Upcoming loli/shota ban and timeline

that much is true. that content also got hit by the mega ban

I do NOT agree,granted, there is a fine line of what should be acceptable and what should not but either way it isnt like we are kid diddlers, half the reason people find it exciting is BECAUSE it is taboo (i think) EITHER WAY i absolutley DO NOT agree with removal of existing scripts, if you want to prevent more from being made fine, but dont throw salt in the wound by deleting peoples work


Watch more JAV :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
One of my favorite genre is Studio Giga’s “hero insult” videos where a villainess humiliates and rapes a hero. Sometimes even killing him after she’s done.

Can guarantee you it’s no small studio.

It is. That’s why lack of consent even in live action porn should not be a concern (except if the performers themselves do not actualy consent, d’uh)

That being said and in hopes of returning to topic. Even if I’m no fan of the initial decision, it seems the definition of loli is getting more and more specific to a point not much videos/scripts will be affected. It’s a compromise I can somewhat get behind.

Would still be a shame to lose any of that work, though, and I hope someone’s doing some archiving for the sake of preservation.

Personally I like Mantis-X’s work, almost no tits, short, granted i like it because if cumflation but shit either way in those animations i see no implication that they are children, i see Adults granded disabled adults with stunted growth or whatnot but ADULTS. I mean seriously. whats the difference between loli and midget/dwarf if they both look the same in regards to proportions?

Is it possible to simply unlist posts so they are no longer searchable, but they still remain on the site if you have the URL?

I disagree on that. Too many young guys “learn” from porn and don’t see it as fantasy. They grab their girls neck in a choking manner during sex without asking because they’ve seen it everywhere in porn where “the girls like it”. It should be clearly stated when a fantasy of “non-consentual” or violoent sex is featured in porn.

Sorry for going a little bit off topic.


Not to want to continue going off topic but I can’t just not answer

Never have I ever heard of anyone doing that if they didn’t already have violent tendencies. You got studies you can show proving your point?

To me it’s a “Man can’t have steak because a baby can’t chew it” situation. Just because tons of schizos on social medias are unable to differentiate between reality and fiction doesn’t mean we have to stop doing what we want if it’s harmless.

I want my noncon and" reverse rape" fantasies in my porn and I don’t give a shit who gets offended about it. Period.

Sorry about the tangeant, let’s not go further off topic.


choking is pretty hot, but tbh the hand around neck part is whats hot and you don’t have to actually grasp the neck hard.

also its not really choking. thats a misconception. choking involves something (like a cock) blocking the air way.

strangling or asphyxiation would be hand around neck etc. don’t ask me why i know that. :sob:

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Anyone who thinks this isn’t a loli is coping insanely hard. Actually the funniest thing in this thread tbh.



Do keep in mind that in terms of site definitions for tagging, right now loli and shota refers to prepubescent appearance.
You can say that character is explicitly designed to look “loli” and I’d agree, but it is not judged to look prepubescent and as such isn’t categorized under this forum’s loli tag.


Not a loli.
9.4 out of 10 fap enthusiasts agree


This is either bait or you dont know what children look like.


Not me personally. It was on the news a couple of years ago and it was based on the results of a study published by a university as far as I can remember.

it’s bait lol

maybe it’s a good thing they don’t know what children look like

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Even a complete lack of does not mean child. I know two women in my personal life, mid 20s / early 30s, that are completely flat. Like no breast tissue at all - nipple flat against their ribs. They’re both very active, and otherwise have curves, they just don’t have breasts in the traditional sense of something you can wrap a hand around (and it’s nothing other than their physical activity and genetics that causes it).

I have no idea if there’s a specific criteria other than a subjective “prepubescent features”, but the variety of human genetics tells me that most opinions on what that may or may not be are just that - opinions.

Like I’m all for banning content clearly modeled to look like children, but real women of an appropriate age can sometimes have features similar to that which children also have.

(as a note I’m not trying to call you out specifically, or attack you in any way, I’m just quoting your post as an example of how subjectivity in this particular subject can lead to banning completely legal content as well)


:sob: you know some cute and funny ladies


I believe the only part of the body where one can completely judge “prepubescent features” is the pussy.
It is impossible to judge by tits, buttocks, height, or build.
The pussy is justice. But that is also difficult because a painted pussy is just a symbol.

nah think body shape hourglass vs more straight torso

u can have a cunny and still be an adult character :sob:


I think the biggest factor for a character to look truly loli, rather than just small and petite is the tummy. For example in my eyes:

いちはや character design, definitely a loli:

イチリ character design, not a loli

Despite having very similar body proportions, one design has a toned stomach (sorry falafel I don’t know how to spoiler tag nvm I figured it out)