Handy firmware version 4 rolling out


I do not disagree, can be a boolean value that or something more advanced when using HSSP mode in API v3. Do you mind adding it as a suggestion? https://suggestions.handyfeeling.com


Does FW4 have the same limitations as FW3 when it comes to min speed, max speed and how many points it can process @handyAlexander ? Would be good to know to start tweaking existing scripts to feel better with FW4 movement.

Min and max speed limitations are the same on paper, but FW4 is better at getting to the correct speed faster. The result is that on fast strokes the device moves around 10-20% faster than with FW4. The same goes in the other end when you go from a fast speed to a slow one, FW4 will react faster and move slower than with FW3.

When it comes to point frequency, FW4 should be able to handle process more points, since the points are in RAM (fast) and not FLASH (slow).


@handyAlexander you’re comparing FW4 to FW4 in thepost above. :joy_cat: Might wanna replace one of them by FW3… :wink:

Thanks:-) corrected

Pre-release of ScriptPlayer 1.2.2 with FW4 support (API v3)


I can’t seem to figure out how to roll back. Can anyone help?

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Okay… I take it back.

After a little time with it, the new firmware isn’t that great after all. My handy has gotten progressively louder since installing FW 4.0.12 and the same scripts that used to be amazing every time just… aren’t anymore.

I’ll be downgrading to FW3 as soon as I can. I have tried to re-lubricate the screw but to no avail. It just sounds like it’s slamming into the top on full strokes, and struggling to maintain faster rythyms.


I encountered a similar issue, with the device seemingly hitting the end of travel quite hard on the upstroke. I ended up having to revise the travel limits manually in order to stop it.


Imagine my surprise when I drop in to make a post asking if anyone has had any weirdness with their Handy lately.

Looks like I’m downgrading back to FW3 as well. I have scripts that aren’t even that crazy and it keeps slowing to a crawl for 3-5 seconds at regular intervals. I thought it was some kind of signal dropout because it feels like it is losing connection.


I downgraded to firmware 3 too. Imho if they don’t guarantee perfect retro compatibility it’s better to do not install fw4.

That is probably spot on. If I read the sidenotes in the documentation correctly, the new Script Sync Mode (HSSP) differs from the old one in that it doesn’t download the entire script but only keeps a small portion in memory. Which is why loading scripts is so fast now.

Hi @doting.puppet

I am sorry to hear that you are having trouble!

Can I ask for some more info?

  • Are you on the latest FW4 version (4.0.12)?
  • What script are you having trouble with?
  • What app do you use to play the scripts?

Correct. The HSSP mode on API v3 (and the adapters on the old APIs) is a wrapper around HSP. There is no HSSP mode on the Handys with FW4.

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I know this is probably no help at all to the people who don’t like how the new FW “feels”, but as someone who has lived through the RealTouch → Fleshlight Launch → The Handy eras in the scripting scene and they ways we script, I can confidently say that keeping the old interpretation of the scripts just because current scripts are meant for the old algorithm would be a mistake.

IF there is consideration to make scripts “smoother” so they feel like they used to, it should be done by extending the scripting-language (e.g. bezier-curces or arcs, maybe “easing” options like in animation as an option additional to hard polylines).

I’m sure they won’t force the update until it is complete, but if everyone keeps downgrading to FW3 they won’t have the feedback needed to make it as good as it could be.



Yes, we are looking at two solutions now:

  • Make it possible to modify the motor driver settings through the onboarding app
  • Adding an option to smoothen the script using different techniques through the API (HSSP)

Correct, we will not force any updates before FW3 has reached the end of life (2026-2027 ish).


If v4 makes the fun part worse, there’s not much draw to it.

People reverting to Handy v3 firmware because they don’t agree with v4’s Dr. Roboto motion is legitimate feedback.

The Handy is built to move an object back and forth.
Changing that motion is a big deal.

The vast majority of scripts so far have been made and tested with v3 motion.
Those scripts didn’t need smoothing added to them, because the Handy added smoothing.
v4 removes that smoothing, so the scripts just say “slam up and down” and the Handy does so.

If people think the result is a worse experience than v3, why would the persevere with v4?

I can’t see any new scripts made for v4, boasting “10x detail”.
I haven’t seen any scripters revisit their old scripts to add more detail with the release of v4.

The massive catalogue of scripts currently available is a big draw to Handy buyers and owners.
Compromising them would be daft.
So it’s about finding a way to preserve the back catalogue whilst progressing.

Users reverting to v3 sends a clear message to the Handy gang: It’s all about the motion.

  1. Yes, Version 4.0.12
  2. Any script longer than approximately 4 minutes
  3. Scriptplayer, Version 1.2.2

At random, the device will slow to a crawl and no longer follow the script accurately. This occrs after a few minutes of activity, whether you’re starting from the beginning or you scrub to a specified point.

Sometimes the device will figure things out and resume if given a moment, but most times power cycling is required to resolve the issue.

Curiously, this problem seems have cropped up only in the last two weeks.

In another thread someone had problems with their handy as well in the past days and it was identified to be an issue with Handy’s servers being unavailable (another reason why we need a true offline mode).

Apparently that issue has been resolved, so can you check if your problem still persists?

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