you but if you are still working on it, the following may help:

What I have noticed is that I can still upload funscripts from the “List scripts” page. When I click on “Drop Files or Folders”, a pop-up menu appears with the options “Photo Mediathek, Record Video/Photo, Select File” (translated from German, so not sure of the exact English terms. The same menu pops up, when I click on “Drag a video file here” on the “Play local script”). As soon as I click on “select file”, the iOS file browser opens and I can select the funscript and upload it without any problems.

When I click on “Drop a .funscript or .csv here” on the “Play local script” or “Modify script” page, the iOS file browser opens immediately and the funscript is greyed out and can’t be uploaded.

I do not know if this is of any help to you, I’m just a user, not a developer.

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For some reason I can’t change the offset speed for my handy while running a local script in the Funscript beta. No matter how much i change the slider, it would remain at -125 ms for some reason.

I can change it in the normal funscript site, though that only allows for increase in and decrease in offset by 50 each time. I can also change the offset in faptap. For some reason for the funscript beta site I can’t change it, anyone knows how to fix it?

on the beta site, the stroke length slider seems to be broken


hey, guys. i didnt found a good answer to my question. in the forum.
will intiface be able to connect to ? last time i checked somebody said that feature would be to much work.

have a nice one

Hello, developer here :slight_smile:
Short answer is nope - it would basically require an entire rewrite of the code, since is designed around the Handy API specifically.

(and to people who’ve been reporting bugs and feature requests, I’ve been reading them I promise, I’ve just been really low on development motivation in general lately, and has been included in the list of things I’ve been neglecting :frowning: )


Hmm, With the beta, I’ve been waiting for you to implement the script overlay over the video from the original. It was really helpful for syncing/quick fixing scripts.

At this point it seems like you’ve brought over every other feature… Did you…just decide not to do it? or… forget? … or is it coming…? either way, that’s my one feature request.

Does anyone here know if the following is possible using this software: I want to limit speed, but I also want to make it so that the bottom of the stroke is at 0. Limiting speed works quite well, but it also moves some of the bottom of strokes to the middle. Is there a setting in the app or a script that can do this? I’m afraid that I’m incapable of writing a JavaScript on my own.


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