Loli / shota debate containment thread

id say fictional only. we don’t call real life people loli’s afterall


Guess I gotta bust out the chart


There are some other good chart size comparisons.
It seems like the cutoff is debated at about 7 to 8 head sizes tall.

And I think for the purpose of hentai, the ratios come into play more than the context of the story (if applicable).


huh so i guess the middle region of these diagrams would be the line that should be drawn then (in head to body ratio)

I guess this is just gonna go on until 7/6 huh?

until they tell us to shut up about it i guess

@sentinel bringing what you said in the other post here.

I think it’s overstated how many young guys actually do that, I certainly never did and none of my friends ever have either. People who can’t tell reality from fiction are assholes and someone choking a girl without her consent is a piece of shit.

I don’t think it’s necessary to add a disclaimer stating “this is a fantasy”, most of the time its pretty obvious, but I’m also not opposed to it.
Removing the video (or banning the whole genre) however, that would be fucked up.

Now replace cnc with loli and the same logic applies

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I have never understood the attraction to characters intentionally drawn with childlike proportions. Characterizing someone with an innocent, naive attitude is one thing. But I truly and deeply do not understand why people think it’s totally normal to be jacking off to a character who is visually in the 3-18 age range. I just can’t respect it.

I’m sure there are exceptions where it technically fits into the ‘loli’ category but doesn’t just straight-up look like someone’s child, but to be perfectly honest, that’s not what I’ve seen floating around here. There are some fucking sickos on Eroscripts, and I’m not sorry for putting it that way. I mean it’s a somewhat niche porn site so obviously there’s gonna be some wack kinks, but this is one that isn’t victimless. I’m not into it so I can’t pretend I’m an expert on what is and isn’t loli, but I know a kid when I see one, and I’ve seen too many here.

At the end of the day, whatever your personal relationship with the kink is and however responsible you may be about it, some fucking sicko will eventually ruin it for the rest of us and get the site canned if we don’t take preventative measures now. I’ve noticed people with loli kinks tend to be desperate enough that I’m sure you’ll all have no trouble sharing it privately anyway. Let the rest of us scroll in peace.


c’mon, really?


See my last paragraph. If you’re not looking twice at minors IRL, then I’m not talking about you. The problem is not everybody is like that, and all it takes is one shitty person to get this whole thing taken off the web. There is no good alternative to Eroscripts, and we’re not about to lose it because some people never learned to find women their age attractive. That’s really all I have to say.


Yeah it also only takes one bad person to upload a real rape or beastiality video to the site. That shit would get taken down in seconds, same as if some fuckwit tried to post real cp here, what’s your point?


The whole argument being presented of loli porn = more pedo has been done in the past with violent games/videos (like GTA) = more crime and was thoroughly debunked. Instead other issues were found to be contributing more to that stuff which should be looked at instead…for example education and upbringing. Which I know that in my area sexual education is so poor that they just give you a leaflet and maybe show you an 20 year old video. Usually forcing most to go online where it is generally very hard to come across loli if you aren’t searching for it which even then if it does contribute it ain’t a lot since again other factors apply.


Even if you bring it more high level, a lot of content in hentai is stuff that would either ruin someone’s life or result in prison time if it was done in real life.

Think NTR, rape, etc. – if someone watches hentai with this content, the logic of “loli makes these people want to abuse IRL children” should also apply there. And then that means, well, millions of more people should be going to prison for rape and more divorces from cheating.

If someone is cheating on their spouse, when was the last time you heard someone say “I saw this done in a hentai and I thought it would be good to try”? And if that person really did try to use that as justification, they’d be getting slammed about making a fictional action into reality that causes real harm to real people.


“3” bruh no one here likes toddlercon lol (i hope)

all you’ve seen are drawings. you’re the one looking twice i think

Well personally for me it’s because I completely disassociate loli or child like characters with actual real children.

The same way I disassociate npcs in a video game with real humans.

They just aren’t the same thing.


also imagine lumping in all ages 3-18 like you’re equally fucked up if you like anything within that range. jesus fucking christ


yeah wait a second what’s wrong with 18? lol


Oh cool an actually good loli chart that isn’t just coping about Tatsumaki and Rebecca lol

Trust me, even if someone were to upload a live-action video here involving someone who is clearly a minor, it would be removed and that person would be banned SO FAST. For example, there were a couple times within the last year or two where someone uploaded videos involving toddlercon (very clearly animated and not realistic thankfully). There isn’t even anything explicitly against it in the rules, yet they were flagged and taken down within hours. Once the mods decide on what is and isn’t loli and make it clear in the rules, it’s going to be under so much scrutiny that there’s really no risk of “one shitty person” causing the website actual legal issues.


Also if we’re talking about the “morality” of pornography, I thought I might as well bring up a counter-point to all those trying to imply that there are any kind of victims as a result of animated porn.

Doesn’t anyone else find it really ironic that there is so much debate and concern about content where it is literally impossible for there to be a victim (except maybe in fringe cases where a real minor’s likeness was used), and little to no concern about the “perfectly legal” live-action videos involving 18-year old girls that are prevalent on this website, where we just have to “trust” that the actor is of legal age and was not coerced into sex?

These videos involve real human beings as potential victims. In a perfect world this might not bother me much, but more and more porn actors are coming out with stories showing how the mainstream porn industry is coercive, abusive, and just predatory as hell. This makes it an especially terrible place for someone who just left or is potentially still in high school.

It honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it were discovered later on that some of them were a year or two under 18 while performing, though I will admit that’s pure speculation. In any case, after learning how fucked up much of the porn industry is, I feel genuine concern for porn actors/ actresses of ANY AGE. There is no way that every single actor featured on this site completely consented to every act that happened in their videos.


it’s unfortunately and disgustingly rather common

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