Handy firmware version 4 rolling out

That’s weird, Stash works for me on FW4

I will try a fresh install then.
The Handy seems to be synced in the Interface options, but once I try a video, it indicate « Error to connect to Handy ».

Edit: Nevermind, it is the " Serve funscripts directly" options who seems not working with the new firmware. Disabling it and scripts working again.

@handyAlexander Thank you for continuing the development and support of The Handy! It was my major reason for purchase and I’m very happy.
I’ve very briefly tried FW4 and I have several comments:

  • Connection times are great now and seems that script upload is much faster too, which is greatly appreciated in playlists and funscripts that start movements right from the start
  • What was wrong with the original LED colours and device operation modes (manual/BT/WiFi)? I’m bit confused, are there only 2 now (green and purple+blue)?
  • I found original set-up procedure easy, new one is even easier. If it would be possible to mention in the original HandyConnect app that you need a new one with FW4, it might help - it just says “No Handy Found” now.
  • It’s quieter and as I don’t really use the full speed + full range combo, the changes in movement handling are beneficial for me
  • BIG ISSUE however is that the ScriptPlayer which I use in 95%+ lost control over stroke range adjustments which I use heavily and need it software controlled. I understand it’s more an issue of the player itself, but I would expected backwards compatibility here. Someone else has this issue? It would be the reason to downgrade if not resolved soon. ;-(

Thanks for the feedback!

LED: We’ve made BT the default “normal” mode (green) to simplify things. You can still change the boot mode in the onboarding app, but starting in BT mode allows the app to automatically discover the device without needing any button presses. The main goal was to make it easier for new customers to get online, as that was a big challenge before.

ScriptPlayer: Can you provide a bit more detail on the issue? It might be something that can be fixed in ScriptPlayer, but there could be something we can do on our end too. Are you using the “legacy BT mode” (holding UP while long-pressing the ACTION button)?

Let me know if you need further tweaks!

I can confirm that the Range Settings are not working anymore. The Stroke Length just does not change.

Additional to that, the Local Scripthost Method is also not working after the Update to FW4.
I am able to connect to the Handy, but the Script does not Load

Edit: I am using WLAN conection

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I tried it yesterday. Connection time is :ok_hand:

I did experience that the movements in my (slow) script were less accurate than before. I try to keep movements above 35 units/s. Felt like the Handy was “guessing” more a less following the script.


What speeds could no longer be reproduced due to the update? As I recall, it was definitely impossible to achieve speeds of over 600 units/s

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  • ad LED: Allright, that’s cool! And I also like that to switch the mode, longer press is needed now. I’ve previously accidentally switched to manual quite a few times. :wink:

  • ad ScriptPlayer: I’m connected by WiFi using your default (handyfeeling) server. The issue:

    No matter what stroke range is set in the app, the device ignores it. It was working fine with FW3 I’m adjusting stroke range very frequently. It’s the major benefit of ScriptPlayer because it allows to assign keyboard shortcuts to it and to script delay.

  • Have you considered implementing keyboard control to your web widget?

    At least 6 actions indicated above are critical for me to be doable by keyboard even when the the video player is full screen.
    Having to adjust these using mouse/touchpad many times during the session is … not good.

Thank you! :smiling_face:

  1. Scriptplayer uses the old API v1. It is not supported by FW4. In fact the API v1 will be shut down within 6 months and the developers must update to our later APIs. So the app will stop working in its current state soon anyways. Its been anounce a long time ago that API has reached end of life.
  2. Key binding: Great idea! It has been implemented. Let me know if you like it!
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I tried fw4 for a couple of weeks and loved that it was so fast to load the script, but the playing seemed stuttery and not accurate to the video like it was before.

In the end I downgraded back to fw3 but hopefully will go back once this is sorted out!


Sorry to hear that! There are so many changes in FW4, so we will need some time to fine-tune. FW version 4.0.11 fixes a lot of the motion issues that have been reported. It is being rolled out now. If you have time, try to update again and let me know what you think.


I’ve updated FW few minutes ago and new.handyfeeling.com says “Handy FW 4.0.10”. :frowning:
I’m dumbfounded by the speed you’ve implemented the key binding :dizzy_face: :heart_eyes:, thank you very much, but how can I find out (or define) the keyboard controls?


4.0.11 is rolling out over the next 3 weeks. When the update will be available for your Handy is random. You can opt-in on beta build on Handyverse to skip the line.

The key binding:
You have to enable it here: Handyverse under “key binding”. When you have enabled it you can change the binding.



Ditto. I still use handy sleeves though. I’ll bet they make more on the sleeves in any case.

Just a warning - people have been reporting problems with 4.0.11 in the Handy subreddit. Seems like it’s sometimes hitting the top with a banging noise.

I’m going to downgrade to v. 3.

Yes, I have downgraded back to FW 3 for the moment.
Sommes actions are skipped, some stutters, I don’t feel the details on my script like before…
And indeed, on my side I had to pull minimum stroke limit to 5% otherwise on some actions it touch the bottom. (Had a little scare something broke first time it did)

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big L,
How about you guys make it so we are finally independent of the online connection to the Handy servers and instead can host our own?


Im surprised they still haven’t changed it so it doesn’t showup as “Handy” on wifi networks anymore. That’s a pretty big privacy issue if youre on a shared network that can lead to some awkward comments.


I can confirm this happened to me as well with some scripts. And, I’m guessing because of this issue, the moving slider of my handy got quite loose. Now it rattles and makes a loud noise when moving :frowning:

Anyone knows if it’s possible to fix this, and tighten up the slider again? I’m pretty sad about this, because this unit was still in very good condition before upgrading the firmware, despite being of the first generation.

Hopefully they will be able to fix this issue before more units get damaged or loosened.

Please, if anyone knows how to fix this, let me know.

Just FYI, other than the banging on the top in some scripts and loosening up the slider, FW4 worded really good for me. I loved how fast the uploads are, and most of my scripts felt more responsive as well. So I liked the upgrade overall, I’m just worried on that bug that makes the slider hit the top though.

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Fixed in 4.0.12, the new name is our company name Ohdoki.

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