- a website for playing, modifying and generating funscripts!

anyway to bring back the previous version for the time being?

The old site is still live at - the new site not fully working is why I put it on the subdomain :wink:
Although if youā€™re talking about v2.1.0 vs v2.0.0, then no, thereā€™s no way to rollback at the moment Iā€™m afraid. Unless youā€™re savvy enough to clone the repo, roll it back yourself and run it locally haha

i see thatā€™s too bad, what i like about beta is that it allows for stroke length adjustment for local files. handyfeelings allows for this too but handyfeelingā€™s interface is not as good as betaā€™s

OK v2.2.0 is live!

I fixed that issue with local scripts, I actually have no idea how it ever worked, but it was just a dumb, easy fix. While I was at it I made a few other changes, most notably adding a modifier preset thing so that if you often make the same set of changes to a funscript, you can save it as a preset and apply it all in one go. A few other nice little changes too :slight_smile:

@mj23o, @cumcorrect90, @BuckNekkid, @varcher75, could you try it out and let me know if it works for you now? Thanks :smiley:


Awesome! :metal: Iā€™ll be ā€œonlineā€ in a couple hours, Iā€™ll report back

Same problem as before: When I arrive on a page, it says ā€œHandy connectedā€ in green, then goes into a looping animation with a yellow ā€œLoadingā€¦ā€ before ending on ā€œNo Handy connected!ā€ in red.

The big different is that switching to any page usually shows ā€œHandy connectedā€ again, but goes immediately to loading/no Handy.

I seem to be able to upload a script if I open up the popup for the key and manually click on connect - the ā€œHandy connectedā€ stays green, and the script upload seems to go through (ā€œsendingā€ then ā€œsynchronisingā€), but when I start the video, the handy doesnā€™t start. I checked by pre-loading a script through the original script, then doing a different one on beta, then starting the video on but the scrip that plays is the original so I donā€™t think it actually did upload.

Same thing on the manual page - keeping the key popup open keeps ā€œHandy connectedā€ in green, but the start button merely greys the four arrows, and nothing starts.

Very strange - Iā€™m assuming your Handy is updated to the most recent firmware version, right?
What web browser and OS are you using?

I still use the main site with old firmware because I prefer the many refinements implemented there. There are a couple of things with the beta site that keeps me from switching:

First is the ability to scrub via the heat map. I use it all the time to jump to the good spots.

Second, sometimes the default sizing of the video is larger than the vertical space on my screen. I hope that you could implement it so the max size (x & y) is scaled to the size of the window with the controls and heatmap still visible. This video is an example that scales way too tall for me:

Although not as critical, I do like hovering over the heatmap to see it in detail, and I sometimes do use the bouncing ball overlay to adjust sync.

None-the-less, thank you for your continued hard work on this.

It works! It took a lot of finagling on my part but it works. Pause and resume works well. Moving to another timestamp was a bit rocky as there were some video pauses and un-synched movement which took a bit too long to recover from and resume normal playback. When it did settle down the video and script played well together. I am only 50% believing it is an issue with the site because I am running some intense disk I/O in the background so that can heavily affect it too. Iā€™ll try again later tonight after my transfers are done and my system will be at its normal loads.

Ah yeah I didnā€™t realize anyone cared about that, itā€™s easy enough for me to add a click handler to the heatmap to allow video skipping

Oh yes I just tried a portrait-aspect video and thatā€™s definitely not how itā€™s supposed to be, Iā€™ll fix that :stuck_out_tongue:

@BuckNekkid I was messing around with handyfeeling the other day and I think they actually delay the video skip until after the Handy returns success with its skip operation (which has to go via their servers), that might be part of the reason for it desyncing after a skip. Iā€™ll try to add that myself tomorrow (Iā€™m out of the house today)

Iā€™m assuming your Handy is updated to the most recent firmware version, right?

Ah, no. As I said in my first message, itā€™s still using the old firmware, as I was afraid to update due to possible incompatibilities with the old site.

Iā€™m using Chrome on Windows 11, if that is relevant.

Oh sorry I missed that - yeah the new site was built specifically to take advantage of the new firmware and API v2, so youā€™ll need to upgrade to use the new site :sweat_smile:
But upgraded firmware will work fine with the old site fwiw!

just checked, local script player is working again.


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@defucilis ok it has been super hit or miss on getting a video & script to play but I found a work around. I am on firmware V3.current. Any time I load a video/script it syncs fine, the video plays but no movement. The only way I have found to get this to work is to first load a script only and play to confirm movement. This has never failed me. After I do this, I can play video/scripts just fine except for vertical videos which donā€™t full-screen very well.

This is super useful, thanks man - Iā€™m gonna have some time tomorrow to rework how the play function works, Iā€™ll test this error out super thoroughly while Iā€™m at it :slight_smile:

Cool, I was hoping you might find the information useful.

Re: upgraded firmware works with the old site - not sure that is correct. It appears to work at first, but if you jump to different points in the video a few times, the handy stops responding. The only way to make it work again is to reload the script.

In any case, upgraded my firmware. Will try the beta site when working again.

Fixed the new siteā€™s weird-ass handling of portrait videos, have been a little busier than expected this week so havenā€™t had time to do a deep dive into the strange seeking/desync behavior. I also updated the analytics to be me own entirely custom solution with 100% guaranteed privacy :smiley:

Also, I updated the old site a little. I removed the link to the script browser (since it was broken), added a message about the new site, and hooked it into my new analytics system. In case anyoneā€™s curious (and as privacy-minded as me), this is literally the entirety of the data Iā€™m collecting - nothing about individual users, just counts (so I know how many page views Iā€™m getting + what browsers/devices to try when testing new features).

Are there any plans to add VR video playback? Willing to donate to make it happen :smile:

Iā€™ve thought about it (I work with VR for my day job), but ultimately I donā€™t think so. Making a good webVR video player that can handle all the various kinds of projections and formats is a huge undertaking (the kind of thing that would require tens of thousands of startup capital) that I donā€™t think I want to commit myself to :stuck_out_tongue: