Inaccurate Scripting. How to handle? How to identify? Additional tag(s) required?

I downloaded a bunch of good looking, lately posted script here and a few of them are “very creative” in the way they scripted. First, I think it is the choice of the creator how to script a video. If he want to add additional points or he has to because of his device it is his choice. No Problemo! I do not judge quality or anything like that. The same with not matching heights, vibrating or stuff like that. I downloaded a few script who are more than 50% not accurate to the action on screen. No Hints in the post or anything else. Some wrote that the script is made with AI tracking, thats a good identifier, but not gold standard to find out if the script is following the action.

In the past / first years of interactive toys, the most scripts were more or less accurate to the action, so thats the point where I came from. Now this old standard has been weaken, it is hard to identify enjoyable scripts for me. A lot of new creators joined the party, what is a great thing! On the other site, it doesn’t make it easier to search my taste of scripts.

For those who feel offended again (read a few lines before):
First, I think it is the choice of the creator how to script a video. If he want to add additional points or he has to because of his device it is his choice. No Problemo! I do not judge quality or anything like that.

My thoughts are: We have a tag system, so why don’t tag one of the ways to make scripts. Accurate or creative? Maybe bring back the device tags for device optimized scripts? Put the tag max to 7, so the new tags don’t use a precious space.

Maybe others have the same problem too, if not nervermind the whole post.


I support and agree with @mADsCRIPTS
First, the use of AI on the one hand is good, but every key point after MTFG I check and correct (as an example) - realism is my choice.
Secondly - it is very frustrating that some do not try to keep realism as a basic rule (it makes no sense to me not to trust the information).
Third, while I do not have a device to test, I really hope for feedback from users of scripts and can not lead the compatibility tag with any device.

My opinion and suggestion - the forum requires not only “likes” but also “dislikes”. If this is difficult to implement - the community will adjust and tags (hopefully).

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Someone mentioned adding a “freestyle” category/tag, just do that.

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A dislike button is a risky thing in an anonymous community. I think it destroy more than it helps. Similar path but with a less negative taste is possible with a rating system. But what do you want to rate? The video choice? The level of accuracy? The creativity? The subject enjoyment?

The only more or less fair way could be, that the scripter choose a category: accurate oder creative … and the users can rate this category.

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In my opinion the likes/dislikes or ratings system won’t do anything. Majority of likes is connected to the video itself - make a script for popular video and you will get hundreds of likes, but do something more niche and people won’t even care to check it.

I think it would be great if eroscripts somehow “remember” you downloaded a script and would give you a pop-up after a week with reminder to give feedback on the script.


Well, we’re not exactly an anonymous community, under each post you can see who put the “heart” :wink:

There is a diffirence though, in for example gaming forums, your anonimity is generaly coupled to your game account, and often even costed money. Making a dump account for trolling (or spamming downvotes) is on that a lot more difficult (and costs money).
On sites where accounts are free, you will either notice significantly more trolling, or the downvote button is already removed, or tied to reputation (and yes, its known that some trolls have a lot of accounts to spam rep improvements, but moderators are generaly good at identifying those. Since its the same upvoters all the time, they can all get their reputation permanently removed). However, lacking a downvote button here can save a lot of effort.

It also wont even help since on this site personal taste matters a lot. Person A might like video X, yet person B doesnt like X at all, and prefers Y which A doesnt like. They can downvote each other, but that only makes it essentialy a war between the 2 preferences, rather than supporting both.

A hidden downvote option to hide threads on that could at least help at preventing those threads from showing up repeatedly. In that case anonimity is at least fully preserved and wont have negative side effects

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It would be possible to try to limit the download of scripts for passive users, for example, when downloading 5 scripts, you need to write one comment.
If at all technically possible for this forum.

But this will most likely lead to just a stream of the same type of comments, like “good script”, and not real reviews.

Guys!!! Rating is not the main topic here :sweat_smile:. What do you think about tagging and / or identification of action followed / creative (freestyle) scripts?

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I guess the new tag would be ok. We have to tag scripts with videos behind a paywall, so we can tag scripts not following the action as well. I like the “freestyle” name, it’s not suggesting that the author did a bad job, but were more creative.

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Yeah the type of device largely influences how scripts are made. But also maybe its up to the community to be more active in constructive criticism. Feedback is gold when learning scripting or if your trying something new. But if nothing is said “Nothing is wrong”. Maybe change the formating to really include what device was this made for. How did u script it. Instead of just having notes as a umbrella category. Just my take on it.

Well, some topics are useful to discuss, even if they are indirectly related to reality :wink: I asked a question that I thought was related to yours, generated a bit of discussion - that’s a good thing, right?
I like to think of this forum and people in general more well. And I’ve noticed that there are a lot of smart people here.

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I’m all for a tag for freestyle! Tbh I’m generally looking for scripts that feel good and match up with the music so it wouldn’t only help those looking for realism. But also those looking for the creative stuff!

I’m wondering if the real issue is more that you can find well made scripts and not so well made scripts. Just like with anything someone can make, you’ll always have scripts that were hastily created, untested, un optimized, etc…

In my experience, a well made script will always match the content of the video. The action, the music, the “flow”/feel of it. Your brain can tell it matches. Every scripter has their own style and that’s what I really appreciate about this community. Just by seeing who made the script you already have a good idea of how the script is going to look like. This is all the information I need.

Now after this, you can get additional information like if the script is action based or music based. But creators already do a good job of letting you know.

I think adding a tag that distinguishes from scripts that match the action versus those who don’t is not necessary and could even be detrimental. Who decides if a script matches the action or not? does adding vibrations on motions make it not count as matching anymore? Must a script be a 1:1 recreation of the action on screen to fit the bill? Do music based scripts not match the action if they’re scripted to the music? Even if they match the music perfectly? I think at this point it’s all up to individual preferences.

I really think the core of the issue is that some scripts are just bad. and there’s not much you can really do about it. And I’m not talking about scripts that you don’t like, I think there are some scripts out there which are simply objectively bad.

merged other topic into this older one

freestyle tag sounds fine to me. And anyone trust level 3+ can edit tags of existing topics.

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Less optimal timing is generaly not a big issue as at least the action is still followed. Sure, it can be a bit strange, but you do not experience a ‘missing’ action.

But even then, some videos can be difficult on that as the action can be given at several parts (mouth/hand movement). Sometimes strokes will always be missed as its impossible for the device to mimic the action. A reverted stroke that matches the flow on that will on that always be better than nothing at all.

I think that having a tag to mention those inaccuracies isnt going to do a lot, as too many videos would just get this flag for no good reason. Even a tag like freestyle doesnt realy do much here either, because its a too generic term (and the action on that can still simply be good. plenty of cases where the ‘action’ is timed to bouncing of boobs as filler section).

Genererated scripts however are usualy bad as they are the ones that often miss strokes completely and follow the action poorly. And even if they are accurate for 95% of the time. Its the 5% you will notice. A tag to identify these would help a lot. And at the same time, it at least promotes making scripts for videos, even if they are less optimal.

The only downside in this case would be if someone made a manualy crafted script for the same video (as on this site it generaly doesnt like it if a video gets 2 threads). And posting a well crafted script in a ‘generated’ thread is very likely going to cause it to get ignored.

Its almost worth its own forum section.

I like to make scripts for HMVs that have the video synced to the rhythm of the music.

For lack of better options I put both music and action tags on these topics but maybe something like ‘rhythmic action’ would be useful.

I don’t think the HMV tag inherently suggests rhythmic action because often the video isn’t perfectly in sync with the rhythm.

For this the audio-based tag exists. Its a tag that goes very well with PMV and HMV.

Even for action based videos there is the action tag, which i think can still be confusing as action is simply too generic and doesnt realy exclude improvised or filler sections. But luckily in most cases it still does the job (as most scripters will then often provide 2 scripts where 1 of them has the fillers removed).

I’ve looked at a bunch of scripts with the audio-based tag and pretty much all of them use the tag to say the script follows the music while disregarding the video, so I would not want to use this tag for my posts.

The action tag comes closest.

I do agree on that, and luckily its mostly used like that. But action can mean several others things (like following action that effectively is not realy relevant.

And thats the thing with fillers, they can follow some action, but whether that should be counted is hard to tell.