MultiFunPlayer v1.33.0 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

Ok, not sure why that would happen, download the build below and try refreshing, then post/dm the log file.
edit: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #2525567916

That’s bad, but thank you :slight_smile:

Had this problem, seems to be fixed now.

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Hey @Yoooi, this is my first time trying your player… and it’s amazing! I love how you can configure a lot of things. Its learning curve is a bit more pronounced because of that, maybe it would be a good idea to have a “wizard” to help you configure your player/device the first time.

What I love the most:

  • Motion providers are a huge plus. I have an OSR2+ and I set R1 and R2 with a small range using some patterns. That little change made all the scripts feel more real because the pattern is not completely straight.
  • Configurable keys are genius. This is the only app you can set a few keys to increase/decrease range as you wish.
  • Speed limit is a amazing if you like slow scripts. I have mine at 0.5s and it works just fine if the script isn’t really fast (otherwise it starts to move out of sync). This helps a lot for scripts that have really fast sections and you want to cap it to a slower maximum.

Can I give a suggestion? When you are configuring the keys and you have the option to select the “target axis”, I would add “All” to the options. Also, it would be cool to be able to set more than one key to the same set of actions. Thanks for your great work and keep it up!

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Yea, a how to/help/documentation is definitely needed. I will add it some day its just not the most exciting thing to do, and it requires maintenance when each feature is added/removed/tweaked.

It for sure would be a good quality of life update but for now you can just add the same action multiple times and configure for each axis separately.

You can add the same action multiple times to one or many gestures.
Configuring multiple gestures for a set of actions might be a thing in the future when I add configurable gestures, but for now you just have to add both key gestures and add/configure the same actions for both of them.

MultiFunPlayer v1.21.0:

Download: Release MultiFunPlayer v1.21.0 · Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer · GitHub
Patreon build:


  • Greatly improve position error correction, script should now be mostly +/- 5ms out of sync with the video (#64) (Thanks @lsidfoaprgsmdvlnvas)
  • Add ability for motion providers to fill script gaps (#62)
  • Add file output target with funscript and csv file formats (#63), allows saving recordings of MultiFunPlayer output values
  • Add user configurable smart limit (#59)
  • Add script scale (#61)
  • Change offset sliders to numeric input allowing unlimited offset (#60)
  • Add ability to suppress all error dialogs (#53)
  • Speed up script loading (#66)
  • Redesign axis feature state overview
  • Fix auto-home ignoring axis value updates from actions
  • Fix selected serial port sometimes not getting saved
  • Fix no results when enumerating inaccessible folders/files
  • Fix gamepad buttons always creating RightThumbDownLeft gesture
  • Improve behavior of serial port scanning
  • UI tweaks

If you like what I’m doing, please consider supporting me on Patreon


You’re the best. Thank you so much.


@comrade420 smart limit is now configurable so you should be able to limit twist when L0 is low
@donchinkjao controller buttons should be now fixed and capturing correctly

edit: @comrade420 tho for your use case I think there need to be different smart limit modes, currently it returns to home position when range is 0%, like it did for R1/R2, for twist you wouldnt want that, you would want the speed to be 0%. Will add that todo.


Hey, is there any update on the stutter “issue” i had before?

(MultiFunPlayer v1.22.0 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR Interactive support - #76 by Syunic)

Using TheHandy with Initface via MultiFunPlayer.
This should be a simple up and down motion, but it always stutters. Changing Update Rate made it worse.

I have the same problem with my SR6.
No problem with the previous version.

@Syunic not really, i did some tests with osr via intiface and it is decently smooth. So im assuming its just bluetooth being slow. Is there another app that works with handy via intiface that you can try? But it needs to send live positions instead of uploading a funscript.
Only thing I can test with buttplug is a bluetooth vibe as I dont have a handy, but I’ll add this issue to github so I dont forget.

@galw86 just checked to be sure but for me its smooth as always, no stuttering at all. You could use the new “file” output and record values generated by MFP to csv and check in excel if its a smooth graph.
What happens exactly with your SR6?

I used the scriptplayer with the handy and initface and had no problems with it. Sadly it doesnt support mpv or the other things i wanna do.

I found. I was in TCODE 0.2 and I had a recurring jerk. I went to TCODE 0.3 and I have more concern.

Go to the notched wheel at the top and check if you’re in TCODE 0.3.
It may be the solution.

nope, sadly nothing changed :confused:

Buttplug output doesnt send tcode commands so the version does not matter.

Could you switch to trace log level, reproduce the issue, and send me the log file?

Something weird and hard to explain…
Without reversing funscripts pattern (omg, maybe i can do that)
I was wondering if a vibrating toy could use the L0 Axis value in “reverse”…
A funscript not created for vibration in mind will be “always on” when the actress is not touching you… and when action happen in the funscript… the vibration work accordingly.
Without editing every funscript to somehow magically reverse them… high peaks become low peaks and vise-versa. i was wondering if the player can do it…
I really should start learning to make my own crazy female pov script… and i take immersion really seriously.

Sure, that should work:

  • Link unused axis like V0 to L0
  • Toggle the inverse script option on the toolbar for V0 (second button)
  • Map your vibe to V0 instead of L0
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@comrade420 Added different modes to smart limit, so you should be now able to limit twist speed to 0% when L0 is low: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #2592884921

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thanks ill check it out

You are a legend! works flawlessly