HandyControl 1.2.3 (28.11.2021) - Added Support for Pyro (Remote Control)

If this had a remote control VAM plugin with triggers to select and change scripts you could have a scene setup to drive animations with funscripts [there is a UDP controlled plugin called Busdriver] and as well as drive the handy directly from handycontrol without using the vam launch plugin which is so/so because it is tuned for the launch rather than the handy and tries to predict the scene animation.

MFP is already able to do this but has no capability to remotely control it so you can’t trigger script loads and changes from within VAM. This is the tough problem it sounds like you’ve already resolved.

Probably the first thing I’d do is build a library of snippets from favorite blowjob scenes and have it generate an automatic custom blowjob in VAM with perfect handy translation! Then I’d integrate Voxta and have it control the model. Voxta is able to select actions that can trigger and control the script selection via the remote control plugin. Now you have a girl who looks however you want, with the personality you want, who can give you blowjobs in PoV constructed entirely from your favorite scripted pornstar blowjobs and could do the same with other positions.

I got this to work with MPC, however, does MPC suck now? It seems to lag like crazy. Any other video player I use is WAY better

Hey @Lucifie , what type of pre-processing are you doing with HandyControl? The reason why I ask is I’m using Stashbox which has funscript intergration but some scripts dont work there but work perfectly in HandyControl. Sometimes I can get around this by resaving the file and I’ll get an “_modified.funscript” version which works in Stashbox. I know the issue is StashBox but since its the main entrypoint for viewing my scripts I’m trying to see if I can push up a fix for this issue applying the same “pre-processing”.

I know this project is dead but any plans to opensource it? If not care to speak on how the scripts are being processed, if any, before uploading to Handy servers? Thanks

Sorry if this has been asked before, I have not seen anyone ask this… Once I assign my funscript folder in settings and restart the app I get no GUI. I can see HandyControl running as a background process in task manager but I never again have access to the GUI. To fix this I have to delete user.config. Is there anything can do to fix this? I have been trying to use HandyControl on and off for 3 years using 2 different computers, Windows 10, Windows 11 and I have the same results each time.

Thank you again for this awesome app. I use it exclusively. I have a question that is not addressed in your otherwise very thorough and comprehensive guide. I like to change the gamepad button layout, and I have to go through it every time I open it. I see there is a save option, and I have done so and I see the file. I just dont know how to use it later. I change 6 functions, but I would probably customize further if I didnt have to do each one manually every time. Anyone else know how to do this? Thanks!

Soooooo i take it lucife is MIA and this thread is dead?

I’m assuming that’s the case. Their last seen was January 2023.

That sucks. I’m trying to get this running on a new computer and i cannot get the program to locate MPC-HC. I look in the folder and it’s not there when HandyControl prompts me to navigate to the .exe location. I seem to remember a firewall/permission i had to do but cannot figure it out. If anyone can help, I would be very grateful.

I’m trying to get my head around this thing and on how the handy works. I’ve managed to set up the Handy with handyverse, but I’d like to run a server locally and bypass handyverse. HandyControl allows for this right?

So I set it up to use the local script host, with my connection key. http://localhost/handy shows a server is running, and I’ve made it accessible through port-forwarding and firewall on my local network. I can also correctly download the current script from the web server’s page. But when I try to send it to the Handy it returns a 404 error. What now?

I think I have the same problem. Did you ever find a fix for this? If not, can you point me towards where the user.config file I need to delete is located?

I gave up. The user.config file is probably in the same folder as the exe. Good luck.

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I found a fix. It’s almost a complete fix for the problem, though two functionalities will be lost. Place everything except the scriptfolder folder, and the resources folder, inside their own folder, after deleting the config file. You won’t be able to use the “Last scripts” or the “Script folder” functionalities, but you can simply open funscript files with Handycontrol, which is what I was already doing. Your advice did help. I hope this discovery helps you as well.

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