FUNSR1 2.0 - The new King of interactive devices

Oh great thanks!

You are welcome!

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Any idea what screws they use? They forgot to send mine with them XD

I used to make phone of iPhone users for upgrading every year…and now here I am about to get the FUNSR1 2.0…

If they keep up these advancements we’ll enter a new era of automated strokers soon

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The twist module comes with a couple adapters for sleeves other than the fleshlight case which attaches to the twist ring the same way the tempest type twist does. This means that the adapters that are on the web (.stl files) and fit the OSR devices should work.
This thread shows the adapters included The SR1 2.0, equipped with a 360° twist module, is now available

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At the same time, the rotation provides such a fixed receiver that can secure toys from other brands.

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I’m so confused about the noise levels everyone else is reporting - Mine arrived recently, and its loud enough that I have to turn whatever I’m listening to up to an almost uncomfortable level of volume to drown out the noise (I only have up+down motion, not even twist). This is even on very slow settings (the slowest the automatic motion will go is still very loud). Is something likely to be wrong? I already tried the FUNSR1 1.0 and it was broken upon arrival (belt tension screw had snapped so it was extremely noisy and uneven in motion and made grinding sounds sometimes), so I was sent the new model and it’s still hits over 55dB of volume at about a metre away (according to google, about as loud as a normal conversation. At about 30cm away - so normal use - it reaches over 60dB) - at this point I can’t tell if I’m just really unlucky and the new one has issues too - it almost feels like I’m being gaslit on how it’s supposed to function.

hi just want to ask is you Funsr like mine where the position of script is instant on the scripot but handy fgollows the line excatly ? tes it so you can see idk how to sey it here you have to see your self

Snímek obrazovky 2024-11-24 174743
this might help you understand what i mean is dont follow the script position physicly why ?

I don’t have this issue with the noise. It’s pretty quiet especially if only the up and down axis is in use.

It’s best to look for an answer in the official thread here: The SR1 2.0, equipped with a 360° twist module, is now available

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I don’t 100% get what you are meaning. The device should move smoothly and shouldn’t move abrupt. If that is the case, maybe something is wrong with the device.

Since I don’t know the inside of the device, you should ask the creators of the device: The SR1 2.0, equipped with a 360° twist module, is now available

Are you using MultiFunPlayer?
If so, the interpolation mode is probably set to Step. Try Linear or Pchip instead.

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When connecting to multufunplayer and playing scripts I have constant vibrations when moving up and down. In normal mode I don’t experience this

Try disabling L1/L2/R1/R2 with the buttons to the left of range sliders, try lowering update rate its its set to 333hz (bottom right clock icon), try enabling/disabling “offload elapsed time”, try installing CH340 driver, try updating SR1 firmware.

What is normal mode?

A normal mod is a mode without a script

There are stutters and vibrations when playing the script in multifunplayer with MPC via Bluetooth connection.

Here is the video

Does this come with the order or do I have to 3d print it separately?

Orders include it by default.

Haven’t had a silent automatic stroker yet. Despite glowing reviews on these forums.

I have owned Handy 1.0, SyncBot, FunSR 1.0. All of them are loud enough that I’m sure that my apartment neighbours can hear them.

My biggest regret has been the SyncBot, I only used it a few times but it’s expensive af. Positive reviews here baited me into it…

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Hey fellas :+1:

Got my Funsr1 2.0 twist about a week ago meow. I’ve been experiencing the same problem as @Kuro_Ichigami. Lots of stutter when hooked via Bluetooth, however via USB is smooth as silk.
I’ve tried various fixes, USB Bluetooth dongle, disabling L1/L2/R1/R2, lowering update, enabling/disabling offload elapsed time. Lowering the update did smooth things out a bit, but the issue still persist.

I changed the com port settings as well:
Bits per sec 115200
Data bits 8
Parity none
Stop bits 1
Flow control None

I tried flashing the Funsr1 firmware but only got a continuous series of dots in the command prompt. I let it run for about 20-30 min. (Is that normal and I need to just let it run longer?)

My next step is to contact the funsr1 guys, but thought I would hit up the community first.