How To Watch VR Interactive Scripts without need for a VR Headset on your 2D monitor - Step by Step guide:

Alot of guys have been asking me how to watch my full length VR scripts without VR headset on 2d monitor, so I was able to figure it out and show you guys a step by step on how to do so:

The cool thing is, with this method, you can pan around with your mouse to focus on whereever you want to focus, just like in VR and similar to 360 videos.

Definitely check this method out!

Watching VR and Interactive Scripts on your 2D monitor without a VR Headset - Step by Step guide:

Download and Install Official “Whirligig Free Version” =>
(direct link from “”)

Download and Install SteamVR => SteamVR on Steam

Download and Install @Liquid’s Scriptplayer (any version works but latest Beta is recommended) => Downloading Beta Builds · FredTungsten/ScriptPlayer Wiki · GitHub

optional => Less Scriptplayer features but better Kiiroo Launch playback = MEGA

Download the “Whirligig NonVR.txt” attachment here: 29 byte file on MEGA
then RENAME the extension to “Whirligig NonVR.bat”

-Move the “Whirligig NonVR.bat” file into => C:\Program Files\Whirligig Free

-Double click “Whirligig NonVR.bat” to run Whirligig in NonVR mode

When Whirligig starts up fully:
-Press F2 for settings (If your keyboard has brightness on F2 button, hold “F” or “FN” key and press “F2”)
-Use your mouse to select “Timecode Server” in the first “G1” settings tab that pops up
-Then click the “0 Buttons” Tab at the top
-Then click the 3rd icon from the left (Open Explorrer) to choose the VR video you want to play

Open up Scriptplayer:
-Click the “Video player” tab,
-Choose “Whirligig”
-Press OK if theres a timecode popup
-Click the “Devices” tab
-Select “Connect to Launch Directly” (Turn on your Kiiroo launch device)
-Now play the VR Video inside Whirligig, and your Toy will start moving to match the action on screen!

*remember to rename your video and funscript files to match exactly
*If script doesnt load/play, just drag and drop the funscript file directly onto the Scriptplayer window
*press the “Windows” key on your keyboard to change focus from Whirligig to your PC desktop

-Keyboard and controller shortcuts for any adjustments: Controls — Whirligig



This works great, trying to get the mouse cursor to go away while a video is playing is the only issue I’m having with this (this also works with the paid Steam version)

And just as I read the bit about hitting the Windows key quick tapping that did the trick lol

lol @Cloudyfire - yeah the point was to have a no cost method for guys to make it work on their end first - paid whirligig of course works too but guys likely wouldnt have or buy it if they didnt have vr in the first place :stuck_out_tongue:

Is there a version for iOS?

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One thing I have to point out – the free Whirlgig version is a very old build that does not seem to play h265 encoded videos. You may have to shell out for a paid (albeit rather inexpensive) Steam Store version if you have and want to play such videos.

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Everything works up to the point where the device should start (Kiiro Onyx+). The scriptplayer didn’t connect to the device. Any help?

If you are using Onyx+ you will need to connect through Buttplug initface - via the steps here →

" OPTION 3 -


Once you get to this step:
“Click the ‘Devices’ tab → then click 'Buttplug / Initface” → then click “Scan For Devices” :point_down:"

Just sometimes takes a clicks to retry Scaning for devices if it doesnt pick it up at first, or reclose everything, and just retry again

Sorry, but still not working. I’m a totally newbie. I’m using a Kiiro Onyx+, but have no VR Headset. I’d like to play downloaded videos+script on my PC connected to the Onx-device. It works fine with a downloaded video started via feelconnect-app on mobile (scanning QR-code).
But failed to connect everytime I tried it with a local stored video+script. The video+script have both the exactly same name. I’ve installed now nearly everything (steam, whirligig, scriptplayer, buttplug, intiface etc.). The script player didn’t get a connection to buttplug. I’ve alo tried to use DeoVR, but it shows only an empty screen, and the SLR app didn’t react to anything.

Ensure you are on latest Scriptplayer ‘BETA’ versions as well as latest Buttplug Initface versions (guide is in instructions for direct links)

Then if it still doesnt connect to buttplug, just try closing both Initface and Scriptplayer and reopen and try reconnecting again, and follow same exact steps - sometimes takes a couple tries

Deovr/SLR app is not usable without VR headset unfortunately still

whirlgig keeps saying “video failed to load” I have tried installing codec and using lav for everything