Handy sleeve alternatives

Ohdoki recently released new “stamina” Handy sleeves, one closed and one open-ended:

Sounds very interesting, although I think Fleshlight material feels a lot better than the TPE material used in official Handy sleeves. Might stick to FL anyway but would love to try these. Will probably go for the close-ended one.

Anyone ordered these yet? Would love to see a review.


Yes interesting.
I’ve just put an order for the 2 sleeves.
I needed something new, the originals sleeves bought with Handy are « more and more boring », need a little change.
will see if my sessions are longer with them like indicated.
And with the Valentines code,´it’s like the deliveries fees are free, so let’s go

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Could be interesting when things get very fast. Interested to hear about red zone behaviour. Really wonder why there is no simple TPE tube available

I plan to get these when they hit Amazon. I think these will be nice since I usually flipped the Truegrip 2 inside out for less stimulation anyways.

I’ve ordered the two new sleeves, I’ll do a review when they arrive

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I like that it’s thinner, more flexible and for longer serssions.

The open ended one (Flow) is 9.6cm and the closed one (Pod) is 13.6cm. They should made a longer version with a special mounting system or mountable container. We’re gonna put heavy sleeves and mounts on handys anyway so they might as well just make their own.

Until then I’ll probably stick to my FL and FL knockoffs too.

Yes I agree they should have made them longer, particularly the pod. Hopefully it’s flexible enough to fit me.

I couldn’t resist ordering the pod :slight_smile: Will also report when it’s tested.

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“Just because you can doesnt always mean you should”
A very famous quote.

While the handy can handle those sleeves, there are significant downsides to it:

  • It slows down
  • Higher heat/wear

As company you want to give a good warranty. This can be disrupted if the heaviest sleeves they sell would ‘damage’ the device. With the current sleeves the device can quite easily manage 2y of good use. With heavier sleeves it might break down earlier. And this either means warranty must be reduced (negative marketig), or the device must be made stronger (which costs money).

And that while its technicaly not needed for them, other companies can always design sleeves that are compatible. The only reason you dont see fleshlight doing that is because they already have a competing device. And for fleshlights its usualy the material that matters (and i suspect its patented - yes, while they can write that, that doesnt always mean it has been tested on court).

So there is a good reason that you might never see such sleeve from the makers themselve.

Im still waiting on a sleeve that acts like its open ended in texture, but still is close ended (the end can be wider without texture, yet still provide a slight suction). This way you still get a somewhat diffirent experience to open ended, but with the benefit of not making a mess.

Someone has to highlight the risks so I get where you are coming from. However I didn’t spend 180 euro on the Handy and 80 euro on a fleshlight to not combine the 2.

My handy survived 3 years of heavy sleeve usage without problems. The product is doing fine and already out of warranty. It will probably outlive me.

anyone got the pod yet?

May I ask how you attach/fix a FL to the Handy?

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Will test them this WE, but I confirm : very plane surface inside :laughing:


I use it without the case, just attach it like any sleeve using the Handy pro strap which is larger. To reduce wobblyness and weight, I cut off some of it. Long enough for my dick plus some extra room for cum and lube.

If you want to use it with the case there is also a 3d printable fleshlight adapter: Handy adapters by Abdulishandy - Thingiverse


3D printing an adapter is the cool way to do it but I made my own with a few cheap items off Amazon. I’ve posted some photos of my home made FL sleeve holder in this topic:


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Thank you both. I think I’ll go with the improvised adapter as I don’t have access to a 3D printer.

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My last order had “The handy company” on the outside of the package. Do they still label them like this? Also how’s the rigidity of the material?

Not at all Handy on the package. Just Odhaki as the expeditor . Very neutral package.
Rigidity, don’t know how to define it, it is same quality as the default handy sleeve at first touch.

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Thanks for the reply. I bought it direct from theHandy.com website a few years ago. I have to assume they made their packaging more discrete.

While checking out the new sleeves I saw this amazing deal of 6 sleeves and the proband for 121 euro:


Bought my handy and some sleeves some months ago and iirc, they came in discrete packaging.

Speaking of their sleeves my ranking (in which feels the best) goes:

  1. Lips
  2. Touch (not a fan of open ones due to risk of leak)
  3. Chysm
  4. Default Handy sleeve
  5. Lotus (iirc, if i didnt keep my erection it was easy to slip out!)

Dont own the rest but these are the ones from them officially that I got. Not a fan of using onaholes as even the lighter ones are still quite a bit heavier and I notice the slowdown.

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Got the Pod stamina sleeve today, just tried it out.

It is very thin and really has no texture at all. Which is good news for me, I have been chasing smooth edging sleeves going from original sleeve inside-out, to Fleshlight Quickshots to full-sized Fleshlights without the case. Recently my go-to has been a shortened (cut) Tornado Fleshlight which is probably the smoothest regular fleshlight.

I think the pod feels great. Compared to the fleshlights, the upside with official sleeves is you can really feel the movement better - fleshlights have so much meat to them so movements are smoothened. I really enjoyed going back to feeling every change in movement right away.

It is a different sensation to feel nothing but the tightness from the strap. To me it feels more like having sex than any sleeve. Vaginas or asses don’t have little nubs inside. And it feels great to cum in it, I don’t like when there is too much sensation while cumming.

I had to strap it in pretty tight to not slip in the pro strap and still had some air coming in which was uncomfortable. Will probably make a little hole in the top to avoid air bubbles.

A great super gentle edging sleeve I will probably use as a go-to for a while to really test it.