Hi. I believe the 4 TB hd is on a machine a short distance from my laptop. I believe I have the drives mapped. So I do the button push in the software and then choose my network, then my cockhero drive.
then it sits for a while sometimes gives a non responses error,
and some times it just sits and takes a while but most of the times after several minutes the correct script path shows up
I cannot reproduce it. Works fine with my network drives.
Try to set the preview limit to 20 or lower and don’t place too much scripts on the same folder level.
Since I can’t get my xbox controller to work with HC. Is there any way to bind actions on my keyboard?
Would also be fun if I could have several ‘presets’ to switch between in the Stroke Generator on the fly. And even have these keybinded on the keyboard.
Hmm I’m running into an issue with HandyControl and DeoVR with a 38gb VR file, each time I try skipping to any part of the video or if I press pause in HandyControl the VR video just restarts from the beginning but the script in HC seeks fine and plays the script.
Doesn’t happen with smaller sized VR videos so I am still trying to troubleshoot
That sounds weird. Are you on the newest version?
Maybe this file is corrupt in some way. My largest file is about 11GB and by bandwith does not allow a 38GB download. Have you tried a lower resolution?
@Lucifie Can high bitrate be an issue for HandyControl?
38GB sounds like one of those videos that use a very high bitrate e.g. a 5K file with 125 Mbit/s. That usually translates into a 35-45GB video file for a 40-50min video. If that’s the case then maybe @Cloudyfire can confirm the bitrate by checking the file properites?
HandyControl does not care about the video itself. It just sends and receives commands from the media player. DeoVR has some time frame and if that gets disturbed the connection can get lost. The DeoVR API is a bit bugged so I don’t know how well it works with huge files.
Maybe cut (without re-encoding) the video in a small 3min segment and try this. That should then fail too.
Also, DeoVR can’t play 7-8K videos in more than an unstable 40-50 fps on both my old and new computer. Read quite many forum threads about others with the same complaints. Other video players like HereSphere can play the same video perfectly at 90 fps. I only have the HEVC driver installed with an nVidia gfx card on my new computer. No klite codecs, direct show or similar installed. The old one had those though and it didn’t improve the situation so I blame DeoVR.
In FW3 the stroke range was increased by 5mm and I guess the Handy remote which probably also runs on API v2 uses this. HandyControl does not limit the range in any way.
I can confirm the same interaction with DeoVR, but I don’t think file size is playing any part of it. I’ve experienced the issue with VR files from 4GB to 20GB as well as flat 2D videos no more than a few MB. Any input on the time line in any size video simply causes Deo to restart the video while the script continues to play and moves to the new selected time. This is the case whether using the controller input controls to skip ahead or doing a mouse click on the time line. It’s a bit frustrating, but I definitely believe it to be the fault of Deo vs anything with HandyControl. Hopefully somebody will find a fix or it will get sorted out down the line
Great work by the way! Wonderful program to use overall.
@deadtimmy I have tried both 2D files in a local and a remote version of DeoVR and both played fine and my PC is quite dated. Make sure to use the newest version and don’t navigate in DeoVR.
I’m using HandyControl 1.2.0 and I uninstalled and re-installed DeoVR yesterday, so all that is up-to-date. The only navigational input that takes place is using a controller through HandyControl, or a manual mouse click on the heat map time line. DeoVR doesn’t get touched as a program, but simply restarts the video. I have checked, navigating with DeoVR works fine; I can step ahead or backwards without the video starting over completely.
I am also experiencing the navigating back to 0 issue with DeoVR and v1.10 and 1.20 of Handy Control.
I believe filesize/filetype etc. is a red herring because I’ve had the bug both occur and not occur on the same files and scripts. I’ve had navigation work correctly on all files, only to restart the program and the navigation issue starts occuring on every file. I’m still troubleshooting but it’s rather confusing because I didn’t adjust any settings between it navigating correctly and it not. Thanks for the great app