Motion Tracking Funscript Generator v0.5.x

Can anyone help me with the video scaling issue I have here:

In the previous version I was using, there was a video_scaling.json file which I could edit in order to adjust the zoom in the preview frame.

In the .007 ver. there was no file to adjust.

Any help would be appreciated .

Read the FAQ in the original post, you have to edit settings.yaml file.

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Hi Husky,

I believe I did edit this file as stated in the FAQs prior to asking here. I also played with the “preview_scaling” “Zoom_factor” with no effect on my issue.

I went into the projection.yaml file and played with the settings under:

2D Videos

video_filter: ‘scale=${width}:${height}’
height: 720
width: -1

Which also had no effect on the preview aspect.

I should be more detailed in my message. Apologies. :wink:

My guess is that you might have used wrong quotation mark? My file looks the same and works as intended (no zoom). I’m also running v0.0.7 and haven’t changed anything else.

Try my settings file (change extension from .txt to .yaml):
settings.txt (973 Bytes)

Here is how I usually track doggy/missionary (men & women) with good result. A key to success is to make the tracing box big enough and start at the highest point so the boxes don’t overlap too much. Big box also helps when there are distractions (e.g. hairs or hands in front of camera). Note that making boxes bigger makes tracking a little bit slower:


the message I get is cannot load nvcuda.dll

Damn, didn’t change a thing. I remember I had this problem with windows before. I had to add size options in order to get the zoom issue fixed.

The file I edited is no longer in the files provided in ver 0.0.7.

Any other suggestions?

OK, I found the issue. There are two “congig” files with the same docs. I had to go into another folder to find the correct file to edit. Then, vwala! All working right!

thanks for your help brother.

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Sorry if this a stupid question, but is there an ETA on a user-friendly easy-to-install release?

I’m not exactly tech-illiterate, but an easy to use package would be awesome.


I came across one bug with the tracking software, if your project name contains any brackets ‘[’ or ‘]’ activating the motion track will promp you an error that the video file was not specified.

Works fine after you rename the corresponding video file to the OFSP file since it copies the file name when you first import it into a new project on OFS.

I guess any symbol will launch the same error

I think the problem is in OFS. The variable VideoFilePath in lua seems to be not set or is an empty string. Or there are may be problems with escaping the speical symbols in lua strings.

If I start the Motion Tracker Funscript Generator via the console with the comand line arguments and a video path with square brackets then everything works.

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Got it working I was dumb and was using the path to openfunscrioter and not the python exe. fixed it and got it running. Rip I’ll never leave my room now :laughing:

Would be cool to get some sort of multi axis data from opencv as well. Maybe add extra tracking points, or just keep track of the change of angle.

Or would that be too processor heavy?


loving the software thanks for all the work, currently working on “semen analysis” using the tracing and its a dream once you figure out what to select

Depends a lot on the video and how accurate you want to be.

This tool can simplify scripting some parts and thus saving lots of time, but there are many parts where the tool don’t do a good job (at least not yet), e.g. blowjobs, more advanced handjobs, when there is obscured visibility, position changes, cowgirl movement where the girl is moving toward and away from the camera, when the girl and guy are both moving but out of sync and so on. That means that even if the tool do a great job generating repetitive parts of the script you still need to do some editing of those parts. So we are still talking several hours for an average length VR video if you want accuracy.

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Is there a way to change axis tracking (x or y) inside the program, or the only way is to change in the setings file?

I think for now the only way around this is to create a copy of the program and lua script with changed settings and assign them to two different keys in OFS.

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I have to commend you on the great work with ver 0.0.7 One thing that makes is difficult is yes you have time progressing within the funscript generator. But if you have a scene change and you have to go back to the main window for video and start up the funscript generator you don’t have a time progression on the main window. So it makes it very hard to find the place you left off to re-enable the funscript generator. Could you add time progression to the main window.

Do you mean the built-in ui of the standalone application?
So you want a timestamp at which position you are currently in the video in the main window of the standalone version?